Pool problems

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Chapter 8

Day 10

Roxas, Demyx, Zexion and Xion Swimming tryouts

Roxas glared at the swim cap he had to wear, "why are we trying out anyway?"

"Because we've got to look like normal kids so we have to try out for at least one thing" Xion answered.

"Why aren't Axel and Larxene trying out?"

"Because Axel hates water and Larxene will probably electrocute the pool, imagine, innocent children floating on the surface, NOT breathing," Zexion said.

"Is it just me or are the rest of the kids staring at us?" Demyx asked as he cocked his head. He was right, there were several pairs of eyes staring at them with admiration.

"Uh? Why are they staring?" Xion asked,

"Well, we're 'Chinese' and we're half naked. Why wouldn't they?" Zexion answered.

"Or maybe they think your ugly!" Demyx teased "ha! Suck!"

"You are truly an idiot"

"freshman boys backstroke" Miss. Lockheart called from the mega phone.

"That's me" Roxas said with no enthusiasm, "Ahh these shorts are too baggy"

Roxas stood near Lane 4 next to other freshman boys wanting to try out.

"On your marks!" Lexeaus yelled unenthusiastically, "get set! Go!"

Roxas swam the distance with pure adrenaline pumped into his blood stream, he thought he was going to win it, he thought that maybe today might make up for last week's disaster, he thought that nothing could possibly go finally made it and stepped out of the pool stretching, all the cheers from the audience changed to screams, Roxas wondered why until he looked back into the pool. There were his shorts, floating on the surface; he noticed that the shorts… weren't on him.

Roxas ran to the benches covering that part where the sun don't shine and rushed back to where he was sitting before to grab his towel and uniform.

"Aah!! Nude boy!!!" Demyx screamed and covered Xion's eyes. "Don't look Xion!! It's too horrible!"

Lexeaus jumped in front of Roxas blocking the rest of the students view. "Go to the bathroom!! Quickly!!"

"Okay!" Roxas finished grabbing his things "Be right back!" he yelled and ran to the change room.

"Wow" Kairi said, "That was the 2nd most life scaring things I've ever seen."

"What's the first one?" Selphie asked.

"Riku and Sora, having a race at my pool party" Kairi shuddered.


"Sophomore boys! Freestyle"

"MY TURN!" Demyx yelled enthusiastically and took off the jacket he was wearing lined up behind every other sophomore boys, he had a wide grin on his face until he noticed a familiar angry face.

"EXCHANGE KID!!!" Tidus yelled pointing at Demyx. Demyx sighed heavily. If he had a heart, he'd feel like beating up this damn kid.

Xion and Zexion: still on the benches

"Oh dear, Tidus is there" Zexion said sarcastically. "And look, he's completely bald now, I wonder how that happened?"

"Went near another explosion?" Xion suggested and Zexion stared at her, "well he seems to lose his hair to explosions so…"

"Um Xion…why are you wearing a life saver jacket?" he asked,

"Oh that" Xion looked at her jacket, "I'm a life saver for today!"

Zexion sighed, "No wonder so many boys are trying out, they're probably trying to drown themselves," he muttered.



Xion stared at him strangely then ignored what he said.

"Senior boys breaststroke"

"I'll go" Zexion said unenthusiastically. Now Xion was alone on the lonely bench until Kairi and Selphie decided to sit with her and they had a girly conversations. Unlike Tidus, Selphie wasn't out to seek revenge anymore.

Zexion put his swim cap on and stretched. "Oh hi Zexion" Riku waved,

"Greetings" he said coldly,

"Isn't Xion trying out?"

"Nope, she's a life saver"


"Why do you ask?"

"Never mind" Riku turned away from Zexion,

"If I didn't know you better, I'd think you're attracted to Xion" Zexion said with a smirk,

Riku's face flushed and turned back to Zexion looking like he saw the same ghost in the leotard from last week. "H-h-h-hang on"

"Oh that's perfectly normal for a boy your age to be attracted to a female. Ah! The passions of youth! A wonderful time in a young human's life" Zexion said with a bit of sarcasm. "Tell me? Are you trying to drown yourself, like the rest of the boys here?"

Riku's eyes widened, "o-oh look it's my turn!" he got out of there before Zexion mentioned anything else disturbing.

Demyx stood on lane 6 and used some of his waterpowers to rig the competition.

"Hey Demyx!" Riku waved, "watcha doing?"

"Oh nothing!" Demyx shifted his eyes

"I'M GONNA BEAT YOU MULLET BOY!!" Tidus yelled from 2 lanes away.

"On your marks! Get set! Go!!"

What Demyx didn't realise is that the power he used to rig the competition was causing Riku to drown. Xion noticed this and jumped in to save him. She saved him all right but he needed… the kiss of life. Xion was about to perform CPR. She was inches away from his face until Lexeaus pushed her back.

"I'll do it Xion!! I don't want you to waste your innocent virgin lips on this boy" he said, "here goes!" and there was Lexeaus, performing CPR on the poor boy and that's when Riku woke up and saw…

"OH MY GOD!!" Riku screamed and wiped his lips, "I WAS KISSED BY THE HULK!!"

"Aww and he was so close too" Zexion smirked.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY DAUGHTER'S VIRGIN LIPS??!!!" Xemnas yelled into his ear.

Zexion flinched, "Nothing superior, and she's not your daughter and why the hell are you wearing that?"

Xemnas looked down and was wearing a Japanese cheerleading outfit; at least he shaved his legs.

"Oh I'm cheering for my children"

"We're not your kids"

"Aw why can't we be a family, we have a family dog" Xemnas tugged on the leash that he put on Saix who was wagging his new tail and licking his lips at the students.

"Now now Saix, you can't eat the students" Xemnas ordered.

Saix whimpered.

"Oh fine! You can eat one mortal!" Xemnas said and let go of the leash.

Tidus got out of the pool victorious until he noticed Demyx had beaten him to the finish line. "CURSE YOU MULLET BOY!!!" Before he knew it there was a hungry werewolf running up towards him. "Now now doggy, be a good doggy" but Saix wouldn't listen and chased Tidus around the pool.

Poor, poor Tidus

Review plz :D

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