Reckless Idiot

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Readers (POV)

    Silence filled the Foreman basement when I stepped downstairs. Everyone looking down at the floor with worried faces.

    "Why's everyone so quiet?" I ask looking at everyone in the room.

    None of them made eye contact with me. After a couple more minutes of silence, Jackie skipped down the stairs with a huge smile on her face. She rushed passed me and sat on Stevens lap giving him a kiss on the cheek.

     My entire body felt numb, my heart started to beat faster with so much rage.

    "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled making Jackie jump off his lap with wide eyes.

    Steven then stood up and walked towards me. I stepped back from him not wanting him to come any closer. My eyes started to fill with tears as I looked him in the eyes.

     "(Y/N), listen I.." Steven stopped mid sentence looking at me hesitantly.

     "Well?" I said crossing my arms.

    Steven just stood there staring at me with a sad puppy dog look on his face.

    "Will someone please tell me what's going on?!" I yelled impatiently.

     "Alright fine! I slept with Steven!" Jackie said stepping from behind Steven.

     My heart filled with hurt and betrayal. I stayed emotionless I looked up at Steven waiting for him to say something, but nothing came from him.

     "Well I hope you're happy Hyde because you won't be seeing me again." I stormed out of the basement and took the motorcycle with me.

Stevens (POV)

     "Steven?" Jackie asked putting her hand on my shoulder. I moved away from her touch and got in my car to go after (Y/N).

     A couple hours have passed and I still couldn't find her. She wasn't at home, she wasn't at the park. I don't know where she could be. How can I be so stupid I ruined everything. I lost the most important person in my life.

    I drove up to a stop light seeing flashes of red and blue lights up ahead of me. My heart stopped seeing the crushed Harley I bought (Y/N). I pulled over and ran towards the scene.

     Once I got closer I saw the paramedics put (Y/N) into an ambulance. I rushed over to her but the police stopped me. "I know her! Let me see her man!" They let me go and I hopped into the ambulance.

(Time Skip)

Readers (POV)

     It's been a couple months after the accident and Steven hasn't left my side. Every time we are alone he apologizes. No matter how many times I tell him that it's fine and that I'm over it. He still insists that it's his fault.

     He explained to me about what happened with Jackie. I couldn't forgive him for what he did. He hasn't spoken to Jackie which makes me extremely happy.

     Right now we are all outside playing basketball. Donna and Hyde are one team while me and Eric are on the opposite team. Both teams are tied.

    "Ready to lose, gorgeous?" Steve states as I dribble the ball.

     I smirk at his statement. I pass the ball to Eric before Steven could stop the ball, I grab hold of his collar and pull him into a kiss. I pull away from the kiss as Eric yells in victory.

     "I think you are the one who lost." I laughed giving Eric a high five.

     "That was cheating." Donna huffed in frustration.

     "Hey, sorry sweetie but no one said it was against the rules." Eric stated with a dumb smirk.

     I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and before I could register what was happening I felt a pair of lips against mine.

     The kiss was quick, I couldn't even respond to the familiar soft lips that were against mine.

     "Steven.." I breathed out his name not wanting him to pull away.

     Everyone has already gone inside. It's only us standing together. I looked up into his blue eyes before kissing him again.

     "I love you (Y/N)."

     "I love you too."

(Time Skip)

      "I win!" Donna cheers once she won a game of monopoly.

     I sigh exhausted from playing the really long game. I lean back and lay my head back on Stevens lap. Steven leans down and kisses me.

     "Are you two officially back together?" Eric asks interrupting the kiss.

     "Not officially yet. I want to get her a new promise ring because the last one was tainted with lies." Steven stated seriously.

     "I told him I don't need another ring. But he won't let it go. He's a lot more stubborn than I thought." I smile and grab a hold of Stevens hand kissing his palm lightly.

     "Speaking of said promise rings I actually got something better." Steven gently took my hand, and clasped a bracelet around my wrist with a heart lock.

     "Now this won't come off even after we get married and grow old. I have the key here around my neck. For as long as I live I will never break my promise, and this key will never unlock that bracelet." Steven kisses the back of my hand as I stare into his eyes.

     "Did you just say married?" I asked still in shock.

     Steven giggles and kisses me softly. "Yes I said married. I plan to marry you and, I plan on having a little boy and girl with you."

     "I love you so much." I say kissing him.

     "Okay you guys we're still here." Fez states with a pout.

     I laugh and sit on Stevens lap. "So who wants to play another game?" Donna asks getting all worked up again.

    "One more round, but that's it." Eric says resetting the board.

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