Chapter 2

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Good love ‘til your body gets weak (baby)

Good love ‘til your body gets weak

‘Til your body gets weak

‘Til your body gets weak 

‘Til your body gets

‘Til your body gets weak (baby)

Good love ‘til yo, good love ‘til yo

‘Til your body gets weak 

‘Til your body gets (baby)- Slow Grind by Tory Lanez

    Purple and green, two colors that suited her. She had a short bright green crochet top that was just below her breasts, her barely covered ass was covered with a dark purple g- string. Her body was curvy with her waist being tiny and her hips and ass standing out, making her look sexy without trying. Her breast were small but had harden with the attention on her.  She was covered in dark, beautiful tattoos. On her right asscheck, she had a heart tattoo with a blade through it. The heart was dripping blood and had cursive writing in the heart: L'amore mi fa impazzire. Tutti hanno bisogno di un po 'di follia nella loro vita. One on her hip, it was a smoking gun aiming a crazed grin. One under her left rib cage that stretched to her belly button: a red rose covered in thorns that were needles. Two on her neck, one reading: Everything means nothing. Fuck life. And the other was two puncture holes that drip stars in its wake. She also had a sleeve tattoo on her right arm and small tattoos  on her fingers. Edward couldn’t see them but could tell that they were pretty. Her hair was a deep burgundy and was breast-length. She also had on makeup that enhance her capturing eyes and plump dark red lips. Though she was small, her black 5 inch heels made her tall and confident, her legs wrapped in fishnets. She was the type of person to capture everyone’s attention in the flat and she was only staring at Edward. 

 The dark-skinned girl- woman walked around the pole slowly, showing her behind and did a split. She twerked and looked back at Edward and licked her lips. He gulped not knowing what to do except to stare. She got back up and grinded on the pole and then put her black up against it. She locked eyes with Edward, mouthing the words to the song, “Girl, spread your legs and whine on me”. She turned back to the pole and lifted herself on the pole, climbing to the top of the ceiling. She let herself fall back, letting her legs grip the pole and slid down the pole while facing the awed audience. Once on the ground, she flipped over and grind the floor while curling her finger towards Edward. Everyone started to glare at Ed, jealous of her attention on him. Edward, flustered started to come closer to the stage, hypnotized by the smoldering eyes. Once close enough to the stage, she got up, went to the corner of the stage and pulled a chair from the back, sliding it in the center of the stage. She then walked back to Edward and held out her hand to him, raising her eyebrow at him, challenging him. He took the bait and grabbed her hand and pulled himself on the stage.

She pushed him in the chair and sat on top of him. She started to grind on him to the music and whispered in his ear, “Meet me in the back of the club, outside after your done with your friends.”. She then ran her fingers down his chest and stood up and turned around to face the audience.She sat back on her, grinded her ass against her front. He could feel every inch of her body on his. She leaned back on him and kissed the shell of his ear, licking slowly. Before he could respond to her, she jumped up off of him and walked off to her coat and bent down to get it. She looked back at the stage and sexily walked off into the back with the end of the song. Everyone on the floor stared at Ed, he glanced at the corner where Flass and his crew was. They were all staring at him, menancily, he then looked at everyone and scurried off the stage. He ran to the stairs and started to go down them, hearing the yells of Flass and the other policemen. “GET BACK HERE NERD. THIS DIPSHIT THINKS HE CAN GET AWAY AFTER THAT!!”, he then heard pounding footsteps after him and started to hurry down the stairs. Edward bolted to the middle of the dancing club, bumping into the protesting sweaty bodies. He looked around the club for the exit and saw in a corner the figure with the hooded coat. The hooded figure lifted her head and grinned at him with a blunt in her mouth. She blew out the smoke, turned and walked out the door with the big red, flashing exit above it. Edward looked back and saw Flass and his posse had finally came down the stairs searching for him vegrissily. Ed turned back to the exit and speed- walked to the door, feeling every ounce of helplessness wash over him.

    Once outside in the freezing cold (the temperature dropped), he could see his breath and looked around, searching for the gir- woman. “You know I never met seen you around here before”, he whirled around to see the woman leaning on the wall, smoking a blunt, “I mean i’ve noticed who comes into the club and you don’t look like the type to be here.” She took a pull from the blunt, leaving circles in the air around her. “I-I-I My friends invited me here to relax. They said I was too uptight and should come down here,” he stammered. He was breathing so hard, you could see his breath hard in the cold air. She smirked, “I don’t think those are your friends, they seemed pretty heated from the attention I was giving you,” she then tilted her head, “You do know that they were going to make pay for everything right?” ‘No I didn’t. I thought they were being genuine. Now i look stupid.’, he thought to himself, he thought Flass was just being nice for once, instead of always joking. “I can fill a room or just one heart. Others may have me but I can not be shared,” he blurted out, suddenly. She smiled sadly and looked down; she knew the answer to the riddle, but didn’t share the answer with him. Edward frowned, thinking she would know the answer, but most people didn’t. She took a puff of her blunt, looked at her blunt, and offered it to him,” You look like you need it.” He declined and they stood in silence, her smoking and him deep in his thoughts.

 “What’s your name, your real name?,” he asked turning towards her. “Luna,” she answered, smiling,”Aren’t you cold? It was warm earlier, but it’s kinda freezing now.”

Now that he noticed, it was a cold, freezing even. He then noticed what she was wearing. She still had on her outfit from earlier, but she had put on gloves and taken off the high heels. She had came up to his chest without her heels, making her about 5’5. She also had a burgundy scarf around her neck, covering her artistic tattoos. On her shoulder, she had a black backpack that looked filled to the point of being overstuffed. “Yes, I am cold. I didn’t even notice,” Ed answered rubbing his cold nose. “Well, with you running from that brute and his gang of mutts,” taking off her scarf and putting around him, “I wouldn’t notice either.”

    Edward smiled softly and thanked her for the scarf. He looked at his watch and noticed it was late. He had to go to work in the morning, but he wanted to stay. Luna looked at him curiously and asked for his phone. He obliged and handed his phone. He saw her type and heard a vibrate. “You answer me although I never ask you questions. What am I?,” she asked looking up at him. He answered quickly, “Telephone,” he was surprised and intrigued by her riddle. Since the first time he saw he, she had been in his ever thought. “Now I have your number,” she bit her lip, smiling, “So you can expect a phone call from me very soon.” He nodded in a daze. She was the first woman to show interest in him, other than for work and school. She began to back away, still grinning at him. He called out to her as she began to walk out of the alley, “Hey! You forgot your scarf!” “Keep it. That way next time we meet you can give it back. It’s also something to remember me by,” she said slyly, turning back to look at him. Edward watched her walk off, her hips swaying heavily, making him flustered in the cold night. ‘My life is going to be very hard if she’s always looking like that.’  

    Edward went back into the club to go home. As he was trying to get by the sweaty bodies, he heard Flass yelling for him. He managed to creep around the furious group and made his way outside to his car. Once he arrived home, he remember the scarf and sniffed it. Shea butter, Chocolate, and cinnamon exploded his senses, making him picture the alluring woman. He took off the scarf and laid in bed. He had one thought on his mind before he dozed off, ‘Luna, what a beautiful name for a beautiful gir- woman.’

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