Chapter 10

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Well here it is, the end of an era. I'm glad to finally get this book out of the way and I hope for those of you that stuck with me through this journey really enjoy it. Next chapter will be an A/N and it's just a quick update on me and how my love life is going so if you don't want to read it this is where we bid our farewells. If you do want to know how things are going for dear old mister author then I'll see y'all in the next chapter🙂 anyways here is the last chapter of Waiting for Love.

He had never felt so different before. He never felt so empty before. He felt someone had grazed his insides with a blunt knife, leaving everything jagged and bloody. He felt the heaviness drowning him from within as he slowly sat up on his bed. Running a hand down his face, he looked to his right to the clock. It blinked 3:40 AM in annoying neon green, making (Y/N) to groan.

He felt his head throbbing and he wanted nothing more but to sleep this pain off. He remembered clearly what Tadashi had said a few hours ago. How the words had stabbed him from within. It made (Y/N) shudder as he recalled how hurt Tadashi looked. He made him look like that and it made him wonder his self-worth again.

It hadn't even been twenty four hours since they started their relationship and just like that, because of something (Y/N) thought was better than him—it ended up with an abrupt stop.

'I—I love you, okay?'

Love, (Y/N) muttered darkly in his mind. Tadashi loved him. He touched his chest absent-mindedly, wondering if he could find it somewhere in his heart to love him back. Tadashi was right. The more he thought about it, the more he realised that he was ruining something perfect with his selfishness. He needed to be sure that he could give back what Tadashi wanted.

But could he?

He liked him, sure, but could he love him?

The young genius shuddered at the thought. He sighed as he felt his head throbbing loudly. He got out of his bed and walked outside of his room, heading to the kitchen. He needed coffee—late night caffeine be damned.


He was exhausted. He felt emotionally drained and he felt physically tired. He wanted nothing more but to sleep all day but his mind wouldn't shut down. It wouldn't give him the satisfaction to just sleep through this dull ache in his chest. He looked at his smartphone's clock, realising it was seven in the morning. He hadn't slept at all since he woke up.

He sighed as he got up from the couch and headed to the bedroom. After having a cold shower and changing into cleaner clothes, he grabbed his smartphone and bag before walking to the front door. Opening it, he found Honey already waiting for him outside.

Immediately, his mood shifted darker.

He wasn't in any mood to deal with some shove talk.

He had seen these types of scenes in the movies before. The best friend would come up to the person and give him the 'hurt her and you'll die' talk and (Y/N)—well, yeah, he didn't want to hear it. "Save it," he told her before she could open her mouth. "I know why you're here. Consider this heard and leave."

Honey's eyebrows shot up as he walked out of his apartment and slammed the door shut before turning away from her. He adjusted the shoulder strap of his bag before he walked to the elevator. He pushed on the down button and waited for the metallic doors to slid open.

"Huh," Honey said as she slowly stood next to him. "I was wrong about you."

(Y/N) simply sighed as he walked inside of the elevator, Honey following him. He pressed on the ground floor, waiting for his ride to be over. He crossed his arms against his chest and closed his eyes for a while. His head was still throbbing and it was irritating him. She clicked her tongue and (Y/N) winced at the volume.

"You sure this is it?" she asked after a while.

"What is it?" (Y/N) asked finally, opening his eyes and looking at her. "I have a severe headache, so please, just spit it out."

"You two are in a rough patch," she said before she smirked. "And you both are acting like idiots."

"Excuse me?" (Y/N) said. "I know, I know, I'm not his ideal lover or whatever it is you want to call this. But I'm not an idiot."

"No," Honey said. "You're a self-doubting idiot. Tadashi's the naïve self-doubting idiot. Both of you are self-doubting idiots."

(Y/N) dropped his hands to his side and shook his head slightly. "You don't understand," he said. "You weren't there when—when he said those things. I—I—"

Honey sighed before she faced (Y/N). "(Y/N)," she started. "Don't—don't doubt yourself, alright? I get it, you get insecure seeing how you're—just listen to me. You both are good for each other. And if you and he don't realise that, it's—I can't stand by and watch you two self-destruct."

"We're not," (Y/N) said. "I'm doing him a favour."

"So, you've decided, then?" she asked, her voice sounding slightly clipped. "You decided to leave him?"

"He left me first," (Y/N) said bitterly as the elevator doors opened and the young genius strode out. Honey groaned under her breath before she grabbed onto (Y/N)'s right shoulder and turned him around.

