Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A/N: This is going to be two parts, considering how long this chapter is. The next part will be posted soon.  Like and Comment!!

Luna woke up to see Ed gone. She stretched and smiled, rubbing sheets filled with Ed's scent. Her phone rang and she answered, "Hello."

"Luna, I need your help," a sobbing voice pouring into her ear.

Luna sat up and said, "Alex?"


Luna's P.O.V.

*4 years ago*

"I don't think we should be here, Moonie," a trembling voice said to me. We're walking from our shift at Laugh and Strip. Alex was 2 years younger than me, she wasn't even supposed to be stripping but she ran away from her abusive father and had to make a living. She was staying with me at my friend's house until we can get back on our feet.

"Why not? What could go so wrong? I mean, who is scared of the big bad Don Maroni? He can't do anything if he wanted to. He doesn't come to the clubs he owns, so why should we be scared of him," I said, smirking, walking back with my arms raised. Before I could mocked Don Maroni some more, I bumped into something hard like a chest.

I stopped in fear and looked at Alex. She was shaking, hugging herself. I felt a breath of the back of my neck and trembled. "So who do you think I do when I'm not at the clubs that I own, dearie," a smug, yet menacing asked. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him. He was in my face, bent towards me. He had a snarl on his face and his henchmen were behind him, shadowing.

"I-I-I I suppose you deal with more important things, Don Maroni. I mean, you are a powerful man who can get things done for the city," I said, backing away from him, slowly.

He grinned and rubbed his chin in thought. He, finally, looked at me, "You think so?"

I nodded and smiled nervously, "I think you should be the King of Gotham. You deserved it, doesn't he Alex?. I looked to her, she was shaking and silently crying. "Doesn't he, Alex," I repeated, pointly.

She looked at me and then at Don Maroni. She quickly nodded and said, "Yes, he should be considered as the King. Everyone should get on their knees and bow to him."

Don Maroni looked at his henchmen and laughed. They all laugh; Alex and I looked at each other and gulped. He looked back at us and demanded that we bow to him. Alex quickly got on her knees and bowed to him, while I stood there, hesitating. He frowned and stepped towards me. He repeated his demand with a roar, but still I stood,glaring at him. I bow to no one, no matter how powerful they are. His henchmen came closer to us, circling around us. They had guns to our heads and Don Maroni came up to me. "You refuse to bow to me like your little friend here," he said, gesturing Alex. I said nothing and looked down, continuing to stand in silence.

He looked at Alex then at me and grinned, menacily. He came up to Alex and placed his hand on top of her head, caressing her softly. "Y'all work at one of my strip clubs, right? Which one is it?," he asked Alex, softly.

Alex looked at me then at him, "Laugh and Strip," she whispered, scared for her life.

He grinned, "Oooo I love that strip club. That one has been the most successful in the last year," he said to his henchmen. He looked at me, "When did you start working there?"

I answered, quietly, "Last year."

He smirked and walked towards me, letting go of Alex. I sighed in relief, and saw that he noticed. I gulped in fear. He stood in front of me, I looked up to him, holding his gaze. He smirked, "So you're my money maker, then huh?"

I slowly nodded and glanced at Alex. One of the henchmen came close to her. They were rubbing her hair and looking at her hungrily. I said to the henchmen, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he looked at me, "She's 16, not legal, so I wouldn't think about it." The henchmen's eyes widened, as he took his hands off her and backed away.

Don Maroni smirked, watching the situation. 'This girl has balls. She could be useful while she's stripping at the club,' he thought to himself. He looked at Alex, interested. 'Bingo,' he walked back to Alex and held his hand out to her. Alex looked up to him and looked at me. I nodded and she accepted the hand. Don Maroni took hold of her shoulders and stood her in front of him.

He looked towards me, "You seem to have a way with words that make people do what you want. You are useful, you," he squeezed her shoulders, "and this girl. But I think I can give you another job, to addition of stripping."

I crossed my arms and asked, "What would be the job?" Alex's eyes widened with fear, as I disrespected Don Maroni.

He smirked, "You would be one of my assassins that people hired," he said, grinning,my body shaking in anger, " Then if you are one of the most requested, then I will make you apart of my crew."

I flipped my anger and gritted my teeth, "And what if I don't agree to this," I said.

He snarled and gripped Alex's shoulders hard, tears coming out of eyes as she tried to keep quiet. My eyes widened in fear, and I stepped closer to them. Guns cocked as guns were pointed to me. I stopped and glared at him, with hate- filled eyes. He laughed, evilly, "I will kill you and your little friend here."

"You would lose business," I gritted out, "Lots of business. Is it worth the risk?"

He, looked up in thought, and yelled, "Why of course, dearie! You, my darling, have potential to be great under my rule. And when I finally, kill Don Falcone, I will rule all of Gotham and need people to support me. You will be of use to me during my rule. So, yes!!"

"I have no training," I said.

"You will get trained before you go out on requests" he nodded.

I thought about this decision and looked at Alex. She was staring at me, crying. She didn't need to go through this. She's pure and innocent. I sighed and agreed. He shouted in joy with his forced henchmen.

I looked at Alex and took a step closer. He glared at me and kept his grip on Alex. "Oh what did you think was going to happen? I let go of this girl. Oh no, I need something to make sure you're doing your job, efficiently," he began to rub Alex's shoulders, "Besides, this girl is cute and will be of use to me later.

I yelled, "You bastard," rushing towards them. My arms and body being held tightly by the henchmen, stopping my pursuit. Don Maroni grinned and walked him and Alex to a car, her struggling and pleading to see me.

I struggled to get out of their hold, but no vail. He pushed her in the car and gave me one final grin. "I'll be in touch, dearie. Make sure you picked up the phone when I call." He got into the car and closed the door. THe car rolled away from the lot we were in.

The henchmen let go of me and gave a phone for contacting Don Maroni. I snatched the phone and cried, falling to the ground. The henchmen walked away and I screamed to the sky, thinking her, that poor innocent girl. I stopped crying and made a promise to help Alex get from Maroni hold, and kill that bitch Maroni.

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