Chapter 9

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Sadly this story is coming to an end, next chapter is the last chapter lol. I'm excited and I can't wait for you guys to read it and I hope you all enjoy it. Anyways here's chapter 9 my loves

"Tadashi, I think I'm starting to like you."

The silence accompanying between them was so loud that Hiro wanted nothing more than to run off. Tadashi's face was stricken. He seemed to be in shock before he furrowed his eyebrows, confusion filling his eyes.

"You—like me?"

"I think," (Y/N) added automatically before he licked his suddenly dry lips.

"(Y/N)," Tadashi said. "I'm not sure what you mean. I thought you did like me."

(Y/N) sighed loudly before shrugging. "I mean," he said. "I—I like you—like the way you like me, Tadashi."

It only took a few seconds before the realisation dawned on his face. "Oh," Tadashi said slowly and (Y/N) nodded, shuffling on his feet. "Are you—really?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) said. "Yeah. Yes. Yep." He was nervous, he could feel his mind working overdrive. He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away, his cheeks feeling hotter by the second. Silence once again took over before he heard chuckles. Looking back at Tadashi, he raised his eyebrows when Tadashi grinned at him.

"Okay," he said. "So, what do you want to do?"

(Y/N) shrugged once again. "I don't know?"

"Do you want to be with me?" Tadashi asked gently as he took a step forward but not close enough to breach the young scientist's personal space. "You have to be honest with me, (Y/N). If you're not comfortable with what you're feeling, you have to tell me. I'll always be your friend, alright?"

"I do want to be with you," (Y/N) said quickly. "I'm just not sure how far I can take it with you."

"Physically?" he asked.

"Emotionally as well," (Y/N) said slowly. "Physically too. God, Tadashi, you just amaze me. When I first saw you, I really looked up to you, you know? But something in me snapped closed when you just shot down me like that when we studied together. And—and—somehow this rivalry watered my hatred for you and it grew. But then you actually took your time to be with me, you tried to care for me and you finally changed my perspective of you. I was confused most of the time when I'm with you, only that I really want you and I needed you. And I hate it when you're more focused on other people than me and I know it sounds selfish but I just want it."

Tadashi remained quiet, just listening to (Y/N) babble.

"And I'm sorry that I sound like a clingy brat, but—you're the first one to elicit such response from me and you can break through every wall I made by just being you! You're amazing in so many ways and I feel—short standing next to you. I like you, Tadashi. But this is my first time liking anyone like this and the fact that you're not a girl and still managed to sweep me off my feet makes me even more nervous inside. So, what should I do?"

"Well, you're not that short when you stand next to me," Tadashi teased. (Y/N) just rolled his eyes at the man.

"I spill my heart out and you choose to go with that?" (Y/N) asked, sounding slightly annoyed. Tadashi just grinned at him before he sighed and shook his head.

"(Y/N)," he started. "I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear this from me. I like you. Actually, scratch that, I think I'm in love with you. And I know this is all new for you, but I won't ask for something that you can't give, okay?" Tadashi gingerly touched his shoulder, squeezing it before he took another careful step forward. (Y/N) didn't shy away and let Tadashi near him, looking at the man in the eyes.

"So, what should I do?" (Y/N) asked quietly as if they were whispering a secret. Tadashi smiled and at that moment, that smile eased any doubts and questions in (Y/N)'s mind. Tadashi slowly touched his cheeks and cupped his face with both of his hands. (Y/N) ended up closing his eyes tight, relishing at how warm his hands were against his face. He almost forgot how cold the night was.

"I think," Tadashi said slowly, his breaths hitting the young genius's face. (Y/N) opened his eyes slowly and his breath caught in his throat when he saw how Tadashi looked, all soft and kind. "You should give me a try. Give this thing between us a try."

(Y/N) shakily touched Tadashi's hands and wrapped his fingers at the man's wrist. He felt his heartbeat picking up and if anything, he felt his cheeks and neck reddening. He licked his lips again as he nervously nodded. "Okay," he said slowly. "I'm scared though. But I'll give us a try."