"If you give up now," she said. "If you give up now, then you really don't care about him or yourself. And maybe you'll think this is the right thing to do now, but later, you'll see how wrong you were and at then, there's no point crying over spilt milk."

Honey then looked at him one last time before she walked away from him. (Y/N) felt the tears stinging his eyes again as he sighed and took in a deep shaky breath. He wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know what to do. He could go running back to Tadashi, tell him that this was what he wanted, he wanted to be with him and he wanted nothing more but him—but what if he couldn't return his feelings?

(Y/N) couldn't face another disappointment. Yesterday, Tadashi had made things clear. If (Y/N) couldn't do it, he shouldn't come back. Maybe not with exact words but the implication was clear. (Y/N) couldn't lose the best thing that ever happened in his life even though his heart ached.

Sighing, he rubbed his face before he walked away, heading outside of the building.


He wore his sunglasses over his eyes as he walked down the sidewalk. He didn't head to his lab and he knew he shouldn't neglect his work but he wanted nothing more but to relax and get this over and done with. He had turned off his smartphone, just letting the wind to caress his face every time he took another step forward. He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at the café.

It wasn't his aunt's café but this would do for now. So, he went inside and opened the door. Walking inside, he headed to the counter to buy his coffee, again. Once he bought the drink, he headed to the corner of the shop and sat down, just taking in a deep breath before sipping onto his coffee.

He just wanted to mull over his thoughts. He just wanted to find a solution and get this over with. He wanted nothing more than to just forget this slightly bigger than usual hole in his heart. He thought carefully about Tadashi and the way he made him feel. The way that he made (Y/N) happy from inside, the way he made the pieces in his life fit perfectly like they were supposed to be.

The way that he could destroy any traces of loneliness from within inside the young genius by just being there. It was—it was unique, an experience that (Y/N) was sure he wouldn't be able to feel again. He looked at his right fingers, moving them for a while wondering what it would feel like if he gave up the one thing in his life that made sense.

It would be the end of the line.

He felt the heaviness shouldering him heavily. If he asked for help, nobody would answer him. He wanted someone who would answer him when he asked questions about self-doubt. He wanted someone who would just be there for him and Tadashi, he was everything and so much more. But what if he messed it up?

He didn't know what he would do then. He took in a long sip of the bitter coffee before settling deeper into his chair. Just then, someone appeared next to him, touching on the shoulder. He jerked upright and looked at the person before his eyes widened behind the sunglasses.

What did she want?

"Can I sit here?" she asked as she didn't wait for an answer and sat down in front of him. "Hey."

(Y/N) bit his inner cheek to keep from yelling at her. He took in a deep breath before he nodded at her as a response. She just sighed before smiling at him. "I—I didn't know."

"What?" (Y/N) asked as he looked at Abigail.

"That you and he were—you know, together like that." She crossed her hands clasped them together as she looked at him. "If I knew, well, I would have—I'm just sorry."

(Y/N) slammed his cup of coffee on the table before he rubbed his face and took down his sunglasses. "Why are you here?" he asked. "If you heard about it, go and nag him. I'm too exhausted to hear anything else today, alright?"

Abigail bit her bottom lip. "I just, I didn't mean it like that yesterday."

"Oh, how did you mean it then?" (Y/N) snapped at her. "You said it was trivial, Abigail."

"I know!" Abigail said as she rubbed her face. "I thought about the unnecessary things like—like—I don't know, (Y/N), but I certainly didn't mean your relationship with him."

"Well, thanks," (Y/N) said bitterly. "There is no relationship now, so he can go right ahead and be all busy and bloody annoyingly famous."

"(Y/N)," Abigail started. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I didn't—he was in a bad mood, you know? He's just, he couldn't concentrate on anything and he's just, there's no spark whenever he speaks and it's not good if he goes to Japan like this!"

(Y/N) bit his bottom lip, knowing what this woman in front of him was trying to say. "So, I should just go up to him and fix things? Just so that he could concentrate on his work?"

"Yes," Abigail said. (Y/N) scoffed at her.

"Are you even listening to yourself, Abigail," (Y/N) asked as he leaned against the table and looked at her in the eyes. "I know you're trying to look out for his best interest but if I'm going to talk to him and solve this—whatever this is, it's going to be on my account and not because you said so."

