Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When we got to the employee door, I grabbed my key and opened the door. As we walked in, A loud boomed sounded the room, "WHO THE FUCK IS HE??!!"

I turned to my friend Emerald and smiled nervously, "This my man, bitch."

Emerald was a small, afro-Latino woman who was short and very mad. She had almond-colored skin with navy curly hair. She looked about 17 but was 25. Her body was curvy but strong. She had on a short pink crop top saying Little Honey and a tiny black short, over her outfit, she had a gray shawl and wore slides. Her arms were crossed as she scowled at the two,but mostly at Edward.

Edward didn't know what to think of her except 'she looks like she's about to kill me'. Luna wasn't concerned as she walked towards her and hugged her, lifting her body off the floor. Emerald looked at Luna and laughed and kissed her on the lips. Technically, it was a peck but the way Emerald looked at Luna, it seemed like she wanted to do more.

Emerald gently pushed Luna off of her and stood back, "Where have you been? I know you worked while I wasn't here, but why haven't you called or texted me?" Emerald looked hurt and glared at Ed. Ed looked away at the dressing room.

Luna took Emerald by the shoulders and leaned into her face. Whispering, she said in Italian, "Ho cercato di trovare Alex. Sai che devo trovarla prima che quel figlio di puttana la uccida." Emerald gasped and glanced at Ed, Luna grabbed her face and locked her eyes with her. Luna shook her head no and looked knowingly at her. Emerald sighed and nodded, understanding. Emerald was in the same position as Luna, as Maroni has her oldest son working for him. She's been forced to train and kill people for him for 9 years and she hated that Luna got dragged into it like she was.

Emerald straightened herself up and walked to Edward. Edward, slightly wary, looked at her with curiosity. Emerald stared at him for a moment before leaning up to peck him on his lips. Edward gasped and blushed, looking at Luna. Luna laughed and came over to them, resting her head on Edward's shoulder. Emerald chuckled and stuck out her hand, "Sorry about before. I'm pretty protective over this one and never met you before. I'm Emerald."

Edward shook her hand, hesitantly and introduced himself, "You're fine. I would be worried if I met someone new with Luna. I'm Edward Nygma." Emerald's eyes widened before laughing at the irony.

Luna rolled her eyes and shook her head at Edward's confused face. Luna sighed and took his arm, dragging him to her room. Emerald waved happily at the couple, looking sad when they left. She should be happy for Luna but she couldn't help and worry about the girl. She knows how Don Maroni can be with his girls considering she was one of the oldest. She was kidnapped when she was 15 and started working for him when she was 16. Maroni, though kidnapped her, took her off the streets and gave her a purpose. She did like her job after being forced to do it, but it was when she got pregnant with her son Antonio, that she knew she couldn't continue that lifestyle. Don Maroni, being the man he was, saw her as his prized possession. He showed her all his business partners. She had been numb but she remembers meeting Don Falcone during one of those periods. He seemed sad and looked worried about her wellbeing. Emerald wondered what he would have thought seeing her now: having two children, working at a strip club, and still being under Don Marani's thumb for so many years.

"Emerald!!" she exhaled a breath, preparing herself for her performance. She had always been nervous when stripping, though she has been doing it for 3 years already. She didn't feel her body was good enough for men and their demands. That's probably one reason for her kidnapping, she had let Maroni take because she didn't feel worthy of the world. She walked into her room and stared in the mirror. 'You would want you? You're just a child, wearing adult skin. Someone could take advantage of us, be wary of them,' Her thought scrambled in her mind as she started to hyperventilate. Emerald closed her eyes and counted to 20, inhaling and exhaling after each number. Tears slipped from her eyes as her dark thoughts crept in mind, making her feel like she was free-falling. The only thing that could bring her back was her protector, saying calm things and soothing her insecurities.

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