"Okay," Tadashi said, his voice sounding hopeful at the same time. "Okay, good. Just for the record, I'm scared too."

(Y/N) looked at him and nodded again, this time a smile working on his lips.


Waking up the next day, he found himself smiling, his cheeks already flushing. Biting his bottom lip, he blinked and sighed. Staring at the ceiling, he wondered if this could be it. If he could really do this—he had never really let someone inside before and for the first time in his life, he was going to give this a try.

They were together.

He couldn't believe it. He thought he had dreamt of it all but the soft humming inside of him told him otherwise. He felt light, as if someone had poured ten tons of sunrays inside of him. He remembered his words ringing through the night. They hadn't kissed or anything as sort mostly because (Y/N) was still trying to get used to this. It was too fast in his books, so Tadashi just smiled at him when he agreed to try this.

Honey had found them afterwards before she took one look at them and smiled vibrantly. She gently reminded them that they were in public and (Y/N) immediately took a few steps back. It wasn't that he didn't want to be seen near Tadashi like—that, but the media was already a pain in the neck from the beginning and he wanted his private life to just stay like that—private.

He had gone home smiling and for the first time in his life, he felt the loneliness driving away, far away from his grasp. He sighed as he sat up on his bed. Though, that didn't eliminate the thought that being with Tadashi was slightly scary. He had never been with someone before and this was Tadashi he was giving his heart away.

He knew that he wouldn't ever feel what love could be if he didn't try it out.

But what if at the end, his heart wasn't meant to be given away after all?

He sighed softly at that and decided to push it away. It wouldn't matter at the moment. He got out of the bed and headed on with his morning routine. After a shower and some fresh clothes, he grabbed his things and shoved them in his bag before heading to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed an apple juice, decided it was time he head back to the lab.

Opening the door, he hadn't expected to see Tadashi there, eyes locked with his and for a moment, the world stopped whirling around. (Y/N) felt himself freezing before he blinked and broke eye contact with him. "Uhm, hey," he said, clearing his throat when he felt himself growing nervous again.

Tadashi nodded, smiling as he took a step back, giving (Y/N) some space. Locking the door, (Y/N) turned back to look at Tadashi and raised his eyebrows, trying his best to hide the flutter inside of him. "So?" he questioned.

"Right," Tadashi said to himself before looking at (Y/N). "Baymax is going to be shipped off tomorrow. So, if you want to see him one last time..."

(Y/N) knew where he was going with it. "Can I?" he asked. Tadashi just grinned at him.

"Yeah," he said. "Of course."

(Y/N) felt his cheeks dusting pinkness on it before nodding and smiling back. "I'll come by during the evening?"

"I'll pick you up," Tadashi said. "Your lab? And then maybe we can grab something to eat. I—I'm leaving to Japan the day after tomorrow."

(Y/N) nodded, agreeing. "Okay," he said as he started to walk to the elevator, Tadashi by his side. "To be honest, I actually did want to see Baymax one last time."

"Great," Tadashi said happily, pressing on the down button. Silence ensued between them as (Y/N) shuffled in his shoes. There was something else in this silence, something deep and (Y/N) found it weighing on them like a ton. He glanced at Tadashi from the corner of his eyes, wondering if the man had something he wanted to ask. But when he didn't and just got on the elevator with (Y/N), the young genius resigned to the silence.

Suddenly, things felt awkward between them. (Y/N) didn't know why. Before this, he was comfortable with the silence but now—it felt awkward. There was nothing but leaking nervousness in the air and a bit of something else. "Well," (Y/N) started. "This is awkward."

Tadashi chuckled, breaking the silence as he leaned against the elevator wall and looked at (Y/N). "Really?" he asked.

"Like you don't feel it," (Y/N) said as he pointed to the ceiling. "It's like so awkward, man."

"Well, I don't feel it," Tadashi said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Maybe it's you."

"Oh, ha ha," (Y/N) said sarcastically. "Like I'm the one who's nervous."

"So, you are the reason for this awkwardness," Tadashi mused loudly. (Y/N)'s face reddened as he shot the taller man a glare.

"No," (Y/N) denied. "I'm not!"

