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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"hi z" i happily open the passenger door and hand him a piece of bacon before sitting myself down.

"look who's happy today" zion gladly took the bacon from my hands as i hopped in right next to him.

buckling my seatbelt, he starts to drive off while eating the bacon on the other hand.

"days have been great and the pimple is almost gone" i show a genuine smile.

"i also have to be confident today since i'm proposing my idea to the class president for the big senior prank" i add.

zion seemed more interested in his food than me so i just minded my own business and focused on my phone.

i swipe through the snapchat stories and my face turns white. i swing my head to zion, "IT'S AUSTIN'S BIRTHDAY??"

his body jumps, but his handle of the car doesn't change, "christine jayla morando i JUST told you yesterday to NOT do that!"

"what day is it today?" i stress out, searching my phone for the calendar app.

"did you not just hear me-"

"OH MY GOSH IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY" i blurt out, scaring zion once again.

"holy crap" zion tries his hardest to keep the wheel steady.

"what am i going to do! i didn't buy him anything!" i search my backpack for anything to give.

only notebooks and pencils are found in my backpack, nothing. "hey can we go to the store real quick" i impatiently ask zion, but luckily he agreed.

i steady my breathing, "okay how about we just get him something at starbucks? it's closer right?"

"what do you mean we? i'm a good friend who already got him a present," zion changes directions, towards starbucks.

i let out a sigh, "fine, i'll pay you back for the gas too don't worry. thanks z."

"nah don't worry about it, you don't have to stress about anything"

after quickly getting austin his favorite type of coffee, vanilla iced latte, we rushed to school.

we arrived just in time, a few minutes before the bells ring. zion and i fast walk into the quad and spot austin surrounded by a huge group of people.

i make my way through the crowd and austin's eyes almost pop out of his socket once he's sees what i'm holding.

"happy birthday austin!!" i hand him the coffee and give him a warm hug.

"aww i can't believe you remembered," austin says as he takes a huge first sip of his drink.

zion clears his throat loudly and everyone turns their heads to wait for him to speak. my eyes shoot daggers at him and he coughs one more time, "yeah happy birthday man."

"thanks z," austin goes up to zion and daps him up.

"we're gonna throw a huge ass party just for you" zion pats him on the shoulder and everyone cheers.

the bell rings loud and everyone scatters while zion and i start to walk towards home ec.

"so that's your idea of a birthday present?" i stop myself from laughing,

"yeah. do you know how much alcohol costs? i'm paying for all of that shit, it's a great present," zion proves his point to me.

i sarcastically put my hands up in surrender, "okay okay i can't say anything anyways."

we walk into class and see edwin waiting for us in our usual spot.

"hey eddie," i make my way over to sit next to him, "why are you here so early?"

"nick had to pick me up today," edwin grumbles, "he was running 15 minutes later than our arranged time so i decided to run to school."

i turn towards zion and widen my eyes.

"you? edwin???? run????? never heard of it" i laugh and edwin stays in the same position, head resting on the palm of his hand, facing the front of the classroom.

"yeah i know. it look about forty five minutes for me to get here, and that's without stops," edwin doesn't move an inch except his mouth movements.

i wave a hand in front of his face to see if he's staring into something, but his eyes stay still focused, and oddly wide.

"do you need water?" i ask, observing his sweat soaking through his red t-shirt.

edwin slowly turns towards me, "yes please."

i dig my water bottle out of my backpack and hand it to him. he takes it and downs all of my water, fast.

"jesus ed, that was all of my water!" i snatch the empty water bottle from his hands and he just takes a breathe of relief.

"alright ladies and gentlemen we're doing a project!" miss james announces to the class after the second bell rings.

groans are heard from four corners of the classroom. "but you all will get to work in groups of three," she adds and the classroom filled up with loud conversations.

edwin and zion turn towards me from each side. zion obnoxiously laughs as him and edwin dap each other up.

"and since this is the start of most of this class's senior year, i will allow you guys to choose your group partners," she states and everyone cheers, "but i suggest you choose wisely."

"it's okay cause we got chris with us. easy a!" edwin jumps from his seat and high fives zion.

i grab his forearm and pull him back down to his seat, "sit down! we don't even know what the assignment is yet."

miss james stands there as she waits for all of us to settle down. once everyone notices and quiets down, she begins once more.

"for your assignment, your group will have to come up with one, single dish that includes each one of your traditional cultures in it."

everyone stays silent and miss james chuckles, "meaning you three will have to take any element from your own culture and make one dish that captures each and every one of them."

"that's not even so bad" a sophomore in the back called out, making us all turn our heads.

miss james laughs to herself, "you will find it, mr. johnson, very hard yourself."

"okay well with that being said, this is due in three weeks. you may work on this project today," she claps her hands together and conversations spur.

both boys turn towards me in panic mode. "what are we going to do" i mutter, mainly to myself.

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