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coming home from school, i was stress free. my mind off to other places with a smile on my face.

"the big day" both zion and austin kept repeating to me the whole day at school. as always, i brush them off and act as if nothing happened.

but deep down it felt as if i was floating in the clouds, like nothing could touch me and knock me down, a rare feeling.

jasmine helped pick my outfit, but i ended up not using her help. unless i wanted to wear a tight red dress that could almost show my ass if i bent over.

i decided to play the safe route with a cropped light yellow shirt paired with grey baggy sweats. reminding myself he said to dress comfy.

my phone vibrates from my bed, receiving a text from shawn telling me he's on his way. i quickly throw my shoes on and rush down the stairs.

"woah there," my mom calls out from behind me in the kitchen, "what's got you in such a rush?"

i walk around the kitchen island to meet her and give her a quick kiss on the cheek, "i'm gonna go on a small date."

"oh really and who might this boy be," she says calmly, her eyes glued to the magazine in front of her.

i lean on the counter, propped up by the elbows, trying to hide a smile, "you know this guy already."

her eyes meet mine as they snap up, "any more vague details i need to know about."

the door bell rings throughout the house, making my head turn towards the door just across the hall.

i straighten myself up, "noo, but that would be him right there so gotta go! love you mom."

i give her another quick peck on the cheek and walk towards the front of the house.

i open the door to a tall brown haired boy wearing a simple white tee and black sweats, somehow making him looks so much cuter.

his lanyard is wrapped around his hand and he looks up to meet my eyes, "hey."

"well hi there" i reply, not helping but smile at how nervous he looks.

"don't be too naughty!!" we hear my mom yell just as the door was about to close behind me, making us both laugh.

"sorry, my mom's like that. you'll learn to hate it," i chuckle as we enter his car.

"chris you act like i have never met your mom" shawn gives me a small smile as he starts his car.

"well i mean maybe you don't know her know her yet" i try to play it off, but come to realize he's right.

"so where are we going" i ask, giving into my curiosity.

he gives me a quick glance as he tries to keep his eyes on the road, "we're just going to make a little stop at target."

i nod my head, unsure on what im supposed to reply with. what do people even do on dates?

"y-you look good by the way" shawn speaks up, shuffling in his seat, keeping his eyes ahead.

a small gesture like that brightens my day, forming a smile on my lips. "i could say the same for you."

the casualness in my voice seems to ease him, calming him down, "ever thought you would be going out on a date with me?"

the random question caught me by surprise, but i swallow my anxiety down."i mean, ever since i met you, i've noticed you were very cute. i just didn't think you would find me attractive since you seemed very out of my league."

he sits up straight, looking between me and the road, "me? me? you're joking right?"

i shake my head, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"you were the one that seemed out of everyones league!" he looks at me with wide eyes, "you were always so confident with everything that it even made me scared to ask you out."

my eyebrows crease together, "me? confident? i don't even know what the hell i'm doing half the time."

he pulls into the parking lot, "you. christine morando. have always. i repeat always have been so much better than every other girl in our school. you had guys lined up for you!"

my cheeks start to heat up, not knowing exactly what to say to this. "well what about you mr. wide receiver."

"you've always been this popular guy every girl clings onto," i exit the car after he parks and walk around to meet him, "did you ever think you could go out on a date with me?"

as we walk into the store he shakes his head, "no, but you've made me one of the happiest guys by going on one with me."

this boy has me all cheesin, knowing exactly what he's doing to me. he smoothly links out hands together as he walks us over to the grocery part of the store.

"so what are we getting" i ask, feeling like a little kid following their parents.

"we're baking today" he smiles down at me.

my eyes dart down to the floor, instantly feeling nervous, "out of the box right?"

shawn lets out a breathy laugh, "no we're going to old fashioned way."

i bite my inner cheek as shawn continues to pull ingredients from the shelves.

how the fuck do i tell him i can't bake. just blurt it out? did i miss my chance? come on christine. be that girl that he thinks you are. be confident.

he grabs something from a tall shelf and looks back at me with those big brown eyes, "do you like a lot of chocolate chips?"

"i cant bake" i let out in a rush, releasing myself from all of the pressure i built up.

shawns eyebrows shoot up and i immediately cover my mouth with my hand, regretting everything.

"i me- i mean, yes i would like a lot of chocolate chips." i blurt out, mentally smacking myself in the face.

shawn lets out a chuckle, "it's okay if you can't bake. i'll show you the ropes, it's not that hard."

a give him a sly smile, "are you sure? i'll mess up your kitchen 100%."

"mess up my kitchen as much as you want" he stares into my eyes warmly.

he gently squeezes my hand, rubbing his thumb softly and guides up to go get more ingredients around the store. also picking up random snacks as we walk by.

as we pass each aisle, my head turns to look down each one, almost breaking my neck. i'm not sure why i do this, a habit i guess.

walking to the cash register, i see both nick and jasmine talking as they stand in front of the cold refrigerators.

my feet seemingly stop in place, feeling a sting in my heart. watching them disagree over two ice cream flavors in pajamas makes my heart seem to crush.

shawn's hand gives me a small tug, pulling my attention, "hey are you okay?"

he furrows his eyebrows at me with concerned eyes. i notice my lips parted and i quickly shake everything off, "yeah, yeah i'm good."

he seems to scan my face, but decides to let it go and we continue walking. we didn't see them anymore the rest of the time we were in target, which was a good thing i guess.

the ride to his place was fun and comfortable, but the feeling of seeing nick with jasmine was stuck in the back of my mind.

i shouldn't be feeling like this. shake it off.

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