Getting Better

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Your (POV)

    Today's a really sad and terrible day. Just a few hours ago I was sitting at the hospital waiting to know what'll happen to my Dad. Now I'm sitting here in the darkness of my room. My eyes are burning and my throat is soar.

    'He's gone.'

    I'll never see him again, I'll never be able to hear his voice or hug him.

    'Why did this have to happen to him?'

    "(Y/N), can I come in please?" Hyde says on the other side of my room door. I didn't answer I just continued to cry.

    After a few minutes I heard my room door open and close. I then felt him sit at the side of my bed. Silence still in the room.

    "(Y/N) I'm so sorry." Hyde whispers while rubbing his hand comfortingly on my side.

    "I just don't understand. He was fine yesterday." I stated sitting up to face Hyde.

    "I don't understand it either. But it happens and we can't stop it from happening. We just have to push through it even if it's the hardest thing to do." Hyde says scooting closer to me.

    "I don't think I can push through it." Hyde then wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

    "I'll help you push through it. I'll be here for you every step of the way."

    "Steven I don't know what to think anymore. I'm so lost." I cried onto his shoulder.

    "I know and it'll get better in time. Not fully but somewhat." Steven handed me a tissue from my nightstand.

    "Thank you."

    "No problem. I'm gonna go downstairs and get a whole lot of junk food for the both of us and some more records. You get dress in that Led Zeppelin shirt I gave you and we'll heal together." Steven kissed my forehead then left for the food.

    I got dressed in the shirt and some pajama pants. I then cuddled up in my blankets on my bed.

    'I still don't know what to do. Dad I miss you.'

    Steven came back with the food and records. He put on some classical cello music and came to cuddle next to me.

    "What would you like to eat first ice cream or the crap tone of greasy fries?" Steven asked leaning over the bed and grabbing two bags.

    "Why not both?" I stated grabbing the bags from him. Steven laughed and took out a carton of ice cream.

(Time Skip)

    It's been a few weeks now and everyone finally got me to get out of the house. Everyone decided on taking me to a carnival.

    "I really don't want to do this." I told Hyde squeezing his hand.

    "I know, but you needed to get out of the house." Hyde says kissing my temple.

    "Oh! Let's go on a really fast roller coaster!" Donna says in excitement."

    "I agree let's go." Kelso agreed in excitement.

    We went on all the roller coaster now we are sitting down for food. I actually started to feel a lot better seeing everyone laugh and have fun.  It really took my mind off of my Dad.

    "Thank you guys for bringing me here."

    "Of course (Y/N) you needed to be cheered up and we were worried about you." Eric say sympathetically.

    "Yeah and it was Steven's idea to take you here." Fez states teasingly.

    I looked over at Hyde and he was avoiding my gaze. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

    "Thank you Steven."

    "You missed." I look at Steven confused. I then felt his lips against mine. I was a little surprised but I kissed back instantly.

    "There's still one ride we haven't been on." Eric says pointing towards the ferris wheel.

    "Wanna go?" Steven asks holding my hand.

    "Yeah let's go. I'll race you all there!" I yelled running towards the ferris wheel.

    I got on the ferris wheel with Hyde as the rest got on behind us. We got up to the top and the view was breathtaking. The sun was going down and it made the sky a beautiful orange color.

    "(Y/N) I love you." Steven whispers but I still hear it.

    "I love you too Steven." I lean my head on his shoulder and admire the view.

    "I want to get an apartment with you." Steven states making me look at him in shock.


    "Yes really. I've thought about it a lot. I really love you and I want to spend my life with you. So let's move in together." Steven states simply.

    I just sat there staring at him for a couple of seconds before my eyes started to fill with tears.

    "Hey, don't cry. Why are you crying?" Steven asks hugging me.

    "I would love to move into an apartment with you!"

(AN: Sorry this is short I haven't had a good day. My boyfriend's dad passed away today. Since I couldn't be with him during this time I felt terrible. I wrote this part of the story because this is what I would like to do for him. Stay safe everyone.)

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