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Sooooo to the 5 people, you know who you are, who still read this story and are anticipating the next chapter. Have no fear it's coming lol. I'm just going to be a little open with you guys about what's been going on lately and why it's been preventing me from uploading like I said I would. Now before I expose myself please know that I am a Scorpio and I'm not one for letting people know too much about me (Idk the fact that someone could boldly say they know me doesn't sit right with me at all lol). But y'all don't even know what I look like so who cares, could literally pass one of you in the streets and you'd never know.

So recently I've been ummmm.....intimate with this guy (dont judge me I'm grown😑) and I've caught feelings for him like the dumb ass I am. And I really want him to like me, but he told me that he got out of a relationship a couple months ago so idk if he'll even want to be with me. And I bring this up because for awhile now I've been dealing with a depressing mood. Wouldn't say that I myself am depressed it's just I've been in a funk and it all revolves around RELATIONSHIPS. Basically whenever I get excited that a guy might be into me it goes the complete opposite. I either find out they're straight, or they ghost me, or they're just looking for hookups, and sometimes all of the above. So the past two months my subconscious has drilled it into me that I don't deserve happiness and it's been affecting me ever since I came to the realization. So I'm taking matters into my own hands cause this author is a bad bitch🤪 I tried that whole 3,6,9 manifestation method on the guy I've been intimate with and hopefully it all goes my way. I've been working on reassuring myself that I do deserve happiness and that it's right around the corner. I'm not saying my happiness is in another person, but things are going to start looking bright for me. I'm going to get a boyfriend, I'm going to finish my classes, and I'm going to finish this damn book.

With that being said I want you all to know that you deserve happiness and to be loved and no one can tell you otherwise❤️❤️ also look forward to this weekend cause I'm dropping chapters🤗🤗🤗🤗

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now