Abigail frowned at him and he saw the spark of irritation in her eyes. He felt a dark triumph washing into him at the realisation as he leaned back into his seat and rubbed his eyes. He wore his sunglasses against his eyes again before looking out the window, ignoring her and taking a sip of his coffee.

"You're stubborn," Abigail said after a while, something like amusement in her voice.

"Thanks," (Y/N) said uninterested as he continued to look out of the window.

"I can see why he likes you," she continued. "But (Y/N), I'm not trying to be a mean witch and ruin this. Just—remember. He—he can't wait for you forever."

(Y/N) snapped his eyes and looked at her, his eyebrows rising upwards from behind his shades. "Excuse me?" he said, now offended. Of course he knew that Tadashi couldn't wait for him forever. But he didn't need Abigail to tell him that.

"You heard me," she said before she leaned into her seat and crossed her arms against her chest. "He has a long list of people just waiting for him to give them a chance. He could choose any one of them and get over you if you don't act fast. I'm not threatening you or anything like that, it's just a reminder about the differences you and him have. You're famous, I agree, but he's going to revolutionise a new era. He'll be out of everyone's league by then."

(Y/N)'s jaw clicked tight before he smirked. "And you'll be one of the rare ones in his league, then?"

Abigail's eyes widened. "That is not what I—"

"No?" (Y/N) said as he sighed and stood up. "Look, Abigail. I don't think we should talk anymore. I'm too tired and really irritable and you're making the situation muddier. So, just, leave. I don't even know how you found me but just stop following me."

"I am not following you," Abigail said, this time her voice was clipped and dark as she stood up as well. "I said all I can. What you decide—I can't say anything more." With that, she turned around and walked away, her high heels clicked as she walked. (Y/N) just sipped his coffee before he rolled his eyes and walked out of the café a few minutes later.


"I don't know whether I should pity you or—laugh at you," Gogo said dryly as she sat in front of (Y/N). The young genius scowled at her, dragging his sunglasses down his face, eyeing her evilly.

"Just let me hear one 'ha' and we'll see if you're still alive after you finished," (Y/N) threatened her darkly before he glared at Wasabi, who looked at him and shifted closer to Gogo. The young genius had ended up calling his friends. He knew that he felt horrible at the moment and he knew that this feeling was about to get worse if he didn't have anyone to talk to. His friends, even though they were a pain in the neck, knew how to make him feel slightly better.

So, they met up at a nearby bistro where Gogo worked. "I didn't say anything," Wasabi said, his face palling. "Seriously."

(Y/N) sighed as he leaned into his seat. "And Abigail comes into the picture. I just, don't know anymore, guys. Maybe I'm not cut out liking someone. Maybe I should just grow old and die with twenty seven cats around me all named Shorty or—Kolly or Molly or Holly or, oh! Golly and—"

"Yes, yes, twenty seven cats and you all wrinkled up dead at the corner with too much cat fur on you," Gogo said. "Interesting life, huh, (Y/N)?"

"Shut the hell up, Gogo," (Y/N) said as he slammed his head on the table. "I—I'm serious here, alright?"

"And I'm serious here too, you brat," Gogo said as he kicked (Y/N)'s left shin hard. (Y/N) yelped as he pulled his leg from under the table and rubbed his shin. Glaring at Gogo, he demanded an explanation non-verbally. "You think relationships are easy? It's not, (Y/N). So, he asked you if you loved him, boo-hoo, too bad if you can't answer it. What's the answer, oh! I know, let's give up and be miserable all your life—ding! ding! ding! There's a golden buzzer—Why you brat, I will—"

Before Gogo could launch herself up and strangle (Y/N)'s neck, Wasabi had dragged her by the shoulders and patted her, calming her down. "What Gogo was trying to say is," Wasabi said as he looked at (Y/N), who turned looked at Gogo and raised his eyebrows. "We think this isn't the end. You can't give up, (Y/N). Hell, you like him, right?"

(Y/N) slowly eyed Gogo again before clearing his throat. "Yeah," he said. "I do like him. I just don't know if I love him. He loves me, I just—what if I can't return his feelings?"

"Then you can't, simple as that," Gogo said, pushing Wasabi's hands off her shoulders as she took a deep breath. "(Y/N), your feelings aren't a bunch of numbers where you can calculate and get the right answer. You can't miscalculate either. You can't force your feelings to fit together like how you force the numbers to evaluate. It's—different. You need to understand that, if he loves you and asks you to rethink about your decision, it's not because he thinks you're going to screw up."

