Chapter 12

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A/N: I'm sorry about the long wait , again I have really bad writer's block. I am working on Bunny and the Wolf and it will be updated probably tonight (technically).  Again, sorry about the wait, Enjoy!!

A moment of silence filled the air before I said something that would either make him happy or mad. "I need a phone," I stated, he looked at me, "to call my children. I need the phone."

Jerome's eyes twitched.

Luna stood in front of Victor Zsasz and Penguin, crossing her arms at the new King of Gotham. "No," she stated, looking between the two, "Why should I join your little band of misfits, anyway? I've been trying to get out of this line of work for a while now, why go back to the same shit now?" Luna was fed up, she was tired of working under someone and didn't even want to continue killing for money anyway. She had a boyfriend, and she finally got Alex from under Maroni's thumb.


Luna was walking down the street from Edward's loft when her phone started to ring. She paused her walking and pulled out her phone. "Piece of Shit," made her sigh loudly. 'What could he want?' She answered the phone, "What?!"

"No need to be feisty, little girl," shuffling was heard in the background as she could make out loud groans of pain and chains rattling, "I need you to come to the warehouse and stay there until I get there."

"What if you get there before I do?" Luna grumbled, already walking to the warehouse he was talking about. Her heels clicked on the ground as she knew she had quite the walk in front of her. "Just get there now, before little Alex loses a finger," Maroni's voice crackled through the phone. Luna rolled her eyes and confirmed she was coming.

Hanging up the phone, she sighed and looked at the distance from the warehouse. Feeling defeated, she continued her long stride to the far warehouse with thoughts of slicing Maroni's dick off.

Luna smiled in relief as she finally walked up to the large warehouse. She had come here plenty of times when she was killing people that would disrespect the Don. Surprisingly, though she was new, Luna knew how to torture people in sadistic ways. She would use knives, guns, and staples to hurt them, Maroni knew he had to keep her. Luna, apparently, had a bloodthirsty streak in her that Maroni brought out. She would kill hundreds of people to entertain the evil Don, her skills were helpful to him. Maroni found out she was good at anything he placed her in, whether assassination, torture, or acting as a bodyguard. He knew that she would do anything for that little girl, she, too, had a killing streak too that he needed for his growing empire. Maroni was never going to let her go, not as long as she keeps succeeding in her abilities.

"Maroni, what the hell do you want that needs my attention? Do you know how far this warehouse is from my house, damn! What, you want me to kill someone again, you know how to push the other project back a little because of a little man who calls himself Pen-" Luna stopped her rant as she saw the scene in front of her. Penguin, James, and Don Falcone were strung up by chains, surrounded by goth-looking guards (one being a young child), Fish Mooney embracing Don Maroni, and Maroni's lackeys standing guard behind him.

The chatter stopped as everyone looked at the attractive woman. James gasped silently, gaining Penguin, Falcone, and Selena's attention. Luna walked slowly to the embracing duo, briefly glancing at the detective, her thoughts were running wild as the man she was working for was hugging the woman she was supposed to kill. "Oh, Don Maroni, I didn't know you knew her," