An Organized Christmas

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Day 183

December was the coldest time of the year on destiny islands. Luckily for the organization they didn't go to destiny islands. Instead they stayed in the castle all day with out any missions and having no clue what the heck was going on until…

"Hey aren't we doing anything for Christmas?" Zexion asked interrupting Xemnas's praising of kingdom hearts, Axel and Demyx's DDR match, Roxas waiting anxiously for his turn, Xigbar, Xaldin, Lexeaus and Luxord's poker game, Xion's procrastinating, Larxene painting her nails, Marluxia naming his frangipanis and Vexen feeding Saix some doggy treats.

"what's that?" Roxas asked.

"it's a time to spend with family, friends, turkeys and pudding and we get to give each other presents" Luxord explained

"I like the sound of that!" Roxas grinned.

"why don't we do secret Santa" Larxene suggested. "we pull a name out of the hat and we buy that person a present"

"good idea!" Xemnas said grabbing a hat out of no where and every wrote their names down and putting them in the hat.

Secret Santa list

Xemnas – Xion

Xigbar – Axel

Xaldin – Zexion

Vexen – Larxene

Lexeaus – Xemnas

Zexion – Demyx

Saix – Vexen

Axel – Roxas

Demyx – Xaldin

Luxord – Xigbar

Marluxia – Luxord

Larxene – Saix

Roxas – Lexeaus

Xion - Marluxia

Xion twitched at the thought. "Marluxia?!" She thought "Oh dear".

Marluxia had always been picky with presents like on his nobody day, which was the equivalent to birthdays for humans, he rejected almost all of his presents and ever since then nobody even bothered to get him a present. Axel on the other hand was happy that he got someone he knew very well. Roxas didn't know what to get Lexeaus, weights or a new teddy bear? Xemnas was pleased that he got Xion, he was going to get her something pretty little girls should have (poor Xion) and Lexeaus was not going to get Xemnas something nice on account of he's still pissed off at Xemnas for stealing Pooky. Everyone else was pretty satisfied except for Saix because he was still a dog and if he wanted to say "Superior you are an idiot" it translates to "bark! Bark! Bark!"

"now that everyone has picked a person it's time for……" Xemnas opened a portal. "CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!"

Destiny islands shopping district

It was freezing. Everyone was loosing feeling in their fingers and their ears except for Xion who was wearing ear muffs.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE?!!" Larxene screamed.

"Try being normal for once and go out with the girls" Xion said.

"Normal?" Larxene raised an eyebrow. "You call spending your munny on clothes, food and phone bills normal"


"Larxene…why don't you follow Xion's example and go out with the girls?" Xemnas asked.


"I AM NOT!!"

"ladies please!" Axel grinned. "there's no need to fight over me"

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