Mix Tape

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(Readers POV)

    Okay, I'm finally going to tell Steven Hyde how I feel about him. I think to myself as I tightly hold the mix tape. My hands feel sweaty and my heart is thumping against my chest. I take a deep breath in before heading towards the inside of the Foreman residence. My body immediately stops just a couple of steps away from the sliding glass door. Maybe I shouldn't do this, maybe I should just have Eric give it to Steven and not tell him who it's from. But if I don't tell him and he has the same feelings I'll regret it my whole life.

     After contemplating with myself I rush past everyone and go straight for Stevens room. Once I got there I stared at his closed door and take a deep breath. I slowly raise my hand and softly knock on the door. I don't even know if he was able to hear the knock. Maybe it was my conscience telling me that I'm not ready. My thoughts were stopped by the creek of the door. The door seemed to go in slow motion as I felt my heart leap. Once I met  blue eyes my breathing stopped.

     "Hey, (L/N) what's up?" Steven asked making my cheeks heat up. I let out the held breath and handed him the mix tape. "I-I wanted t-to give you this." I cursed myself for stuttering. Right when he took the mix tape from my grasp I retracted my hands like I was afraid of his touch. "A mix tape? What's this for?" He asked taking a look at the list of songs written on the front which consisted of 'Whole Lotta Love, All my Love, and Since I've been Loving You.'

     I swallowed the lump in my throat and without stuttering told him how I felt. "I know you don't care for love and all that cheesy stuff, but I have feelings for you Steven which is why I made you the tape." I looked down at my feet not wanting to look at his face fearing his rejection. "Come in I have something for you too." I walked into his room and stood at the center. "You can take a seat (Y/N), you can relax." I took a seat on his bed and took a deep breath in and out to ease my nerves.

     Steven grabbed something from under his pillow and handed it to me. It was a mix tape? It had some of my favorite songs and some of Stevens favorites. "I made this for you (Y/N) I was going to give it to you at school tomorrow. I didn't expect you to make me one let alone confess your feelings to me." My smile widened at his explanation. "Steven Hyde, I think you have gone soft." Steven scoffed at my accusation.

     "I can just take this back then." Steven teased taking the mix tape from my grasp. I gasped in surprise and tried to get the mix tape back from him but he kept avoiding my reach. Steven held his hand high so I couldn't reach it. "Steven give it back." I said pouting. Steven grinned at me and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me close to him. "I'll give it back if I can get a kiss from you." I blushed deeply and stuttered. "C-can I kiss you on the cheek?" I asked feeling to shy to kiss him on the lips. Steven hummed contemplating my offer. "Alright deal." Once my lips got close enough to his cheek Steven turned his head so our lips would lock. My eyes widened in surprise. I soon relaxed and returned the kiss.

     The kiss was sweet and gentle. It didn't have any lust it was just passion. Once we pulled away I looked Steven in the eyes not being able to look away. He leaned his forehead against mine and we just stood there in the middle of his room. In a quiet whisper I asked "Can I have my mix tape back?" Steven smiled and held his hands up. "I don't have it sweetheart."

     "Where'd you put it?" I asked him suspiciously. "Maybe you should check your pockets." I checked my pockets and there is was in the back pocket of my jeans. How did I not feel that? I smiled at Steven and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "You're very mischievous Steven." "I have something else for you (Y/N)." Steven grinned getting something else from under his pillow. It was a little silver ring with my birthstone on it. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Would you like to go steady with me (Y/N)?" I jumped in excitement and hugged Steven. "Of course I would love too!"

(Later that Day in the Basement)

     Steven and I haven't told anyone that we were together yet and we decided to wait and see who would notice the ring first. I bet that Jackie would notice first, Steven bet that Donna would. Donna sat next to Eric on the couch, and Jackie stood beside Kelso who sat in his chair. "So (Y/N), why'd you run into my house earlier?" Eric asked. "I had planned to study with Hyde and I was running a little late." I lied with ease impressing Steven.

     Jackie eyed me suspiciously. "I've never seen you care about your grades (Y/N), why do you all of a sudden care." I knew she would notice something right away. "My parents are pestering me about it and it's really irritating." I lie to everyone again. Once everyone goes silent I mess with the ring Steven gave me. I smile thinking about the moment I had with Steven just moments before. My thoughts are interrupted by Donna. "Where'd you get the ring?" Everyone's eyes are on me and I feel my cheeks heat up.

     I look over at Steven and he's smiling waiting for my response. I pout at him hoping he'll do the explaining. "She got it from me." Steven said taking a drink of his beer. "Why'd you give her a ring?" Eric asked. "Because we're going steady." Steven says taking my hand and leading me to sit on his lap. I blush and avoid everyone's gaze. "I knew there was something going on between you two." Jackie stated. "Yeah but I won the bet." Steven said smiling in triumph. "What bet?" Fez asks curious. "We had a bet to see who would notice the ring first. I bet it would be Jackie, and Steven bet it would be Donna." Kelso laughs and asks Hyde. "What do you get as a prize?" "That is Secret my friend." I blush as Steven runs his hand up and down my thigh. "Hyde's going to get laid tonight!" Kelso yells with a stupid smile on his face. Steven scoffs and glares at Kelso. "No I'm not. The deal was that if I win I pay for our date. If she won she would've paid for our date." Kelso smile dropped. "That's a boring deal."

     "You're an idiot Kelso. If I wanted to just have sex with her I wouldn't have given her the ring." Steven states in a matter of fact tone. I smile and kiss Steven on the cheek. "You're such a gentleman Steven." Steven pushes his sunglasses up and clears his throat. "You guys are such a cute couple." Jackie says before hitting Kelso. "What was that for?!" Kelso asks holding his shoulder. "Why can't you be sweet like that?!" Jackie yells before leaving. Kelso soon runs after Jackie. Steven pats my thigh a couple times before speaking. "Would you like to go listen to your mix tape upstairs?" I nod getting up from his lap. I take a hold of his hand and lead him upstairs to his room.

     I lay down on Stevens bed as he plays the mix tape. Steven then lays down next to me and takes a hold of my hand. I readjust myself and lay my head on his chest. "Steven?" I say getting his attention. He hums as a response. "I'm glad I told you how I felt." Steven lightly kisses the top of my head. "I'm glad you told me too." I slowly fall asleep to the sound of Steven steady heart beat. I've never felt happier in my life.

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