Chapter 1

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She see money all around me

I look like I'm the man, yeah

But I was down and out like last week

Tell me where have you been?

You came out of hiding, girl

Don't act like I'm your man

You just a fan, you don't hold rank

Don't hold no rank” - Crew by Goldlink

    Crew was blaring inside the club. The atmosphere had a sexual, wild feel to it and the outside was covered with drunk people and loners waiting for their friends. There was a line outside waiting to go in the club, mostly men who were excited to go in. In the crowded parking lot, there stood Edward Nygma. Edward looked down at the address written in chicken starch and thought ‘Why did I agree to this’.

    He was invited to come by Arnold Flass and gang. “Just come by, We’ll wait for you inside”, he said, “I’ll even by your first drink”. Ed was nervous, he’d never done these things before. He would just go home reading a book, doing a puzzle, eat dinner, and go to bed. Not to mention he wasn’t a very social person, people think it’s weird to spit out a riddles like he did. But that’s how he is, and he can’t help how he is. He looked at the paper again and looked at the name of the club, Laugh and Strip. ‘What an interesting name for a club’, he thought as he dropped the paper on the ground and walked to the club.He went into the line and waited to go in.

    As he waited to go in, he overheard chatter from the other men. “I hope Enigma is there. I’ve been waiting for a week to see her”,speaking to the other man beside him. “Me too. Do you think she would get one of us on the stage with her like the other ones do?, said the other man. “Nah, I don’t think so. She never does that since she’s been working there, '' said the first man. ‘Enigma, what a coincidence’, he smiled, thinking to himself. 

    Once he got to the front of the entrance, a tall, burly bouncer stood with his arms crossed glaring at everyone he saw. He honestly made Ed anxious, by the way the bouncer narrowed his eyes at him, screening his demeanor and attire (Which was only a dress shirt and a pair of slacks). When it was his turn to go in, the bouncer stopped him and glare him, a sharp glare that pierced Edward’s soul. Then he moved aside and let the riddle- addictive man inside the club.

    The club … was as he expected. Bright- multi lights flashing the sweaty bodies, dancing to the club music booming in his ears. He could see there was an upstairs because people had to pay money to go up there. He felt claustrophobic as people started brushing, even grinding against him. Ed looked around for the bar and made the mistake of looking up at the ceiling. His mouth dropped open wide and his eyes burgled as he saw strippers dancing on poles half-naked. Edward couldn’t believe it, he had never seen anything like that before. ‘What kind of club did Flass send me too.’, He thought as one of the dancers locked eyes with him and winked. He looked at away flustered and headed to the bar to go meet Flass. 

    At the bar sat the group, each had a beer and were staring at the strippers above them. “Do you think he will make it?”asked one of the policemen with Flass, “ He doesn’t seem like the type to come to these places. He might chicken out.” “Well if he does, we won’t have  someone to pay for our drinks,''said Flass while drinking his beer, “And I plan on getting drunk and leaving with one of these bitches”. He leered at the girls dancing in the club section and smirked.” Well I’m not paying for your drink and taking you home, so that riddle freak better come-”, the policeman was saying as Edward came looking slightly edged. 

Ed came over to them smiling, specifically Flass, and said,’ Hi Flass, what kind of club is this? Also part carbon, part water, I am poison to the fishes many falsely claim my name, I am the pause that refreshes, What am I?” Flass blinked once, then twice, then said, “I’m too drunk for this just sit and get a drink man”. 

Edward frowned and mumbled”The answer is soda”,as he sat and asked the bartender for a soda. They say for about an hour and Edward felt lonely like they didn't even acknowledge he was there and got up to go. Suddenly, Arnold sneered and grabbed his arm, he spat,”Where did you think you’re going? The night’s not done yet, we haven’t even went upstairs yet. That’s where the main event is.” Edward gulped and was dragged to the stairs where another bouncer was located, collecting money from those eager to up there. The group paid the amount (Ed begurding), and went upstairs. 

The flat was large but dimly lit. It had tables with poles all around the room. In the very back, there was a stage with two poles and chairs around it filled with lustful, paying men. The place was crowded but not as much as the dancing club was, the upstairs was a secret to those who had those urges. There were women who were half- dressed wearing tiny clothing showing off all their assets. Some were dancing on poles, giving lap dances, and even performing on stage. Edward became flustered as women became to walk to the group and grabbed the arms of each of them, pulling them to one of the tables. The women proceeded to dance on them, the one on Ed was light-skinned with curly hair and a dark red, black corset with a dark red g string. She smirked and purred, “ Hi honey, my name’s Buttercup, what’s yours?” Edward was freaking out and replied,” Edward, excuse me I have to go to the bathroom”, and picked her up to set her down on the couch and left. Everyone stared at him and Flass said,” Fuck him, he better pay for my drinks later or imma get his ass”, and watched the girl on him dance.

In the bathroom, Ed was hyperventilating and splashed water on his face. He looked in the mirror and decided that he was going home. On his way out, he bumped into a small, yet soft figure. The figure had a long, hooded coat on, covering its face from Ed’s view. He jumped back startled and apologize while scurrying his way out of the dim hallway. The figure watched after him and grinned at his retreating form,”This is going to be fun, so much fun.”

    Ed kept running until he got close to the stage and took a breath, he did not want to cause any trouble. ‘Not with the trouble I have with Flass’, he thought, glancing towards their table. Out of nowhere, a booming voice startled Edward, and made his neck snapped in the direction towards the stage.” WELCOME COMERS,I WILL NOW PRESENT THE ONE YOU’VE BEEN ALL WAITING FOR: MISS ENIGMA!!” Men cheered and clapped as a hooded figure appeared on stage, walking very seductively to the main pole. ‘I’ve seen them somewhere before, where though?’, Ed thought as he watched the figure gently grab the pole, showing its small hands. Slow Grind started playing and the figure revealed itself by flinging off the coat. Hazel eyes locked its eyes on Edward and smirked.

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