Birthday Surprise

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Stevens (POV)

    Sneaking back upstairs to my shared bedroom with the love of my life. Trying my best not to wake her up just yet.

    Once I got to our bedroom I was entranced by (Y/N) beautiful sleeping form. Slowly walking towards her I sat next to her on the bed and brushed her hair back from her face.

    I leaned forward and kissed her soft cheek. I then started gently kissing down her neck. (Y/N) groaned in her sleep and turned.

    "(Y/N), I need you to get up and get dressed."

   "Why?" She groaned pulling the blanket over her head.

    "Because I have a surprise for you later and I want you to get dressed." I explained.

    She poked her head out of the blankets and pouted. "I'll get up if you come lay with me for a little longer."

    I smiled and started kissing her. "I'm not going to just lay here with you." I purred pulling the blankets completely off of her. She moaned in response.

(Time Skip)

    After our session this morning we headed over to the Foreman's place. I convinced her to wear a dress even though I know she doesn't like them much.

    I like seeing her in dresses

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    I like seeing her in dresses. She looks so beautiful in them. This dress that I had her wear is my favorite. The color of it I think fits her perfectly.

    Just looking at her in that dress makes me have goosebumps. Even when she doesn't wear a dress I have to remind myself that she's mine. She's so beautiful in every way and I love her.

    "Hey, are we gonna go inside?" (Y/N) asks getting my attention.

    "Uh yeah, hold on a second. You have something on your nose." I leaned towards her and kissed her.

    "That wasn't my nose dork." She laughs kissing me once more before getting out of the car.

    "Surprise!" Everyone yelled as we walked in.

    (Y/N) jumped in surprise. "Happy Birthday (Y/N)." Kitty said hugging her. Soon after everyone gave her a hug and wished her happy birthday.

    "I totally forgot it was my birthday." (Y/N) says still surprised.

   "Who planned all this?" She asked turning to me.

    "I actually had help. I asked Mrs. Foreman to help me plan everything." I explained.

    "Oh Stevens just being nice. He's the one who came up with everything." Kitty says.

    "Thank you, Steven." (Y/N) says giving me a hug.

(Time Skip)

    After we sang happy birthday and everyone gave her presents. It was time for my present.

    "Hey, can I have everyone's attention." After getting everyone's attention I grabbed (Y/N) hand and pulled her closer to me.

    "(Y/N) I'm not really good at this sort of stuff and to be honest I never thought I'd be doing this. We've been together for a while now and I know I messed up once before but I'm never going to do that again because I love you. I'm always going to try and make you happy."

    Not letting go of (Y/N)s hand I got on my knee. Everyone gasped including (Y/N). I pulled a small box containing the start of our forever like I promised.

    "So (Y/N), will you marry me?" (Y/N) started to cry and got down on her knees

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    "So (Y/N), will you marry me?" (Y/N) started to cry and got down on her knees.

    "Steven nothing would make me happier. Yes I'll marry you." She then pulled me into a kiss. Once we pulled away I put the ring on her finger and everyone surrounded us.

    "Damn, it's beautiful." Jackie said in frustration.

    "It's black. Oh, nevermind congratulations you two." Kitty giggled in excitement.

    I turned to (Y/N) who was trying to stop crying. "I love you (Y/N)."

    "I love you too." She said turning to me and gave me a hug.

    This is the happiest day of my life. I really can't wait to start our future.

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