Popsicle Luxury

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Steven (POV)

    "So, (Y/N) is mad at me." I said breaking the silence of the basement.

    "Seriously? It hasn't been that since the last time you made her mad." Donna stated.

    I sighed and squeezed the bridge of my nose in frustration.

    "I know but I seriously don't know how I made her mad this time."

    "Maybe she's on her period." Eric suggested.

    "Yeah, when I'm on my period I yell at Michael for no reason." Jackie says butting in.

    "No offense Jackie but you always yell at Kelso." Eric says rolling his eyes.

    "What if she's not on her period?" I ask Donna specifically.

    "Well try getting her something that she loves and if she rejects the gift then you'll know she's not on her period."

    I contemplate Donna's suggestion and decided to go for it. I'll stop by the store on the way to her house and get her some popsicles.

    (Time Skip)

    I knock on (Y/N) bedroom door cautiously. For a few minutes there's just silence then the door opens revealing (Y/N) in her pajamas and her hair all messed up.

    "I uh brought you some popsicles." I said holding up the bag I had in my hand.

    She then steps aside letting me in her room. I walk in and set the bag on her bed. After setting down the bag I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind.

     "Are you alright?" I asked her grabbing hold of her hands in mine.

    "Yeah I'm fine just cramps." She say burying her face in my back.

    "So Eric was right."

    "Right about what?" She asks stepping away from me and sitting on her bed grabbing a popsicle.

    "I thought you were mad at me for some reason. Eric said that you might just be on your period." I explained sitting next to her and rubbing circles on her back with my thumb.

    (Y/N)'s face turned red instantly.

    "Yeah he's right. Is that why you got the popsicles."

    "Yeah Donna suggested that I get you something that you like." I explained.

    She then leans her head on my shoulder and sighs. "Thank you Steven."

    "Yeah no problem." I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled into my lap.

    After a while of small talk and eating all the popsicles (Y/N) fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her waist.

    "I love you (Y/N)"

(Time Skip)

    "Wait so I was right?" Eric asked.

    "Yes you were right. She was on her period." I simply said.

    "Oh yeah! Take that you red headed demon." Eric taunts Donna.

    "Okay so you were right about her being on her period, but I was right about getting her the popsicles." Donna also says in victory.

    (Y/N) then walks down the stairs and sits on my lap. "Why'd you leave this morning?"

    "I thought I'd come thank Eric and Donna for helping me with you."

    She kisses my neck once and then lays her head against the crook of my neck. I rub her leg to comfort her.

    Silence fell in the room for a while until Kelso runs in and breaks the silence.

    "I'm so tired of Jackie! I need to break up with her."

    "Kelso! Shut up!" (Y/N) shouts getting frustrated.

    "Hyde control your girlfriend." Kelso says in a demanding tone.

    I pick (Y/N) up and place in the chair I was sitting in. I give a quick kiss before turning and glaring at Kelso.

    I punch his arm then grab him by his ear bringing him outside. Once outside I let go of his ear.

    "Ow! What was that for?!" Kelso shouts.

    "You need to respect my girlfriend man. She's having a tough time right now."

    "She's the one disrespecting me. I think she should apologize." Kelso says stupidly.

    I sigh trying not to punch him again.

    "You need to shut up and respect her or I will beat the crap out of you." I threaten stepping closer to him.

    "Alright fine." Kelso says going back into the basement with me following him.

    "(Y/N) I'm sorry for disturbing you." Kelso apologized.

    I lift her back up and place her in my lap. She just hums in response and cuddles back into me.

    "Do you have a headache?" I ask her quietly.

    She nods her head yes and wraps her arms around me.

    "Kelso go upstairs and grab some Excedrin or something sweet." I demand.

    "No I'm not doing that." Kelso stated.

    I glared at him. "You will do it or I will just beat you now."

    After that Kelso ran upstairs.

    "Thank you." (Y/N) whispers.

    "Anything for you." I said kissing her.

    After a couple of minutes Kelso came back with a can of soda, Excedrin and a popsicle. I grabbed the Excedrin handed it to (Y/N) and opened the can of Soda for her.

    (Y/N) took the Excedrin and grabs the popsicle from Kelso.

    "What not even a thank you?" Kelso says expectingly.

    I kicked Kelso to make him shut up. He yelled in pain and limped back to his chair.

    "You're the greatest boyfriend ever." (Y/N) said kissing me.

    "I know." I said smiling.


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