Chocolates and Roses

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Stevens (POV)

    "I really don't want to do this." I say to myself standing outside a flower shop.

    Valentines Day the worst holiday of the year. I guess I should get (Y/N) something though. I don't even know what kind of flowers she likes.

    A couple more minutes went by and I finally decided to just get her red roses. I go into the shop buy the flowers and leave immediately I don't want anyone to see me in there.

Readers (POV)

    "Donna, I need your help. I have no idea what to get Steven." I say to Donna as I walk frantically around my living room.

    "I don't think you should worry about it (Y/N). Steven doesn't really care for this holiday."

    "I know but we're together now. I don't know maybe I'm just over thinking things." I sigh sitting on the couch.

    "Hey, if you want to do something for him you can make him chocolate with those Halloween molds you have." Donna suggests trying to cheer me up.

    "Yeah I could do that. He does like skulls and cross bones." I smile a little in excitement and head to the kitchen.

(Time Skip)

    "Finally I'm done 30 pieces of chocolate, some dark and some regular." I put all the chocolate in a little container and head over to Foreman house.

    Once I got there I said my "hellos" to Red and Kitty and headed to the basement.

    I got to the basement and I started to feel really nervous. Maybe I should wait until later to give these to Steven.

    Before I can turn around to leave I hear Steven call my name. I turn around and smile.

    "Hey, um would you like to go to the water tower with me?" He asks approaching me.

    I quickly nod my head and we both leave and go to the tower.

    (Time Skip)

    Sitting at the water tower I still feel nervous about the chocolates but not as nervous as I was.

    Steven sits next to me and we both don't say anything for a while.

    "I got you these. I didn't know what flowers you liked so I got you roses." Steven says giving me bouquet of roses.

    I smile and say. "They're beautiful Steven, thank you."

    "Yeah, I don't really do this sort of thing but I really like you and I figured that you'd enjoy it."

    "I actually made something for you." I say handing him the container of chocolates.

    "Skulls and cross bones." Steven laughs a little then turns to give me a quick kiss.

    "Thanks I love them." He says eating one.

    I blush a little and smile. "I'm glad you like them."

    Steven puts the chocolates beside him and stands up. He then reaches his hand out for me to stand as well.

    Once I'm standing Steven puts one hand on my waist pulling me closer. He takes both of my hands and places them on his shoulder, and slowly starts dancing with me.

    "Steven Hyde you are such a romantic." I laugh a little teasing him.

    Steven then leans in and kisses me softly.

    "Only for you babe." He says winking at me. I blush deeply and he laughs.

    Steven kisses me again but with a little more passion this time. My blush deepens but I kiss back.

    "We should get going." Steven suggests as he leans his forehead against mine.

    I nod my head and we head to my place.

    We enter my room and Steven immediately kisses me. Without breaking the kiss he leads me to my bed and lays me down.

    I wrap my fingers through Stevens hair messing it up slightly. The kiss gets a little more heated and before anything else happens Steven stops.

    "As much as I'd love to go further with you I'd much rather wait. Even though it sounds cliche." Steven explains laying next me.

    "I want to do this with you when it's perfect for you." He continues as I lay my head on his chest and cuddle up with him.

    "You are so sweet Steven, thank you." I say giving him a quick peck on the lips.

(Time Skip Next Day)

    I'm sitting at Donna kitchen table think about last nights events.

   "What are you think about?" Donna says getting my attention.

    "Nothing just thinking about Steven." I reply simply.

    "What about him?" Donna asks expecting more information.

    "Well we were kissing pretty good last night and I thought that would be the night we would do it." I say looking at her.

    "And, it didn't happen?" Donna says kinda surprised.

    "No, he stopped and said he wanted to make sure that when we do it it'll be perfect for me." I say biting my lip nervously.

    "Awe, that's so sweet." Donna says excitedly.

    "Yeah it really is. It just shocks me kinda I didn't expect that from him."

    "(Y/N) he really cares about you and if he didn't he wouldn't have given you that ring or those flowers yesterday." Donna say in a matter of fact tone.

    "Yeah you're right. Steven is.." Before I could say anything I'm interrupted by someone's lips.

   The person pulls away and I realize it's Steven. I blush and look away embarrassed.

    "How long have you been standing there?" I ask nervously.

    He laughs and replies. "I walked in right when you were explaining to Donna what happened last night."

    "Donna! Why didn't you tell me?" I say blushing even more.

    "He gave me sign to be quiet so I didn't say anything." Donna says raising her hands in surrender.

    Steven sits next to me and pulls my chair closer to him. "I love you (Y/N)."

    "I love you too."

(A/N) Sorry this is really short.

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