Bundle of Joy

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Readers (POV)

    It's been two months since I gave birth to Lucas and even though it gets complicated at times I'm more than grateful to have him in my life. My little bundle of joy.

    Steven helps a lot with Lucas when he's home. Sometimes Kitty will come over with Red and help out as well. Right now I'm upstairs in my shared room with Steven. We had covered half the room with a curtain for the nursery since the apartment is only one room. It worked really well and it's such a gorgeous nursery.

    Lucas is in his crib while I sit in a chair not to far from him.

    Kitty bought us his outfit when he was born

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    Kitty bought us his outfit when he was born. He looks so cute with his little beanie.

    "Hey, how's he doing?" Steven asked stepping into the room.

    "He's good. I'm sure he misses his daddy though." I smile once Steven picks him up out of his crib.

    "Did you miss daddy?" Steven asks Lucas not expecting a response. Steven then starts to slightly bounce with Lucas in his arms.

    I smile as I watch Steven be cute with his son. When we first started dating I never thought that Steven would ever want to be a father. I thought he would've just wanted a simple life, a free life. But I guess I was wrong.

    I love this family we have created. I love Steven. He's done so much for us.

    "Hey (Y/N), you okay?" Steven asked me taking me from my thoughts like he usually does.

    "Yeah I'm fine, just admiring how great of a father you are." I say smiling and kissing his cheek lightly.

    He chuckles lightly and smiles at me. "I'm not the best father but I try my best."

    "Oh but you are the best father Steven. You've provided for your child and you haven't left him. I'd say you're a great father." I stand next to him and lay my head on his shoulder watching our son reach up to Stevens face.

    "If you say so (Y/N) that means a lot to me." Steven gives Lucas his hand to play with and Lucas gladly accepts it.

    "Steven, we haven't figured out our wedding yet" I said still watching Lucas.

    "I know, we'll get officially married soon I promise. I just want to make sure I have enough to make it all perfect." Steven sighs a bit.

    "I know you do. But we don't need a huge wedding you know. I just want to be with you." I explained trying to make him feel a little better.

    "Even if you do say that there's no way I'm going to give you some mediocre wedding. You're so much more special than that." He rocks gently with our son laying against his chest.

    "You spoil me way to much. I'll be fine Steven I promise. All I want is to spend the rest of my life with you. To grow old together."

    "I know and we will." Steven carefully leans down to kiss my head before taking our son to the kitchen to feed him.

    I stay behind for a bit longer before getting up and going to the kitchen to see Steven struggling to feed Lucas.

    "Need some help?" Trying not to laugh I go over to help him.

    "I don't think he likes being fed by me. He prefers mommy to feed him."

    "He loves his daddy to feed him too. I don't think he has favorites." I kiss Stevens cheek before going to make myself some coffee.

    "Can I have some too?" Steven asks as he smell the coffee brewing.

    "No I thought I'd drink this all by myself." I tease and stick my tongue out at him with a smirk.

    "Still teasing me to this day. You know I'll get you back for that just you wait."

    "I'd like to see you try."

// Sorry everyone I've been very busy and I haven't been doing good. I'll try to make it up to all of you. This is a short chapter but I'll make sure the rest are longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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