"Then, what is it?" (Y/N) asked as he felt the thick lump in his throat growing. He felt his eyes watering again as well. "I just can't—it seems that's what he's trying to say, you know? That he knows I'm going to ruin it if I don't—"

"He's not," Wasabi said softly. "(Y/N), he just wants to make sure you understand what you're getting into. He wants you to be sure that he is what you want."

"In other words," Gogo said, her voice softening as well. "In other words, he's not sure if he's good enough for you."

"That's—that's ridiculous!" (Y/N) said. "He's perfect. He's confident, he makes me feel all you know, light and fluffy. There's nothing he could do to make me convinced that he's not good enough for me. He's maybe a little too good for me."

"See?" Wasabi said. "And here you are, thinking you're not good enough for him when he probably thinks about you the same way you're thinking about him. Love isn't any different from deep like, you know. If you can imagine forever with that person and feel all light and happy inside, like there's not more loneliness—like this is it—then—"

"Then, that's love," Gogo said. "It doesn't always have to be romantic. But romantic love isn't any different either. You feel like he's the one. He's the one who has the right to be with you, to know your inner thoughts, to own everything you know and you own everything he knows, to just—be with him through his dark days happily, that's love."

(Y/N) remained quiet as he listened to them. He felt his heart thumping loudly at that. He felt his mind clearing up slowly as he took in a shuddering breath. "So, you think I'm in love?"

"We think you already are," Gogo said with a smile. "But that's for you to decide. We just say what we observe."

(Y/N) nodded numbly as he sighed, rubbing his eyes. He smiled at his friends before he bit his bottom lip.


He walked out of the elevator, heading to his door. He took in a few deep breaths as he stood in front of his door, already keying the numbers in. Before he could key in the second number, the door next to his opened and Tadashi walked out, looking all dressed up. The man didn't see (Y/N) as he walked out and closed the door tight, his bags in his hands.

(Y/N) felt something wilting inside when he realised that Tadashi was leaving to Japan tonight. The man turned around and his eyes caught (Y/N)'s. The young genius blinked for a minute as the man froze where he stood. For a few seconds, they stared at each other before Tadashi gave him a weak smile.

"Japan?" (Y/N) asked, his voice tightening as Tadashi nodded.

"Yeah," he said. Silence filled in between them before the older man nodded to himself and grabbed his luggage. "I gotta go."

(Y/N) nodded solemnly. "Be safe," (Y/N) said quietly and the man looked at him one last time. He saw those brown eyes, they were filled with slight discomfort and (Y/N) wanted nothing more but to make them go away. But he didn't, so he watched Tadashi hesitated to take another step. Finally breaking the eye contact, he nodded again and walked away.

With that, (Y/N) walked into his apartment and closed the door tight. He felt his heart thumping loudly against his chest. He touched his chest and rubbed it, his eyes feeling watery again as he slowly slid to the ground. He felt slightly better that Tadashi didn't look any better either.

Laughing bitterly, he closed his eyes and felt the loneliness hit him heavily. Was this what it felt like to have been in—in love? To feel this loneliness so deep when the person he loved left without even a goodbye? No, Tadashi didn't leave. (Y/N) watched him walk away but this wasn't goodbye.

He sighed as he rubbed his eyes. His mind flickered through the memories as he smiled gently at how different he felt whenever he was with Tadashi. Was he ready to give it all up just because he wasn't confident about it?

A Hamada isn't a quitter, his aunt used to tell him whenever he was down. Just look at a different angle.

He sighed as he thumped the back of his head against the door. He then took his bag from his shoulders and opened the zip before he took out his smartphone. Dialling his aunt's number, he bit his bottom lip as he waited for Cass to pick up. After the first three rings, she picked up with a cheerful hello. He felt a bit guilty about trying to drown his angst on her but he needed her opinion on this.

"Hey," (Y/N) said slowly, noting how his voice shook. (Y/N) felt his aunt moving around at the background.

"(Y/N)?" she called out, her voice slightly worried. "What's wrong? Why do you sound like that?"

(Y/N) kept quiet for a while before he choked out the words. "I—I need your help."

"Anything," she said quickly. "(Y/N), what is it?"

(Y/N) took in a huge breath before he said, "I—I—Tadashi loves me."

