Getting Arrested

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(Readers POV)

     I just got off the phone with Donna, she just told me that Steven got arrested on Jackie's behalf. I'm so pissed that Jackie got Steven arrested. I storm over to the Foreman residence since I don't live that far away.

     Once I got inside of the Foreman basement where everyone was. My eyes filled with rage once I saw Jackie and I just couldn't hold myself back. I charged at her but before I could reach her Eric and Donna stepped in front of me. Jackie stood up and backed away from me. "Move out of my way." I said with clenched teeth.

     "You can't hurt me (Y/N), Steven loves me and I love him." Jackie said with a stupid smirk on her face.

     I tried pushing my way through Eric and Donna but they held me in place. "You are so lucky they're holding me back, because if they weren't I'd be smashing your face in with the heel of my Harley boots right now!" Jackie gasped and glared at me.

     "(Y/N), even though I would love to see you beat the hell out of Jackie. I don't think that's really appropriate." Eric said trying to calm me down.

     I took a deep breath in and glared at Jackie. "You're right Foreman she's not worth the time." I then pointed my gaze at Eric and nodded telling them that I'll be alright. Both Donna and Eric let me go and I plopped down on the sofa.

     "Does anyone know when he'll be out?" I asked leaning my head back. I closed my eyes and waited for someone to answer my question. But no one did. Before I could speak I felt a pair of soft lips over mine. My eyes shot open and I realized it was Steven.

     "Did you miss me, sweetheart?" Steven said pulling away from the kiss. I looked over at Jackie and smirked before pulling Steven back down for a more heated kiss.

     "I'll take that as a yes, she did miss him." Eric sarcastically responded. I pull away from the kiss and Steven jumps over the back of the couch and sits next to me.

     "So, what'd I miss?" Hyde asked looking around at everyone.

     "Oh, nothing just your crazy girlfriend trying to kill Jackie." Fez states.

     Hyde looks over at me then at Jackie. "Man I would've loved to see that." Steven says kissing my head. Jackie growls before saying. "You'll be mine soon enough Steven just you wait. No one can stop our love." I scoff at her statement.

     "Steven wouldn't want to date someone else's leftovers let alone Kelso's leftovers." I said glaring at her.

     "Oh Burn!" Kelso yells laughing.

     Jackie growls in frustration before storming out of the basement.

     Eric then claps his hands in approval. "Alright, (Y/N)!"

     "Man that was such a turn on." Fez exclaims before Steven smacks the back of his head.

     "Back off Fez, she's my lunatic and I'm not sharing." I giggle at his statement and lay my head on his shoulder.

     "Awe, aren't you two just adorable." Donna states smiling at me.

     Steven clears his throat wanting to change the subject. "So, before I got arrested I wanted to surprise you with something."

     "Oh yeah? What'd you get me?" I asked looking up at Steven curiously.

     "Well I got it for the both of us to enjoy together." Steven said getting up and reaching his hand out for me to hold.

     I got up holding Stevens hand as he leads me out of the basement and to the Foreman garage. Everyone follows behind us curious as well.

     "Close your eyes for a sec while I get it prepared." Steven says letting go of my hand. I close my eyes without hesitating and I hear the garage door being opened. Everyone behind me gasps getting me really anxious to see what Steven got for us.

     "Okay, you can open your eyes now." I slowly open my eyes and gasp at what I'm looking at. "Steven! How could you afford this?!" I ask amazed.

     There sitting in front of me is a Harley Davidson motorcycle. "I was saving up for it. I always saw you looking at those Harley Davidson magazines and decided to surprise you with one."

     I squeal in excitement and hug Steven. "You are the best boyfriend ever! Can we take it for a ride?!"

     Steven smiles and gets on starting it up. It roars loudly making my whole body vibrate. "Hop on sweetheart."

    I smile widely and get on behind Steven wrapping my arms around his waist. We leave the Foreman residence and race down the road.

(Time skip)

     Steven drove us to a soccer field so we could be alone for a bit. Which I was extremely happy with. Now we lay on the fresh cut grass listening to the sounds of Wisconsin.

     "I love you (Y/N)." Steven says breaking the silence.

     I Sit up in surprise and look down at Steven. "Did the Steven Hyde just say he loves someone?" I ask teasingly.

     Steven smirks and pushes me down on the grass as he hovers over me. "Don't make me take it back (L/N). It'll be the last time I say something like that if you keep teasing me about it."

     "But it's so fun teasing you." I say pouting up at him.

     "I'll never let you ride the motorcycle." He states making me shut up. "That's what I thought." Steven continues before leaning down and kissing me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders pulling him down closer to me.

     Steven pulls away from the kiss and gets up. "I should get you home before it gets real late sweetheart."

     I pout in disappointment and reluctantly get up. I start to walk to the motorcycle but am stopped by Stevens arms wrapped around my waist.

     "I love you (Y/N)." He whispers against the crook of my neck.

     "I love you too Steven Hyde."

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