Chapter 5

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Oooooh look at that 2 chapters back to back, WOW😳
Anyways I'm sorry if this is SUPER long, but I'm not one for writing 30+ chapter books😅
Plus I really wanna get this done and get started on the new books that I have in mind
But anyways enjoy my lovelies❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

"Uh-huh," Hiro said as he eyed (Y/N) carefully, raising the cup of coffee to his lips. (Y/N) raised his eyebrows at him as he looked back down to his smartphone before clicking the screen off and placing it beside him. "And—you—let him into your apartment? Twice?"

(Y/N) sighed loudly, leaning into his seat. Wasabi choked into his ice mocha and looked at (Y/N), blinking. The soft coffee and caffeine smell flooded the café and (Y/N) always loved how it was close to his apartment, reminding him of his aunt's café along the way. He had called his friends to talk to them before he had to go. Hiro apparently had heard about the current development between (Y/N) and Tadashi from Wasabi. He was smirking as he crossed his arms against his chest.

When (Y/N) had reluctantly told him about what had happened to him this morning, his smirk turned into a full blown grin meanwhile Wasabi looked at him indecorously for a moment before snorting at him. The thing was he needed to talk to his friends because of this. The truth was he was beginning to—to—like Tadashi's presence. It was so fast, how he had managed to change from being an annoying menace to something comfortable to be with.

It was scary actually and (Y/N) knew that this was all to seduce him but then he began to think, would Tadashi still be the same after Valentine's Day? Should he even take the chance to find out?

His mind told him that he shouldn't.

"Well, he bought breakfast," (Y/N) said silently as he looked outside of the café windows.

"You like him, don't you?" Hiro asked as he leaned against the table. "(Y/N), you like him."

"I don't," (Y/N) said automatically. Looking at Hiro in the eyes, he took in a deep breath and sighed. "I don't."

"But you let him—do these things for you," Hiro said.

"I can't just tell him to stop," (Y/N) said but he knew full well that Hiro wasn't buying it. "Look, he said he would seduce me until Valentine's Day. And then what Hiro? He would hop along to Honey again once he sees that I'm not budging. It's going to end like this."

"I don't see why you can't just enjoy the ride," Wasabi said as he looked at the young genius in the eyes. "It's like you keep on telling yourself you won't like him."

"That's because I don't," (Y/N) said exasperatedly. "And now, I'm going to be spending two days with that man and just—it's going to get a hell lot worse."

"Worse than buying you dinner and breakfast?" Hiro asked, his voice ringing out amused and for a minute there, (Y/N) almost slammed his head against the table. He should've known letting Hiro into this mess wasn't such a good idea but he couldn't deny that he knew what was best either. At the scowl on (Y/N)'s face, Hiro finally laughed, his smile growing wider. "(Y/N), admit it. It's been what? Three days? He's getting to you."

"He looks like a real gentleman too," Wasabi added, only to earn a glare from (Y/N).

"Guys," (Y/N) started. "I don't like him. I just—this isn't real! It's a bet! I'm not going to lose this."

"(Y/N)," Hiro said. "You are already losing. You let him buy you dinner and breakfast, for God's sakes! How is that a way of showing that you—you—dislike him?"

(Y/N) stilled his fingers from reaching to his forehead and rubbing it angrily. Somehow, he knew that what he was doing was contradicting to what he was feeling. To be honest, he doesn't know what he was feeling half of the time. For now, all he had to do was ignore this suddenly fluttering heart every time he saw Tadashi.

"I feel like I'm in some rom-com," (Y/N) muttered as Wasabi chuckled.

"Tadashi does have the moves, huh?" he asked as (Y/N) kicked his leg from under the table.

"You know, just for the record," (Y/N) said as he stood up and sighed, picking up his sunglasses that he had brought along. Wearing it against his eyes, he continued, "I'll prove to you guys that I don't like him. When I come back from London—the first thing that would come out from my mouth is 'I hate Tadashi' and you'll never see it coming."

Hiro just snorted at that but he nodded, crossing his arms against his chest. "Oh, sure. Fine. Good luck."

"As much as I would love to support you, man," Wasabi said after a while. "I doubt that you would even think of the words Tadashi and hate in the same sentence after this trip. If there's one thing we know of Tadashi since our first term together, it's that he's a fighter."

(Y/N) rolled his (e/c) eyes from behind the shades as he huffed out. "Yeah, right. Whatever, I have to be at the airport soon. See you guys."

And with that, he grabbed his smartphone, eyed his insufferable friends one last time and walked out. His mind was more clouded than before as he sighed loudly, exiting the café. They had a point and he knew that he should keep his priorities straight. This—with Tadashi—it wasn't something important at the moment.

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now