Cass kept quiet on the other side for a moment. "Okay," she said but (Y/N) could clearly see the confusion written on her face from his mind and he smiled. "What's wrong with that?"

"I don't know how I felt about him and we got into a fight yesterday night," (Y/N) said. "And he walked away. He asked me to rethink about us and just—he's leaving for Japan tonight and I just saw him but I couldn't bring myself to say anything else and I just watched him walk away and I really—I can't let him go like that but I'm not sure—I—"

"(Y/N)," Cass said, cutting his rambling half way. "Just, word per word, okay? Now, right, so, he loves you, he told you, and you couldn't say it back and you two got into a fight and he walked away? That's—that doesn't sound like Tadashi."

"No," (Y/N) said. "No, I mean, we didn't fight because he said he loves me. We got into a fight because well, we made plans to meet up yesterday afternoon and then for dinner, but then Abigail, you know who Abigail is, right?, so she came and told me that Tadashi is all this important guy and he doesn't have time for trivial things and I, well, she said as if I'm not important to him and so, I'm like okay, fine, whatever and I let Tadashi finish his things first but he got upset because he thought I didn't care about our time together and he—he—"

"Ah, I get what's going on here," Cass said slowly. "So, he asked you to rethink about you and him together and—let me guess—he will hear about it later?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) said slowly as he bit his bottom lip.

"Okay," Cass said after a minute. "So, I assume you did a lot of thinking. What is your answer now?"

"I love him," (Y/N) blurted out before he closed his lips tight and his cheeks reddening. He hadn't—what? How did those words end up in his mouth? His heart started to thump louder in his chest and he felt his hands becoming clammy. He felt right, he felt right when he said those words. "I—I—love him? I—love him."

"Well, looks like someone just realised it," Cass teased. "So, what are you waiting for, go and tell him."

"Now?" (Y/N) asked, he still felt weird inside. "Now, Aunt Cass, I can't—he said he'll wait—"

"Don't, do not listen to him when he says that," Cass said quickly. "He's feeling doubtful of himself. He's thinking he's not good for you if you made him wait. He'll think you couldn't possibly love him. Just go and tell him, don't drag this on."

(Y/N) nodded as he scrambled onto his feet. "I will. Aunt Cass, thanks."

"Anything, love," she said before she chuckled. "Oh, and when you get back, you are explaining to me why I'm only hearing about you having a boyfriend now, over the phone."

"Ah, I didn't tell you?" (Y/N) asked, feeling slightly better.

"Don't play coy with me, (Y/N)," she said with a laugh. "Now go."

"Thank you, Aunt Cass."


He ran, he didn't know he could run this fast before. He always hated the outdoors and everything associated with it—including running. But here he was, running out of the building as he tried calling Tadashi. But when he couldn't get through, he cursed himself and searched for a cab. Getting a cab, he told the cab driver to head to the San Fransokyo International Airport.

But when he was heading there, they ended up in traffic. (Y/N) wanted to scream at whoever it was at the front line of this very long traffic because he was wasting time. Somehow, the ride to the airport was excruciatingly slow. It took him two hours, in this bloody ride, before he made it to the airport. Tossing the money to the cab driver, he got out of the car and rushed into the airport.

He tried contacting Tadashi but he couldn't get through again.

"Damnit, Tadashi," (Y/N) whispered to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair. He finally headed to the reception desk.

"Hello, how can we assist you today, sir?" a woman behind the desk asked as she smiled at him.

"Yeah," (Y/N) said slowly as he licked his lips. "I would like to know if the flight to Japan has left."

"The time of departure?" she asked.

"Uhm, I'm not really sure," he said a bit sheepishly. "What's the flight time for today?"

"Well, we had two departures this morning and afternoon, we have another three flights in the evening. The next one to departure is in another ten minutes."

(Y/N) felt his throat constricting. He sighed as he took out his phone and tried calling again. He still couldn't get through. "Thanks," (Y/N) said with a smile as he walked away from the reception desk. He knew that he would miss Tadashi anyway. With a defeated slump, he sat at one of the chairs.

His aunt's words rang back in his head. He had to meet Tadashi and not after the trip. Eyeing the ticket counter, (Y/N) chewed his bottom lip as a plan formed in his mind.

Well, he was a Hamada. And Hamadas weren't quitters.


