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Hey guys so I know a lot of you probably removed this book from your library and I'm sorry that I've been slacking on updating, but recently I've been binging the new season of 13 Reasons Why and I realized there aren't a lot of Zach Dempsey x male reader books out there.

Literally there's like one on here and one on tumblr, but that's it🙄
So in light of my recent discovery, I'm proposing a vote, please give me your input

1. I write the book, but that means this one will be put on hold until the Zach Dempsey one is done, BUT before I start it I will post the next chapter of this book☺️

2. One of you take on the challenge and write and I'll finish this book, I'll even be your first read💖💖

3. You don't really care and you just enjoy my writing so you're cool with either one😁

I have the next chapter written and everything, I know exactly what direction I want both books to go and have endings in mind for both, I just need you guy's thoughts and opinions.

Comment on here or directly message me I'll answer both😊 So I'll leave you all to it and ski-fucking-daddle out of here✌🏾😘

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now