Tadashi shrugged playfully and when the doors of the elevator opened, he was grinning at (Y/N) and walked out. (Y/N) followed him, embarrassment painting his insides as he huffed out loud. "I'm telling you, I'm not the reason for that."

"Okay, okay," Tadashi said as he glanced at (Y/N). "I understand."

"Understand what?" (Y/N) challenged as he looked at the man and raised his eyebrows.

"That you're nervous with your boyfriend, I get it, totally," Tadashi said with amusement in his voice. (Y/N) froze on his spot, looking at Tadashi when the term 'boyfriend' sunk in his mind. Oh. The real heaviness of this realisation took (Y/N) by surprise and he found himself taking a step back.

Tadashi stopped walking and turned around to look at (Y/N). "Right," (Y/N) found himself saying before licking his lips and looking at anywhere but Tadashi. The man furrowed his eyebrows as he took a few steps forward to (Y/N). "Right, boyfriend."

"What's wrong?" Tadashi asked, sounding slightly confused and all traces of humour gone. (Y/N) looked at the man before he gave out a weak smile. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No," (Y/N) said. "Just took me by surprise, that's all."

"What?" Tadashi asked. "What took you by surprise?"

"That term," (Y/N) said. "You know—boyfriend." (Y/N) found himself reddening again at the word, something squishy and warm working his way in his heart. He liked this feeling, he decided. Tadashi raised his eyebrows, frowning slightly.

"Did I get it wrong?" he asked. "I thought you wanted to be—"

"Yeah," (Y/N) said quickly, cutting any words coming out from his mouth. "I do."


"I'm just—I just realised we really are together, like that," (Y/N) said with a sheepish smile. Tadashi's face softened and he smiled.

"Ah," he said understandingly. (Y/N) nodded awkwardly before he cleared his throat once more.

"I'm going to get going," (Y/N) said before he looked at Tadashi. He smiled at the man before he walked away.

"(Y/N)," Tadashi called out after he had taken two steps forward. (Y/N) turned around to look at the man who had a grin on his face, stretching big and wide.

"There's no need to be nervous," Tadashi said. "The reason why I fell for you from the very start was because you're—you."

(Y/N) felt his heart speed up as he grinned, couldn't help but to let the bubbling warmth inside of him out. "Tadashi?" he said as the man nodded, asking him to continue. "I know." Tadashi chuckled at that as (Y/N) rolled his eyes playfully and waved at him. With that, he started to walk to the entrance of the building, ready to start his new adventure.


He knew his friends weren't going to sit around idly and wait for him to speak. They were going to ambush him and they were going to drag him down for interrogation even if he had to kick and scream. (Y/N) felt the back of his neck prickle from the sensation of two pairs of eyes digging through his skin. Their gazes were sharp and the silence on them weren't really helping much either.

Finally, (Y/N) slammed the screwdriver on the table and sighed. Turning around, he crossed his hands against his chest and looked at his two friends. Wasabi was pretending looking at his phone while occasionally lifting his eyes up to see (Y/N) meanwhile Gogo wasn't even trying to hide her blunt staring.

"Do I have to ask?" (Y/N) asked as Gogo sighed and Wasabi cleared his throat.

"Spill it," Gogo said as she rolled up the blueprint and placed it on the table. (Y/N) raised his eyebrows at them, hoping he could worm his way out of this by feigning innocence. "Oh, don't even try to act like you don't know what we're talking about, (Y/N)."

Nope, didn't work.

Sighing, (Y/N) shrugged. "What do you guys mean?"

"(Y/N), man," Wasabi started. "If anyone saw you today, they'd be blind and dead by now."

"Excuse me?" (Y/N) asked, completely flabbergasted at the horrible phrase.

"That was horrible, Wasabi," Gogo commented dryly.

"What?" Wasabi asked, sounding slightly put off. "It's perfect. If anyone saw (Y/N) today, they'd go blind from the sheer brightness he's emitting and then proceed to die before help arrives because his brightness is about ten thousand terawatts."

"Well, I don't know if I'm supposed to take it as an insult or as a backhand compliment," (Y/N) said almost as dryly as Gogo's stare at Wasabi.

