Chapter 7

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This morning seemed brighter, lighter somehow. It was a wonder how the first time in his life, he felt happy waking up in the morning. He, (Y/N) Hamada, who always hated the morning, now enjoyed waking up. The world was going to end somehow, he was sure of it. Staring at the ceiling for a few seconds, he blinked as he realised why he felt so light today.

Yesterday, he had finally managed to break this bet and try a friendship—or sort of—with Tadashi. The man who he had hated once upon a time seemed to change his mind after he knew the man for a week. But the fact that Tadashi saw him as someone more made (Y/N) think thrice about his decision. Sure, he wanted to keep some kind of connection with the man but will this friendship last?

He shook those thoughts away from his mind, realising that it wouldn't bring any use to him since he couldn't foresee the future. He felt a smile gliding on his face when he saw how relieved Tadashi was when (Y/N) said he wanted to be his friend. The man made (Y/N) feel—so in place after just a week.

He was suspicious of the man's intention at first. He was (Y/N) Hamada, who had discovered enough theories that could last a lifetime for mankind's revolution. He suspected that Tadashi, as his initial rival, would want to tip his balance off so that he could take over the spotlight. The spotlight never mattered to (Y/N) before but the thought that this man could be better infuriated him.

That was why when this bet started, he tried not to get sucked into this charade because he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if Tadashi was trying to manipulate him into losing his hard work or if he was really sincere. As he got to know Tadashi slowly, he learned just enough, even though it barely scratched the surface, yet still enough to know that no, this wasn't his scheme.

In fact, his friends were right before this. Tadashi certainly wasn't someone who would try and ruin someone's hard achievement just for the sake of his own needs. He sighed as he slowly sat up, deciding that today he would be busy all over again.

With that, he stood up from the bed and went ahead with his usual morning routine. Heading to the kitchen while running his fingers through his semi-wet hair with a smile, he opened the refrigerator and looked through before he spotted an apple. Usually he wouldn't eat anything healthy at this point of the day but somehow, today he wanted to try it out. So, he took the apple and rubbed the apple against his shirt before taking a bite.

Looking around for his tablet, he found it lying on the kitchen counter lifelessly. He raised his eyebrows before he closed the refrigerator door and grabbed the tablet. Switching it open, he went through his emails and everything else that didn't matter for the day. Soon, he opened the news feed and looked through before an article caught his eyes.

His mid-way bite on the apple paused as his eyes widened and stared at the article. "No way," he whispered to himself as he placed the apple on the counter and took the tablet with his both hands, tugging it close to his face. He scanned through the article carefully, picking up important points before he placed the tablet on the counter with a short huff in shock.

Tadashi Hamada's newest invention: A RoboNurse revolutionizes the medical field!

"Baymax," (Y/N) said as he looked back at the article. He didn't know how he felt about this latest invention but some part of him was proud that someone took the effort to invent something that was useful to the human race for once. He quickly looked back at the living room, pondering if he should go and see Tadashi about this—congratulate or something.

It was funny how if this had happened before, (Y/N) would've wanted to scowl the whole entire day. Now, he had just wanted to go ahead and what? Congratulate him. He—(Y/N) Hamada—congratulating his rival?

Why not? His mind pondered on. Aren't you guys friends now? Or is that a lie?

No, (Y/N) concluded. It wasn't a lie. He wanted to be Tadashi's friend and that was what he was going to do.

Shrugging, he took his smartphone and his wallet before he found his bag lounging on the sofa in the living room. With that, he walked to the front door and clicked it open. The silent hallway greeted him immediately and a silent shudder went through his spine before he shook it off and walked out. Closing the door behind him, he adjusted his bag on his shoulder before he looked at Tadashi's door.

Before he could even blink, the door opened and the said man walked out looking a bit worn out with a cap worn on his head. (Y/N) blinked a few times before he shuffled on his feet. Even though it was true that things were established properly yesterday night, (Y/N) was still unsure slightly if it was really happening. Tadashi closed the door and he turned around to walk away when his eyes met (Y/N).

A few seconds passed as they stared at each other before Tadashi broke out a smile, wide and cheerful immediately clearing (Y/N) out from his doubts and smiled back. "Morning," Tadashi said with some humour in his voice. (Y/N) nodded at him before returning the greeting. With that, they walked side by side silently to the elevator.

(Y/N) kept on mulling about the article he read as he glanced at Tadashi from the corner of his eyes. The elevator doors slid opened and (Y/N) walked in immediately, followed by Tadashi. Once the doors closed, the elevator music poured in the empty space, making him feel awkward. "So, uh," (Y/N) started. Tadashi just glanced at him before smiling. "I saw the article online. It's launching, huh? Congratulations."

"Thanks," Tadashi said, his smile getting bigger. "And it's actually a he."

"He?" (Y/N) asked after the implication settled in. (Y/N) raised his eyebrows as he looked at Tadashi. "He?" Tadashi shrugged his shoulders and immediately stepped out of the elevators when the doors opened. (Y/N) found himself following the man, a hint of déjà vu settled deep inside of him. He almost bit his tongue from laughing when he realised that the last time this happened—Tadashi was the one following him out.

"Yeah, he," Tadashi agreed. "He's—Baymax's special," Tadashi said with a soft smile before he stopped walking and turned around to look at (Y/N). His face radiated what seemed like pure ecstasy at what his invention was about to do to the world. The young scientist almost stepped away from the radiating sunshine from the man. "He's going to help a lot of people, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) remained quiet for a moment before nodding. "That's your dream, right?" (Y/N) asked, immediately remembering Abigail. A few drops of twang tinged deep inside of his heart that he almost frowned at that. Tadashi nodded, a thoughtful look covered his face.

"Yeah," he said quietly. (Y/N) noticed that it was the same face he found Tadashi wearing when Abigail inquired him about Baymax. He simply wondered for a moment if Tadashi had experienced something remotely the same as (Y/N) did in the past that made him this way. But he didn't dare to ask, knowing it would be too personal. "Do you want to see him?"

(Y/N) was startled out of his daydream as he looked at the man. He waited for a few seconds for the words to sink in before he took a small step back. "Uh, you want me to see him?" he asked, sounding disbelieved. Tadashi smiled at (Y/N) before he nodded.

"Why not?" he asked. "He's finalised anyways. Tomorrow is the registration on the product and then in a few days' time, the public will get to know him."

"I get a special look on him, then?" (Y/N) asked, sounding a bit touched at that. Tadashi grinned vibrantly before nodding.

"I'll bring you to see him after I finished with the paperwork this afternoon," he said. (Y/N) realised that he was slipping away from his demeanour. He cleared his throat and broke his eye contact from Tadashi before chewing on his bottom lip. Should he do this? They just had established their friendship yesterday and now he was already going to see Tadashi's inventions.

After a beat, (Y/N) finally relented and nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll mostly be at the lab," (Y/N) said as he started to walk past Tadashi. Tadashi nodded before he looked at (Y/N) one last time and walked out of the building with the young genius.

"I'll see you at five," Tadashi said before he waved at (Y/N) a bit and started to walk away from him to the other direction. (Y/N) watched his retreating back for a few seconds before he shook his head and walked away to the opposite direction.

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now