Chapter 3

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So here is the next chapter, sorry I've been slacking but if you haven't read the author's note in this book and my other one, then I'll just sum it up real quick. I want there to be a Zach dempsey (from 13 reasons why) x male reader book. I offered to write it but that would put this book on hold for awhile. But I also asked if someone else wanted to write it and I would love to read it if they do. I haven't heard anything from you guys yet, but I'll still publish this chapter anyways. Please please PLEASE let me know what you guys want so I can do it 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 anyways please enjoy chapter 3 of Waiting For Love☺️💖

(Y/N) looked at his smartphone and almost choked on his toast. He had just woken up at eight in the morning with nothing on his schedule until noon. So, he decided to laze in his bed a few minutes before heading to the bathroom to wash up. With that, he had gone to the kitchen to eat some toast. As he scrolled through his messages, he read the message sent by his agent. He stared at the message as he drank a glass of water. His face reddened as he reread the message for the fifth time that morning.
"You're kidding me," he said to himself.
You have a trip to London for the Young Scientist Convention. Your ticket will arrive today. You'll be going with Tadashi. –Henry
(Y/N) sighed loudly as he placed his smartphone on the counter, just counting a hundred reasons as to why this would be a bad idea. What was Henry thinking? (Y/N) looked to the ground and stared at his bare feet for a while, his mind flashing back to what happened these past two days. It was the second day of this stupid little game of his. He felt the lurch of weirdness taking over as he remembered how Tadashi's hand felt on his face. It was warm and it was nice. (Y/N) had to admit, it was relaxing—the touch and Honey was actually lucky.
But too bad it wouldn't work on him.
It was just one of Tadashi's tactics to keep (Y/N) unfocused. He shook his head as he felt his cheeks reddening when he remembered what Tadashi had said about him on national television. He almost believed them, the words that sounded so genuine. Whatever that came out from his mouth, it sounded so sincere that he couldn't help but to believe them. But he was his rival and for once, that all made sense to him.
Tadashi was nothing more than a big fat weirdo.
And now, he had to spend two days with him—in London. He groaned at that thought and shook his head. He needed to drown himself in his life before this reality dragged him away. He needed to go back to his roots and live in the type of buzz he had before he had to get back in the saddle with this reality. He pondered for a moment before he nodded and took his smartphone. He quickly grabbed his bag that was lying on the couch in the living room and headed for the door.
He wore his sneakers before he sighed and keyed in his security code. The door gave a few beeps before it clicked open. With that, (Y/N) grabbed the metal handle and pulled it open, coming face to face with the said man that irritated the daylights out of him. The young genius stood and stared at Tadashi, who seemed to have caught wanting to knock on the door.
A few seconds passed before (Y/N) sighed loudly, his good mood already turning around at the sight of Tadashi. "What?" he questioned, irritation seeping through his words. Tadashi just dropped his hand that was bawled into a fist and cleared his throat. (Y/N) blinked a few times when he spotted that Tadashi's face was slightly red. He narrowed his eyes and took a step forward. Tadashi immediately took a few steps back, giving space for (Y/N) to move out from the front door.
(Y/N) turned around and pulled the door close shut, hearing the faint click and beep from the security alarm. Turning around once more to face Tadashi, he raised his eyebrows when Tadashi just shuffled from one foot to the other, a smile making way on his face. "Good morning," he said as (Y/N) rolled his eyes and nodded at him for politeness.
"Yeah, you too," he said curtly before he turned away from the man and started to walk to the elevator. Tadashi didn't waste any time standing about and started catching up to (Y/N), walking next to him. Silence enveloped between them as (Y/N) took the liberty to ignore him. He pressed on the elevator button and waited for the doors to open.
"So, you heard the news?" Tadashi questioned, sounding cheery so early in the morning. (Y/N) wanted to scowl but he refused to dignify Tadashi with any response, therefore he kept his face passive and just hummed out a reply. "We'll be travelling together." Something about that sentence made the young genius cringe as he sighed under his breath. Finally the metallic doors opened and (Y/N) walked inside, followed closely by Tadashi. With that, (Y/N) pressed on the ground button and waited for the elevator music to overwhelm him from this conversation.