Tokyo Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.
2:03 PM

Knocking on the door, he waited as he crossed his arms against his chest, adjusting the sunglasses on his face. God, it was weird to speak Japanese again. When he heard no sound coming from behind the door, he knocked again before ringing the doorbell a few times. Finally he heard somebody cursing inside and the door opened wide, revealing Tadashi in his pants and shirt, yawning and his hair messed up.

His yawn got stuck in his throat as his eyes widened when he saw him. He just grinned before he grabbed his luggage and pushed Tadashi to get inside of the room. Lifting his sunglasses to the top of his head, he dropped his luggage on the floor and hummed.

"This is a really great hotel, huh?"

"Uhm," Tadashi said slowly as he closed the door, still watching him as he moved around the room. Finally, he turned around and met Tadashi in the eyes.

"So?" he asked with a grin. "Surprised?"

Tadashi stared at him before he let out a shaky laugh, his back against the door and a smile fitting on his face. "What—what are you doing here, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) shrugged as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I just wanted to see you."

"Well, it is a surprise, I tell you that," Tadashi said. "But really—why are you here?"

"I," (Y/N) said as he finally looked at the man in the eyes. "You told me a day ago to rethink about us. To think about what I want. Well, I tried thinking about it, but the answer is as clear as day and I'm just—it took me some time to really settle into it."

Tadashi looked at him carefully before he pushed himself from the door and walked up to (Y/N). He raised his eyebrows in a manner before saying, "So, what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying I made up my mind," (Y/N) said as he looked at him. "And I'm going to stick with it until the very end."

(Y/N) could see the end of Tadashi's lips itching to break into a smile. (Y/N) took a step forward before he placed his hands on Tadashi's shoulders. He swallowed his nervous lump down his throat as he took in a deep breath. "Tadashi," (Y/N) started as the man nodded, finally smiling. "I love you."

(Y/N) couldn't help it but to laugh when Tadashi grinned widely. Before he knew it, Tadashi had wrapped his arms around him and dragged him into a hug. (Y/N) looped his arms around his chest and buried his face against the crook of Tadashi's neck, smiling. "I love you," (Y/N) whispered again. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't care about us. But I do, a lot. I'm just scared, Tadashi," (Y/N) continued as he tightened his grip on the man.

"(Y/N)," Tadashi said softly as his right hand travelled to the back of (Y/N)'s head and gently brushed the nape of his neck. He kissed the junction of his neck before saying, "I'm scared too. I thought—I thought I wasn't good enough. I'm never—you're different (Y/N), and I—I'm just scared to lose you."

(Y/N) slowly moved away from the hug, looking at the man in the eyes. "You're not going to lose me and I—I'm not going to lose you. I want this. I was just, everyone kept on telling me how you're going to change the world and I felt, I felt less to you, alright? I just—I can't handle seeing you being so you and having a lot of people thrown at you and to make it worse, those people are probably better than me. So, I'm scared—that you'll realise I'm—"

"No," Tadashi said with a soft smile. His hand that was massaging the back of (Y/N)'s neck slowly travelled to his cheek and caressed them softly. "Nobody else is going to be better for me. Only you, alright?"

(Y/N) remained quiet as he watched the honesty running through those warm orbs before he nodded. He slowly placed his hands back on Tadashi's neck before dragging the man closer to him. Their faces separated by mere inches as he felt Tadashi's other hand travelling to his waist and settling there. "I love you," (Y/N) said again as he whispered those words against Tadashi's lips.

The grip around his waist tightened and before he knew it, Tadashi had cupped his cheek and brought his face closer until their lips met. (Y/N)'s hand travelled to Tadashi's shoulders in reflex and gripped them tight as his eyes slid closed and kissed him back. The kiss was unique in its own way. It wasn't deadly or prickly, it was soft, sweet and everything about them.

The way their lips mashed made (Y/N) felt weak in the knees. Breaking the kiss, he felt his cheeks reddening realising that this was his first kiss. "Well," (Y/N) said as he licked his lips, tasting Tadashi on them. The older man chuckled before he sighed.

"I love you too," he said finally and before (Y/N) could say anything else, he nudged (Y/N)'s chin and swooped down for another kiss.

"I," (Y/N) started before he licked his lips in irritation at the amused man in front of him. (Y/N) had followed Tadashi to the ceremony. By the time (Y/N) had arrived, there was a huge crowd inside the auditorium. The crowd was filled with important people, the press and every single media writers there was. (Y/N) felt himself growing nervous by just peeking at the crowd. Tadashi simple snickered when (Y/N) complained about it.

