New Place

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Your (POV)

    "Steven can I open my eyes now?" I asked my boyfriend who's leading me somewhere.

    "No not yet. Just a couple more steps and we'll be there." Steven replies guiding me in the right direction.

    My eyes have been closed since we left the Foreman's place. I'm so excited to see the surprise that Steven has for me.

    "Okay, now you can open your eyes." Steven says stepping away from me.

    I open my eyes and gasp in amazement. "Steven is this?"

    "Yep it's our place

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    "Yep it's our place. I already moved our stuff in and I had everyone help me with decorating. So if you see anything you don't like probably wasn't my idea."

    I laugh at Stevens statement and look around the apartment. "Wow this is so amazing."

    "You think the living room is amazing you should see the bedroom." Steven says taking my hand and leading me towards the bedroom.

    "I even got all of your books because I know how much you like to read before you go to sleep

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    "I even got all of your books because I know how much you like to read before you go to sleep." Steven explains.

    "Steven this is perfect" I exclaimed hugging Steven.

    "Here is your key. Don't lose it." Steven says teasingly.

    "I never lose anything."

    "Then where's the bracelet Mrs. Foreman bought you for your birthday?" Steven asked making a point.

    "That's different I don't usually wear jewelry." I say embarrassed.

    Steven laughs and wraps his arms around my waist. "Whatever you say sweetheart."

    I was about to kiss Steven when we heard knocking on the door. "Who's that?" I ask confused.

    Steven goes and opens the door and everyone comes in. Kelso, Fez, Eric, Donna, Kitty, and even Red. I go over to greet everyone with Steven.

    "Hey everyone. Why are you here?" I ask not in a rude way.

    "Oh, we wanted to check out your apartment." Kitty explains.

    "Yes and looks even worse than I imagined." Red says disgusted by the apartment. Kitty hits Red telling him to shut up.

    "Can you show me to the kitchen hun? I brought some pie for you guys." Kitty asks.

    "Sure, I haven't showed (Y/N) the kitchen yet. We can all head in there." Steven says leading the way with me right beside him.

    Once we all got to the kitchen everyone looked around in awe. "Oh Red, it's my dream kitchen." Kitty says in slight jealousy.

" Kitty says in slight jealousy

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    "Our kitchen is fine. It's perfect the way it is." Red says.

    Kelso and Fez go straight to the fridge looking for food. "Hey idiots don't go eating all of our food." Steven says pulling them out of the fridge.

    "Steven I can't believe you found such an amazing place." I exclaimed impressed.

    "I wanted to find a perfect place for me and you. It took me a while but I finally found this place." Steven explains wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

    "I love you Steven." I said kissing him.

    "I love you too."

    "Awe how sweet. Now who wants a slice of pie?" Kitty asks cutting the pie.

    "I do." Everyone says in sync.

(Time Skip Next Day)

    Sleeping next to Steven is the greatest feeling ever. Just waking up next to someone you love is like heaven. I woke a couple minutes ago and I haven't gotten out of bed yet.

    I just want to look at Stevens sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. His slow breathing is hypnotic and calming.

    I finally decided to get up and make some breakfast. Eggs and bacon are a good first breakfast in our new apartment.

    Once I was finished with breakfast I brought up a plate to Steven. "Steven wake up I made breakfast." I said shaking him slightly.

    He groaned and turned over to look at me. "Good morning." He says rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

    "Good morning." I said kissing him. Before I can pull away Steven pulls me back into the kiss making it last a little longer.

    "You're going to make me drop your food." I said smiling.

    "You made breakfast?" Steven asked in disbelief. I laughed and handed him the plate.

    "I can cook. I may not be the greatest but I can cook the basics." I explain. Steven eats his breakfast then gets out of bed once he's done.

    "Get dressed I'm gonna go put on some music then we can have everyone come over to hang out when you're done." I say leaving the room.

    "Alright I'll meet you in the living room in a second." Steven says kissing my cheek.

    I go downstairs and start playing some music. I head over to the phone and call the Foreman's place.

    "Hello." Red says on the other side of the phone.

    "Hey Red can you send Eric and everyone over?" I ask.

    "Sure, hey do you have food over there?" Red asks kinda quietly.

    "Yeah I made breakfast." I stated simply.

    "Great I'll be over." Red says hanging up.

    "Did you call Eric telling them to come over?" Steven asks walking towards me.

    "Yeah except Red answered and he asked if I made food. He says he's coming over." I explained confused.

    "Kitty is probably mad at him for some reason and didn't make him anything." Steven explains.

    "Ohh, that makes sense."

    After a few minutes everyone came over for breakfast. I guess this is everyone's new hang out spot. Everyone is sat in the kitchen chatting and having fun.

    Even Red seems to be having fun. I smile at the site of everyone getting along. I'm excited to see what else the future has in store for me.

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