Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A/N: Part Two

Luna woke up to see Ed gone. She stretched and smiled, rubbing sheets filled with Ed's scent. Her phone rang and she answered, "Hello."

"Luna, I need your help," a sobbing voice pouring into her ear.

Luna sat up and said, "Alex?"

"Hey, Luna," Alex asked, quietly.

"I haven't heard from you in like 2 years and I'm trying to figure out where you've been, "

"Well you know I'm just hanging in there. Don Maroni is making me shoot at targets now, so that's fun. I'm fine though. How have you been?" shuffling was heard in the background.

"I'm fine, but what I want to know is where are you? I'm going to get you out of there. I promised I would," Luna said, standing from the bed. She was walking to her coat and putting on her shoes. Luna wanted to get Alex out of and away from Don Maroni's control.

".....Luna you know I can't let you do that," more shuffling in the background, "I just wanted to check on you"

"If that's the case, then you wouldn't have said I need your help," Luna snapped, writing a note to Ed, saying she left to run some errands. She left the loft and started to walk to the gun shop. She didn't want to worry Ed with her mess, this was her fault and she needed to fix it.

"Well, I didn't mean to say that. You know how I am," Alex whimpered and Luna heard a faint grunt. Like someone was instructing Alex to talk to her.

Luna stopped walking and listened closely, "Alex?" Low whispers crackled through the phone as she listened for Alex's response.

"Yes?," Alex whispered. Luna knew she was in trouble but thought it would dial down as Luna kept doing her part of the deal.

(A/N: I'm using google translate, don't hate me if it sounds wrong.)

"Où es-tu? vous fait-il mal?" Luna said in french. She knew Maroni was Italian so she couldn't say it in Italian. Shuffling was heard as a growl echoed through the call. Luna could make out the words "what is she saying?" before she heard Alex start to cry.

"........Il ne lâchera pas. Il a dit qu'il ne me laisserait jamais partir. Je suis dans un endroit sombre et froid. Veuillez aider" Alex whimpered but spoke quickly. Luna gasped as she looked around her without moving. "Il te regarde. Il vous a vu au club. Je pense qu'il regarde en ce moment."

Hearting racing, she sighed and said, "Hand him the phone." More shuffling was heard as an evil chuckle that sounded through the phone.

"Ciao, my little moon. Heard you were talking to my darling. How are you?" he asked. His deep voice gritted her nerves as she began walking faster to her destination.

"I don't why don't you answer that for me. Apparently you know what I've been up to." Luna snipped at him.

Maroni chuckled, "Ah , so my bunny has been telling some of my secrets without discussing it with me", just to tempt Luna.

Luna rolled her eyes, "All those years ago, you don't remember you saying that you were going to keep an eye on me?"

"Don't get smart. You obviously don't know what I'm capable of, or do you darling?" He growled.

"I know but you can at least let me see her. She's been away for 2 years, going on three. You think I don't want to see her." Luna gritted her teeth. She was tired of this back and forth with this man.

"Well maybe.... If you kill Fish Mooney" he said.

Luna stopped walking, "What?"

"You heard me, it's a simple request," he smirked.

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