Chapter 4

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This one is for @shrektoseintolerant because they asked so nicely :) I hope you enjoy this ya little weirdo😘 you and the rest of the people reading this
Love, Me the author😉



Wait—maybe some notebooks?


Right, (Y/N) thought as he stared at his now clustered-up bed, he was obviously going to be taking more than just twenty minutes to pack his bags. The young genius sighed loudly as he rubbed his eyes. It was only for two days. It wasn't going to be long. He didn't know why he had this problem every time he was about to head off for a trip. It was never longer than a week and the shortest trip he had ever gone to lasted less than eight hours. He looked at his wrist watch before he looked back at the bed.

His thoughts slowly diverged to Tadashi, wondering what he was packing. Should he go over and ask, get some ideas on what to bring? (Y/N) froze at the thoughts as immediately as they barged into his head. Scowling, he pushed those ideas out of his mind. Why was he thinking of Tadashi all of a sudden? Who in the world cares what he was bringing for this trip?

Apparently the whole world minus you, (Y/N)'s mind whispered bitterly.

Ignoring that thought, (Y/N) went back to dividing his bag and pushing his clothes inside. Maybe three shirts, two pairs of jeans, a pair of slacks, a sleeveless vest, three hoodies, a cosy scarf and a jacket should do. He smiled to himself when he saw how snug his bag looked and decided to zip it closed. With that, he took out his sunglasses (it was always good to be prepared), his passport and a notebook before placing them on the bag neatly. Taking a step back, he marvelled at his work before the doorbell rang.

Glancing at the entrance of his bedroom, he blinked for a few times trying to figure out if someone was really ringing the bell. Seconds of silence washed in before another ding! rang through. Sighing, he looked at his bag once more and nodded, walking out of the room and heading to the front door. Punching in the security code, the red light under the handle blinked three times before turning green and a soft click resounded.

He opened the door and his (e/c) eyes met Tadashi's, who was standing and smiling at him. Seconds passed on before (Y/N) sighed and looked at him in question. "What is it?" he asked, even though his voice was lacking the amount of venom in it he was used to. (Y/N) mentally catalogued that and decided he had to review it later.

Tadashi raised his right hand that was holding onto a red plastic bag and shook it gently. "Well, I'm hoping you haven't eaten breakfast." (Y/N) raised his eyebrows as he stared at the bag. He was sure that whatever inside the bag was breakfast. Tadashi had bought him breakfast. The silliness and cliché-ness of this situation went through his mind over and over and it was beginning to sound funny. He bit down his grin and shook his head.

After last night, (Y/N) had found himself thinking about their dinner more often than he liked. He had to wonder how Tadashi had kept the conversation so light and yet so informative. He was sure that Tadashi had learned a lot about him than he got to in the years they've known each other. The silence accompanying them was just relaxing, something that (Y/N) had wanted for a while now. It was also heart fluttering when Tadashi didn't do anything else besides just keeping the conversation on and keeping his distance, as if he understood that (Y/N) wasn't comfortable with him being physical.

And for the whole night, (Y/N) had found himself thinking and wondering if this was really about the game. But that thought soon vanished when he had to get back into his reality, remembering about his work and his career. He couldn't trust Tadashi, not now. (Y/N) had to admit, he didn't know what he would be feeling after Valentine's Day if this was how Tadashi was going to—seduce him.

There was a chance (Y/N) might get too used to this.

So, he should ignore his advances.

But when he looked at the man in the eyes, a genuine twinkle showed through his brown orbs, (Y/N) found that it was quite hard to say no. Not after knowing so much about Tadashi in return. A silent dread washed into him as he sighed. He was getting too attached already and it had only been three days. Twelve more days to go, (Y/N) reminded himself. And then, Tadashi would leave him.

"No, I was busy packing," (Y/N) said as Tadashi grinned widely.

"Well, want to eat breakfast together?"

(Y/N) pondered the question and just raised his eyebrows. Tadashi raised his own eyebrows back before rolling his eyes at the sceptical genius. "You want to come into my house," (Y/N) deadpanned. Tadashi just shrugged.

"Or we could go to the roof to eat," he said. Silence echoed between them as (Y/N) felt a smirk gliding on his face.

"Roof?" he asked. "I thought it was unauthorised. The Great Tadashi breaking rules? The world is going to end!" (Y/N) mocked out as Tadashi just sighed, even though it didn't come out annoyed. In fact, the man looked amused.

"Well, if they thought 'The Great Tadashi' is nothing but a good boy, then they don't know me at all," Tadashi said as (Y/N) felt his eyebrows making another climb upwards on his forehead. Maybe he should be careful of that. He didn't want to have permanent Vulcan eyebrows. (Y/N) sighed internally. He should stop watching too many Star Trek episodes.

Back to reality, (Y/N) didn't want to go on rooftops. The truth was he was scared of heights. It wasn't something he let everyone in about and Tadashi was certainly not going to know about this. But if it wasn't the rooftop, it was inside of his house. He felt like his privacy would be breached if he let Tadashi in now. But when he thought back to the rooftop, he reluctantly moved out of the way from the door and opened it wider. "Just, come in."

