Peter Hale

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I had a long day at work, working a twelve hour shift. Starting at eleven in the morning and ending at eleven at night. The shift killed me and I were just about to fall off my feet when you unlocked the door to my apartment.

When I walked in and put your bag down, I saw a body lying on your sofa. I walked up to it to find my boyfriend lying there, sleeping on the back. He was so big and the couch was so small, his feet were hanging off the end.

I smiled at the cuteness of him and went to by bedroom to change into something more comfortable. He almost always like to do this. He'd try to stay awake for me when I had a late shift, but he always got bored and sleep and would fall asleep. That was normally the routine.

I walked back into my living room to find that he'd fliped so he was on his stomach. I sighed and smiled at him and how lucky I was to have him. I made my way towards him and figured out how to lie with him. I clambered ontop of him, trying not to wake and and not succeeding. As I lay on him, I heard a small moan come from his pink lips.

"Y/N?" A small whisper came from him.

"Hey baby. Sorry I woke you." I apologised, slowly stroking his head soothingly.

"It's okay. Did you have a good day at work?" He mumbled, he had sleep evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I did. Thank you for asking." I smiled .

"It's okay." He replied softly.

He went quiet after that, both of us listening to one another beathing, calming us both. I moved down his body a bit so my head was in the crook of his neck instead of on his head. He moved his feet so they were with mine, loosly touching my own.

Heat radiated off his body, warming my own after the walk home in the cold winter weather that froze you down to the bone, even if you're wearing a coat. Like I was. The hair on the back of his neck tickled the top on my forehead, but it felt nice.

It was nap time for both of us.

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