New Teachers!

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Sorry for the late update. Summer break ended a while ago and well, MORE HOMEWORK!! T_T

Anyway here's Chapter 6

The world that never was.

"We're back!" all 6 announced coming through the portal.

"Hey!" Xigbar welcomed, "how was your first day?"

"Miserable" everyone but Roxas said.

"Wow? Is school really that bad?" Luxord asked,

"I liked it" Roxas said,

"Oh pooky bear" Xemnas said, "Soon my kingdom hearts will be complete!" as soon as he noticed the other members staring at him he chucked away Pooky immediately and said, "you 6, come see me, NOW!"

Organization meeting

Xemnas read the list of trouble they caused on their first day aloud.

" No. 8 and No. 9: Blowing up the Science lab on first period? All of you: Starting a food fight? No. 12 and No.14: Ditching class? No.9, No. 12 and No.14: stealing underwear?! I SWEAR TO KINGDOM HEARTS I CAN'T LEAVE YOU MORONS ALONE IN A SCHOOL!!! Before I dismiss you please give me an explanation"

"Well…" Demyx started, "1. I never blew up the science lab, which was Axel's fault, 2. Tidus started the food fight not us and 3. The heartless were stealing underwear not us"

"Hey the match wouldn't light up what was I supposed to do?"

"You could've grabbed another match and lit that one instead"

Xemnas sighed heavily "and what about you ladies"

"We both ditched class because our underwear was stolen!" Larxene complained.

"OH MY DARLING DAUGHTERS!!! C'MON AND GIVE YOUR DADDY A HUG" Xemnas yelled and tried to hug Larxene and Xion but they both punched him before that happened.

"Sorry, this school thing is starting to get to me, anyway tomorrow you'll have some interesting new teachers"

"New teachers?"

Day 2

Zexion and Larxene: Home economics period 2

"GOOD MORNING CLASS!! I AM YOUR NEW TEACHER! MR. MARLUXIA!!" Marluxia announced as rose petals came out of his hair as he flicked it. If you were in that situation would you think that Larxene and Zexion would be more shocked or do you think the rest of the class was?

"M-m-m-m-marluxia??!!!!" Zexion muttered in absolute shock.

"But you can all call me Marly" he said and winked at Zexion and Larxene.

Axel and Demyx: Science Period 2

"Good morning class! I'm you're new teacher! " The new science teacher announced with a huge mad scientist grin on his face.

Axel and Demyx could not believe this.

"Seeing as how the Science Lab was blown up yesterday I'll be using you all as my guinea pigs…I mean victims…I mean uh…test subjects" As soon as those words left his mouth the class left immediately…everyone except Axel and Demyx.

"Vexen?! What the f*** are you doing here? OW!" Axel asked before Vexen whacked Axel on the head with a newspaper.

"NO SWEARING IN CLASS! Oh and didn't you know? The rest of the organization got jobs as teachers and also I couldn't leave Saix alone so we left him on the roof top!"

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