Star Gazing

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(Steven POV)

   We are all sitting in the basement like we usually do. Kelso is telling some stupid story that I'm not paying attention to. But there is one person missing from the group today and that's my girlfriend (Y/N). She's been sick for a couple days now, I kinda feel bad.

     "Hey, Hyde what are spacing out about over there?" Donna asked getting my attention.

     "(Y/N), has been sick for a couple days now. I want to do something to help her feel better." I say looking down at my hands.

    "Just have sex with her and she'll feel better. That's what I did for Jackie." Kelso laughed before getting slapped by Jackie.

    "Why don't you just go spend time with her." Eric had suggested.

    "Yeah, Eric would do that for me whenever I'm sick and it would make me feel better." Donna agreed.

    I sighed and leaned my head back. "I hate this romantic crap."

(Time Skip)

    After (Y/N) mom let me in I was heading up to her room with a bag full of thing that would help her feel better. Along with some records that we could listen to.

    I knock on her room door and after waiting a bit she doesn't come to the door. I slowly open her door and go inside. "(Y/N)?" I called not seeing her.

    "Steven? I'm out here." She said peaking in from her bedroom window.

   Climbing out the window to join her I handed her the bag full of medicine and other essentials.

    "What's this for?" She asked looking through the bag.

    "Well I knew you were sick and I haven't seen you in a while so I decided to bring you some things to help." I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me.

    "Awe, that's so sweet Steven. Thank you." She laid her head on my shoulder and shivered.

    "Why don't we go inside so you can get warm?" I suggest. She sighs and looks up at the sky.

    "I want to enjoy the stars for a little longer then we can go inside." I hummed in response and looked at the stars with her.

    "I've always loved learning about everyone's Astrology. It always seemed fascinating to me in a way." She says in a whisper.

    "Are you one of those people who check their daily Horoscope in those magazines?" I asked kinda teasing her about it.

    She giggles and smiles at me. "I don't always look at my horoscope just sometimes. I love my Zodiac sign it says a lot about me."

    "Alright nerd we should go inside." I stand up and climb back through the window before helping (Y/N) through.

    After helping her I leaned out the window and grabbed the bag I had brought. "What would you like to do first? Music, Medicine, or snack?"

    (Y/N) sat on her bed wrapping herself in a blanket. "Let's eat some snacks while listening to music." I take one of the records and play it on her record playing.

    "This is one of my favorite songs." She stares smiling.

    "I know that's why I put it on." I take out some chips and hand them to her.

    "And, my favorite chips. Steven Hyde you've out done yourself." She says opening the bag.

    "Yeah let's not make a big deal about it, and let's keep it between us alright?"
I sit next to her and take a chip from the bag.

    "Sure thing, it'll be our little secret." I scoff and playfully push her. "You're such a dork."

    "Says the one dating the dork." She says eating another chip.

    "Would like a drink for those chips?" I ask taking some Coca-Cola out of the bag. "Wow,  you have everything in that bag. What are you going to pull out next a dog?" She laughs taking the Coke from my hand.

    "Haha, you're not funny." I joke. (Y/N) smiles and looks down.

    "Hey Steven, do you think our relationship will last?" She asks quietly. I'm a little caught off guard I didn't expect that.

    "If I thought it wasn't going to last I wouldn't have asked you to go steady with me." I say in a matter of fact tone.

    "I know but do you think we'll still be happy together like this in the future?"

   I grab her hand and make her stand up in front of me. "I can't guarantee that we will be happy all the time but for most of the time I'm sure we'll be happier than most couples."

    I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me. "I'll hold you like this every time you feel down or when you just want me to hold you."

   I lightly kiss her lips making her face heat up a little. "I'll kiss you every chance I get, I'll kiss you when you are being annoying just to shut you up." She laughs and hits my shoulder lightly.

    "I'll make sure that we are happy because I want this to work. I don't want to fuck this up." I sate seriously.

    "Now I'm positive you've gone soft Steven." (Y/N) laughs sitting back down.

    "Yeah but I'm only like this around you." I kiss her forehead and decide that it's time to give her the medicine.

    I dig through the bag and take out the liquid cold medicine and hand it to her. (Y/N) scrunches up her face in disgust.

    "Liquid is not my favorite." She states.

    "I know but it helps more than the pills do." I grab the bottle from her and open it pouring it into the tiny measuring cup that comes with it. I hand it back to her and she hesitates.

    "Here give it to me and lean your head back with your mouth open." She hands me back the little container and does what I said. I pour the medicine in her mouth and she swallowed instantly.

    I hand her the Coca-Cola so she can take the nasty taste out of her mouth. "It's so disgusting." She says before taking a drink.

    "I know but you'll be happy when you feel better." She puts the Coke down and goes under the covers to lay down.

    "Come lay with my Steven." (Y/N) says patting the spot next to her. I take my boots off and lay under the covers next to her. She cuddles up next to me and lays her head on my chest.

    "You're mom's not going to yell at me if she see's us like this right?" I ask unsure.

    "No she won't. She'll probably ask me a lot of questions when you leave but that's alright. I just want to cuddle and steal your body heat."

    I hum and wrap my arm around her waist slowly falling asleep next to her.

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