However, Tadashi didn't get what the silence (Y/N) was emitting signified and continued on with his one-sided conversation. "We also might be sitting together in the plane."
"What do you want?" (Y/N) asked dryly, hoping that Tadashi would just shut up. There was definitely something wrong with this man, (Y/N) had concluded in his mind. Tadashi just chuckled before he grinned widely.
"I just wanted to see you," he said as (Y/N) felt his eyebrows climbing up. He glanced at Tadashi and just sagged his shoulders. He knew that it was futile to ignore him forever. Tadashi always had that secret passage way to get (Y/N)'s attention and as much as this young genius didn't want to admit it, it always worked.
"Well, ta-da," he said dryly. "Now, go away. I have things to do today." The doors of the elevator slid opened and (Y/N) sighed once more before he got off, heading towards the building's sliding glass doors to get out of here. Tadashi just hummed out casually as he followed the young genius out. Before he could take another step away, a hand shot out and grabbed his right hand gently. It was so gentle that it almost shocked (Y/N) from his skin. Turning around and snatching his hand back, he looked at Tadashi and scowled. "What?"
"Here," he said as he handed out a strawberry candy. (Y/N) raised his eyebrows and he was sure that his eyebrows were climbing way up until nobody could see it anymore. His heart started to thump louder in his chest and sudden confusion washed through him as he stared at the candy.
"What's...that?" (Y/N) asked, carefully looking back at Tadashi. The man just smiled at (Y/N) before he grabbed (Y/N)'s right hand and placed the candy on his palm. He closed the fingers around the candy and held it tight before letting (Y/N)'s hand go. (Y/N) felt the candy wrapper shallowly digging through his skin as he gulped, his mind drawing blank.
"Just something I think you'll like," Tadashi said as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "I got these candies from France. And I thought you might like to try one."
(Y/N) just kept quiet, trying to ponder around that sentence before he looked at his hand again. Clutching the candy tight, he looked at Tadashi again and opened his mouth. But before he could say whatever that was crossing his mind, Tadashi just shrugged and waved at him. With that, he turned around and walked away, digging away his car keys from his pockets and heading out of the place. (Y/N) just stood there and stared at his back until he disappeared. With that, he looked back at his hand and felt something warm worming way in his chest.
This was...unexpected. Nobody had done something like this before. He felt his cheeks reddening before (Y/N) shook those thoughts away. He took the candy, shoving it into his bag as he walked out of the place as well. He had to be cautious from now on. Tadashi seemed to have a million other ways to take (Y/N) off guard and somewhere inside his mind he knew that this was just the beginning.
Small waves of dread washed into him as he sighed loudly. Why was it that his life always seemed to make things harder for him than it already was? Why couldn't he just do things his way for once? He didn't ask to be pulled into this game. He hated Tadashi, he didn't want anything to do with the man. It was more than enough that his life was already tied up with that man in so many aspects. Now his non-existent love life had to be infiltrated too?
But somehow, (Y/N) found his mood lifting slightly. He felt warm in this cold morning and it made him felt weird inside. Nobody in his nineteen years of life had done something like this. Nobody had come up to him and just told him that they liked him—that they were interested in him and wanted to try and be with him. He always assumed that when the time came, he would just meet this girl from somewhere and fall in love with her or maybe, he would end up in a loveless marriage. It had only ever been between these two scenarios whenever it was about his love life but now, his reality had been tipped upside down by this man.
(Y/N) snorted at that. He knew every definition and every meaning related to that word but what Tadashi seemed to be doing looked unique. New and for once, (Y/N) found himself waiting for what was about to come. He shook his head gently and continued on walking. But he wouldn't give in to this game. He was convinced this was just some kind of a game for the both of them, to see who would give up first. Just like the rivalry between them all this time—this was one of those things too.
This wasn't real.

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now