Unexpected Surprise

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Readers (POV)

    The last couple of weeks have been exhausting. I've been throwing up every morning, afternoon, and night. I don't know what it could be. Steven keeps telling me I need to see a doctor.

    I hate going to see the doctor. You just sit in the waiting room for hours anyway. You're just going to get even more sick because of all the other gross sick people.

   "I made you an appointment for Thursday." Steven says sitting next to me on the bed.

   "But I don't want to go." I pout not really having the energy to argue.

   "I know, but you're not getting better. I'll even go with you. Okay?" He asks holding my hand.

    "I'll go if you cuddle with me." Steven laughs lightly and gets under the covers. I curl up next to him with my face buried in his chest and his arm wrapped around me.

(Time Skip)

    "You ready to go in?" Steven asks again since we've been sitting in the for 30 minutes now.

    I take a deep breath in and nod my head. I step out the car and head to doctors. Steven walk beside me holding my hand.

    Once inside I sign in then take a seat. I really don't want to be here. But if it helps then I just have to suck it up.

    "You alright?" Steven asks squeezing my hand. I nod yes and stare at the ground.

    "Why won't you talk?"

    "Because I don't want to be here." I say looking at him.

    "(Y/N) (L/N)?" My name is called and me and Steven follow the nurse to a room.

    "The Doctor will be with you shortly." They explain leaving the room.

    I sit on the bed and Steven sits on a chair next to me. I mess with my fingers nervously waiting for the doctor. After a couple of minutes a light knock is heard on the door.

    "Alright, miss (L/N). What seems to be the problem?" He asks.

    "I've been throwing up every day and I've been feeling more tired than usual." I explain as he writes it down.

    "Okay. Are you sexually active?"

    "Yes." I simply say.

    "When was the last time you had intercourse?" I look at Steven unsure.

    "About two or three weeks ago." Steven says.

    "Have you had your period yet?" The doctor asks.

    "It should be coming up." I explain.

    "Have either of you used any protection while having intercourse?" My eyes dart to Steven. Who now looks nervous.

    "No.." Steven says.

    "Okay. Well I think that you might be having early symptoms of pregnancy. But just to be sure I'll bring you some pregnancy tests." The doctor says leaving the room.

    "You didn't use protection?!" I slightly yell.

    "I was to caught up in the moment I didn't think about it." Steven explains.

    "Steven I might be pregnant." I day in disbelief.

    "I know. But it's a good thing right? You always wanted to have one." He says.

    "Yes, but I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom." I say. Steven stands up and hugs me.

    "It'll be fine. We'll be great parents. This is going to be a new experience for the both of but we'll get though it." Steven says soothingly.

    The doctor then comes in with two tests. "Take these and in a few minutes we'll know if you are in fact pregnant."

    I take the tests and head to the restroom.

(Time Skip)

    It's been a minute since I've taken the tests. We've been waiting for the doctor to come back an tell us the results. A couple more minutes of silence and the doctor comes back.

    "Well it looks like you'll be eating for two from now on miss (L/N)." The doctor says with a smile.

    I was frozen in shock. But I was happy. More happy than I thought I would be. My eyes started to tear up and Steven immediately hugged me tight.

    "Steven you're going to be a dad." I said clutching onto his shirt. He couldn't say anything he was in shock too. He just held me tighter and kissed me.

(Time Skip)

    It's been a couple of weeks since we found out and now we're both on the couch. Steven is rubbing my stomach while I read. We haven't told our friends about the news yet. We have called everyone and they should be here soon.

    A knock was heard on the door and Steven went to get it. Everyone we know then came inside. I stood up to hug and greet everyone.

    "So what's the big news?" Kitty asks with a big grin.

    "Before we get into that, does anyone want a drink?" Steven asks kindly. Once everyone was seated and had there drinks. We all started talking about random things.

    Fez said something dumb that made everyone quiet again. "Well since everything is weird now I guess we should tell everyone the big news." Steven said standing up.

    "So (Y/N) has been sick for a while I'm sure some of you have noticed. And I'm sure you've all noticed I didn't give anyone beer when they requested it."

    "Yeah, why are you denying us beer man?" Kelso asks offended.

    "Kelso I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt this is really important." Steven says annoyed then continues.

    "I didn't give anyone beer because (Y/N) can't drink beer."

    "Why do we have to suffer if she can't drink?" Kelso interrupt again.

    "Kelso if you don't shut up now I will shove my foot up your ass." Red says.

    "What? Just cause she can't drink shouldn't stop us." Kelso argues. Steven then punched Kelsos arm to make him shut up.

    "Before anyone else interrupt. (Y/N) can't drink because she is pregnant and I decided that if she can't then anyone in our apartment can't." Steven finally says.

    "You're pregnant?" Kitty asks shocked. I smile wide and nod.

    "Oh, Red we're gonna be grandparents!" Kitty says excited. Red just stares at Steven with a blank face.

    "Congratulations you guys." Donna says standing up and hugging Steven then sitting next to me. "Can I touch your stomach?" She asks excited.

    "Sure but you won't be able to feel anything." I explain. Donna still puts her hand on my stomach and smiles.

    "This is so cool. You're carrying an actual person in there." Donna says.

    Everyone continues to congratulate us and is extremely excited about the news. This is going to be great I can already tell.

    "Hey Eric, when are you and Donna going to have a baby?" Steven asks to mess with Eric. Eric chokes on his drink and Donna smiles.

    "I don't think we should be rushing into it. We still have a lot of time." Eric explains nervous.

    "Eric you better be having some kids soon. I want to see all my little grandkids." Kitty says.

    "Steven is already ahead of you. He got (Y/N) an apartment, a ring, and now baby." Red explains.

    "I can already tell he's going to be a great father." Red says.

    "Thanks Red." Steven says holding my hand.

    "I love this family." I say smiling at everyone. Kitty begins to cry all happy.

    "We love you too (Y/N)"

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