"(Y/N)," Gogo started. "Seriously, what's going on? You're really—glowing."

(Y/N) didn't even pretend he wasn't blushing at that and decided to just resign to his fate that his friends were going to find out either way and he might as well tell them now than later. (Y/N) licked his lips before nodding. "Well, uh, things happened."

"What kind of things?" Wasabi asked, sounding slightly curious.

(Y/N) phrased some words in his head, trying to make it sound neat and clean before he opened his mouth. "Tadashi-kinda things?"

Gogo stared at (Y/N) for a minute before her eyes narrowed and a devious smile playing on her lips. "Yesterday, you said something about a charity event. Something happened there with him, didn't it?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I—I found out that I like him."

Wasabi nodded and Gogo hummed. Silence filled in between them before Wasabi raised his eyebrows. "So? Didn't he know you liked him?"

(Y/N) realised that maybe he should start being specific. "No, I mean," (Y/N) said. "I like him—the way he likes me."

"The way he likes you?" Gogo said slowly before Wasabi's eyes widened and Gogo's lip parted into a 'O' shape. "You—really?" she asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah," (Y/N) said with a wary smile. "I like him—that way."

Immediately, his two friends took a few steps forward and crowded his personal space. "So, did you tell him?" Wasabi asked, sounding more than interested now. (Y/N) nodded slowly before he heard a laugh coming from Gogo, sounding amused.

"And what did he say? Did he sweep you off your feet with a kiss?" she teased and (Y/N) couldn't help but to imagine that scenario only to end up redder around his cheeks.

"Guys," he said as he took a step back from them. "Personal space here, man."

"Come on," Gogo said. "We want to know. What happened? How did he react?"

"We got together," (Y/N) said, silencing them. "We got together. We're—together. Like that."

"Woah," Wasabi said after a while. "That's—you're finally going to give you and Tadashi a try?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) said with a shrug as if he wasn't nervous already. "I mean, why not, right?"

"Woah, indeed," Gogo said with cheekiness radiating from her tone. But there was something else too. She was proud of him and that took Hiro by surprise. "Congratulations, (Y/N)."

"Thanks?" (Y/N) said.

"We're glad," Wasabi said. "You're trying, man. That's good. Wait 'till Fred hears about this."

"Careful. Don't let this slip out," (Y/N) said and Gogo rolled her eyes.

"We're not that desperate for money, (Y/N)," she said as (Y/N) chuckled at her.

"So, the Honey Lemon thing isn't real?" Wasabi asked as he looked up from his smartphone. (Y/N) grinned and nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "They're just friends."

"See? I told you Tadashi wasn't like that," Gogo said and (Y/N) just sighed at her.

"Are you guys done now? I'll like to get back to my work," (Y/N) said as he pointed to his desk. "Want to help me instead?"

"Yeah," Gogo said before she smiled.

With that, they went back to inventing.


They decided to get lunch after working for more than three hours, well mostly, Gogo decided it was time for lunch and she proceeded to drag (Y/N) and Wasabi out the doors by their shirt collars when none wanted to move. They were currently walking down the sidewalks, (Y/N) wearing his sunglasses as he rubbed his neck.

"Sometimes," Wasabi started. "I think you're made out of pure iron for strength."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Gogo said as she eyed (Y/N) and dared him to say something.

"No comment," (Y/N) said after a while. Gogo nodded as they walked in silence when someone called up to (Y/N).


(Y/N) turned around, lifting his sunglasses when he saw Honey Lemon, grinning at him. She stood in front of him before she said, "Hey."

"Hey," (Y/N) said back to her, still feeling slightly guilty for having made incorrect conclusions about her. "Uhm, guys, this is Honey. Honey Lemon. Honey, my friends; Gogo and Wasabi."

"Nice to meet you," she said as she shook their hands. Gogo blinked at her before smiling meanwhile Wasabi gave her a grin.

"Nice to meet you too," Gogo said. "We're going to get something to eat, want to join us?"

Honey looked at (Y/N) briefly before she nodded. "Sure."

Waiting for love Tadashi Hamada x Male (Genius) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now