Now, (Y/N) was trying to be all romantic and let Tadashi know that he loved him as a good luck charm.

But every time he thought he could do it, the words got stuck in his throat and his face would redden.

"I?" Tadashi said slowly, drawling out the words. He was wearing the microphone onto his shirt as he eyed (Y/N) playfully. (Y/N) just sighed loudly before rolling his eyes.

"I—I—I can't say it!" (Y/N) growled out in frustration. "I just said them a few hours ago! I can't—why can't I say them?"

"Look, (Y/N)," Tadashi said with a chuckle as he took a step forward to (Y/N). He placed both of his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders and squeezed them, a gentle smile on his face. "Maybe you can only say them when we're alone. I—I'm happy you get to say them. I don't need to hear it all the time. I'll love you the same anyway."

(Y/N) felt his cheeks reddening before he frowned. "Well, that doesn't mean you don't have to say it all the time!" Tadashi laughed amused before he bent down and kissed (Y/N) on the lips for a few seconds. "Tadashi!" (Y/N) said in mock horror before pushing the man away a few inches and looked around him. "We're in public!"

"Relax," Tadashi said before he ruffled (Y/N)'s hair. "Nobody's here. We'll be fine."

(Y/N) sighed before he finally gave the man a soft smile. "Whatever," he said before he looked out to the entrance of the stage. "Good luck."

Tadashi nodded, taking a deep breath. Just then, a Japanese speaker came up to Tadashi and ushered him to the stage. Tadashi replied in Japanese before looking at (Y/N) and smiling. (Y/N) smiled back as the man finally walked to the entrance of the stage and walked out to the crowd. (Y/N) could hear the cheering and clapping while Baymax made entrance in the middle of the stage as well.

(Y/N) sighed as he leaned against the wall and took in a deep breath.

"Huh, you're here after all," Honey said as she walked to him. She had come down to see Tadashi as well, a smile gracing on her lips. "Good call."

(Y/N) rolled his eyes before he smiled at her. "I know, I—I think I'm good now."

"You better," she said with a chuckle. "I don't understand anyone here."

"Me too," (Y/N) said after a while.

"But you know Japanese!"

"A little," (Y/N) said. "My parents didn't get to teach me a lot before they died."

Honey quieted down before she leaned against the wall next to him. "You know Abigail didn't mean it, right?"

(Y/N) stiffened at her name as he let out an irritated laugh. "Yeah, well, she made it sound like it."

"She's—she just wants everything to go well for Tadashi," she said with a shrug.

"Well, why isn't she here then?"

"She only plans these things," Honey said. "Then, she moves on to the next person who's about to change the world and latch on them until they get it right. She's a motivator, more or less. A Callaghan, what did you expect? But she had good intentions—she just conveyed them wrongly."

(Y/N) just shrugged, not really bothering about her anymore. Sighing, he decided to just forgive and forget Abigail. "But he did it, didn't he?"

"Oh he did," she said before she looked at (Y/N) and winked. "And maybe do you too later?"

(Y/N) raised his eyebrows at her words before the implication settled in and he reddened. He spluttered out a response as she chuckled.

All in all, everything was beginning to change for (Y/N).

He could feel the loneliness finally dying away. He felt the anger washing away.

As the clock struck twelve somewhere at San Fransokyo, February 14th had arrived. Who knew that he would really fall in love with Tadashi by that date? He chuckled at the irony before settling to watch the event.

He was sure Tadashi was going to change his grey dull life into something more cheerful and colourful. He never wanted those dull colours again.

And he didn't even realise that he was actually waiting for the day when he would be saved from his self-destructing tendencies.

"Waiting for love," (Y/N) murmured with humour. Honey just looked at him from the corner of her eyes and raised her eyebrows. (Y/N) shook his head at her and smiled.

He had always been waiting for him.

And now that his wait was over, there was new countdown with the infinity symbol on it and that would be the start of their adventure. Sure, things would still get rough around the edges but (Y/N) wasn't going to give up. He wasn't going to run away anymore.

It was time to let his heart go.

It was time to let someone else heal the pain inside.

Touching his chest, he smiled to himself.

And Tadashi would heal it all just like how (Y/N) would do it for him.

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now