Tadashi didn't move in though, instead, he looked at (Y/N) and smiled. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," (Y/N) said as he nodded. "I'm sure, Tadashi. Come in."

"Eager," Tadashi teased as (Y/N) shot him a glare.

"I have an urge to shut this door to your face," (Y/N) gritted out. "Either you come in or you can taste my door for breakfast." Tadashi immediately raised both of his hands in the air as a sign of surrender before he walked inside, (Y/N) closing the door behind him until the faint click of the security alarm broke the silence. (Y/N) gestured at Tadashi's shoes, asking him to take it off non-verbally and headed to the kitchen. Tadashi followed him afterwards, the plastic bag making wind-like crinkling noises every time he took a step forward.

"What did you buy?" (Y/N) asked as he turned his back to Tadashi and opened the cabinet doors, taking out the plates. Tadashi placed the bag of food on the counter and smiled.

"French toast."

(Y/N)'s fingers stopped momentarily from picking the plates up and looked at Tadashi, eyeing him for a while before he shook his head. "You have an unhealthy obsession with everything French," (Y/N) muttered as he took the two plates and closed the cabinet doors.

Tadashi stilled for a moment before he laughed and nodded. "I suppose I do," he said.

With that done, (Y/N) placed the plates on the counter and served their food. Sitting opposite of each other at the kitchen table, (Y/N) silently ate his food, realising that it doesn't taste so bad. It was actually quite good. Tadashi was humming a bit as he ate his food, the silence lingering between them was comfortable. The young genius took this opportunity to re-evaluate his thoughts about this man in front of him.

Tadashi was like a whirlwind, something that nobody could find it in them to control. (Y/N) had always hated the man and yet, here he was, eating the breakfast bought by Tadashi and letting the man into his house. That didn't sound so convincing about his hate for Tadashi, he thought to himself. He was startled slightly at how fast Tadashi had turned (Y/N)'s perspective of the man that was once nothing more than an irritating presence for him into someone who was carefree and a good company to have. It was as if everything that Tadashi did for (Y/N), it would shed some light under all the negativity (Y/N) had accumulated about the older man.

"This doesn't mean I like you," (Y/N) sounded after a while. He needed to remind himself that this wasn't what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to be cold and reserved. Tadashi was breaking past his barriers quickly than he intended to. They still had twelve more days and he needed to keep this up. He would not let Tadashi catch him and drag him down to a place where (Y/N) had irrational fears for.

Tadashi looked up from his plate and smiled at (Y/N). "I know," he said as he went back to eating. (Y/N) blinked at him for a few seconds before he looked back at his own plate. The man looked as if he knew that that was all he was going to get from (Y/N). He didn't push him nor did he demand to know what (Y/N) thought of him now. "So, what are you bringing to London?" Tadashi started after a few silent moments. (Y/N) shook away all his previous thoughts about Tadashi so he could focus on getting back to his old self.

He snorted inside when he reminded himself of a twelve-year-old girl with a pathetic crush on the hot boy. Not that he had any crush on Tadashi in the first place, it was just this feeling. He needed to actually stay away from him for a few days and try to get his feet back on the ground. "What do you think I'm bringing to London?" (Y/N) asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked at the man. Tadashi hummed out a response before he leaned his elbows on the table and sighed.

"Well, you never know when it comes to (Y/N)," he said cheekily, gaining a scowl from the young genius.

"Very funny," he said. "It's not like I'm going to bring some laser beam to evaporate you into thin air every time you get annoying." Tadashi looked at (Y/N) for a few seconds as (Y/N) sighed. "And no, I don't have one built. Though, now that I think about it—"

"I'm bringing some books," Tadashi cut his trail of thoughts off. (Y/N) looked at the man and for a minute there, he thought he could read the man. A creepy smile worked up on his mental-face. If he could read Tadashi easier, maybe he could try and worm his way out of—whatever this was. A shuddering thought then pulsed through his mind, cackling at him evilly, making him realise that he was actually looking forward to cataloguing the man's faces.

The dread weighed heavily in his chest. Panic rushed through his mind and for a fleet second, he wanted to get up and run away. He was getting attached to Tadashi. "(Y/N)?" Tadashi questioned. (Y/N) got up slowly before clearing his throat.

"I, uh, gotta go," he said as he picked up his plate and moved to the sink. "I have to meet Hiro and Wasabi before the flight and I think you should go," he said quickly. Silence stretched between them before Tadashi got up, taking the plates and placing them in the sink.

"Yeah, okay," Tadashi said as he smiled at (Y/N). With a nod, the man walked away from (Y/N). "I'll see you later then." (Y/N) followed Tadashi out before pressing onto the security code and opened the door. (Y/N) wanted to make some smart remark about how Tadashi will not be seeing him later due to—something—but the young genius was too freaked out about what he was feeling to talk.

Seconds after the door closed shut and Tadashi was gone, (Y/N)'s heart started to slow down and he took in a shaky deep breath.


Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now