Chapter 2

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This is for @Burns997
I'm doing this because I love you, so appreciate it🙃

Knock! Knock!
"God, who the hell?" (Y/N) grumbled under his breath as he opened his eyes slowly, the fuzziness taking over for a moment. He sighed loudly as he felt the morning dizziness clouding his mind. Everything didn't make sense for a while before he felt the cold temperature settling deep into his skin. He listened to his surrounding for a moment, trying to pin point exactly what had woken him up. But after a few seconds, he didn't hear anything that could've done so.
Huh, maybe it was his imagination.
He let his eyes flutter close and the sharp silence had dragged him back to a shallow dream until—
Grumbling once more, (Y/N) opened his eyes wide and looked at his alarm clock only to scowl when he read the time blinking in red. 7:30, it blinked at him innocently. He sat up and sighed loudly as he felt the muscles around his body screaming in protest. He rubbed his face with one of his hands and placed his other hand on the mattress to stabilise his body. With that, he moved himself to stand at the edge of the bed and raised himself to his feet.
He felt the familiar bubbly feeling of a yawn stretching through his throat and making way to his lips. He opened his mouth wide and stretched his hands upwards before sighing in content. With that, he lazily walked out of his bedroom and past the living room to get to the front door. He punched in his security code harshly and opened the door.
His eyes blinked for a few seconds to what he was looking at. Well—what he was trying to look at. The empty hallway greeted him and soon, his brain caught up that he was staring at nothing before he shrugged. His heart however yammered behind his ribcage loudly, as if he was waiting for someone or something in particular to jump out. With that, he took a step forward out of the door only for a sharp crunch sound to fill the empty hallway.
(Y/N) frowned as he looked down to his feet, taking a step back and his eyes landed onto a note. His mind tried to wrack around to what a note—a note—is doing in front of his doorstep. His cautiousness took a heightened sense but there was also curiosity. He slowly crouched down and picked the note up before straightening himself. His name was engraved neatly on the paper, otherwise folded neatly in half. He felt his cheeks reddening at how intimate it looked.
He held back himself from thinking too into this and once again took a step forward into the hallway, looking to his left and to his right to see who it could be that left this note here. The coldness of the hallway had him cowering back into his apartment and he closed the door shut. All his cautiousness melted away and instead, confusion took over.
Who had woken him up and left this note in front of his doorstep?
He traced the name written in hand and he couldn't help but to feel slightly squeamish inside. With that, he gently opened the neatly folded paper as if he was scared he would find something despicable inside. But his fears were put to rest and instead, a short message was written inside with the same handwriting. (Y/N) didn't know what to feel—annoyed or flustered or maybe confusion, deeper revolving confusion would be a better term of emotion at the moment as he looked at the note.
He read the message once more before he felt his mind working out and trying to pull out anything that may had caused this letter—note—message—to be left at his doorstop in such a manner.

Good Morning, (Y/N)! Leave your house with a smile and I'll see you soon. – Tadashi

What was he even supposed to say to this? (Y/N) blinked a few moments before yesterday's events crashed into his mind like some evil cackling bricks. He felt a dull pain at the back of his head, sighing out as he shook his head.
The declaration that Tadashi had done so carelessly and casually, this attempt at seduction to make (Y/N) fall in love with him in mere fifteen days, the mere thought that Tadashi was into him like that made (Y/N) frown. The young scientist didn't actually think that he would go through with it. Tadashi, the guy who had more than enough love interests that wanted him and (Y/N)'s arch rival was suddenly courting him. It sounded bizarre and strange inside of (Y/N)'s mind and he certainly didn't think that this man was anywhere near serious.
A dark emotion smothered his mind when he realised that this could be some trick. Something to keep him away from focusing on his latest discovery. This was it—that was what all ever between them. Rivalry to see who would outlast the other on becoming the world's most prestigious young scientist before they had to get on with their lives and settle down with someone. This was just a game to Tadashi, (Y/N) was sure of it.
If it wasn't, then why would Tadashi suddenly declare that he was interested in (Y/N)—out of all people? Sure, he said that he just realised of his feelings but seriously, which sane person would just accept that? (Y/N) shook his head. He remembered clearly now of this bet.
It was a game indeed.
And it was a game he would not lose no matter what happened.
He looked at the note before he smirked and crushed it into a ball. And this note, it wasn't going to make him waver at all. His mind set for the day, he left the doorstep heading to the kitchen, placing the ball of paper on the kitchen counter and turned on the electric kettle. He was in need for some strong coffee at the moment. With that, he left the kitchen to hunt down for his smartphone.
Grabbing the phone which was lying on his bed, he looked through the messages and missed phone calls. He hummed out in a soft tune when he saw a few messages from his agent, reminding him of his appointments today. He was tempted to just ignore them and sit at home but then again, he didn't make it this far by being lazy. He then walked back to the kitchen and made himself some coffee. With that, he leaned against the counter and sipped the coffee, placing the phone on the counter.
The hot beverage almost scalded his tongue. He hissed out in pain a bit before he settled into sipping the coffee gently. He almost moaned at how hot the coffee was and how bitter it tasted, already waking him up. He couldn't help but to smile when he remembered how his aunt would look when she caught him drinking coffee so early in the morning. She would always make him take something healthier—like orange juice or something of that sort.
His heart melted a bit and he was yearning to see her again. It ached deeply in his chest, embedded deep inside of him and as much as he wanted to take a ride to where everything had started, he couldn't risk it today. No, not today. He had things to do and he didn't think he would even have time to come back home early.
With that in his mind, he went ahead and got himself ready for today.

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now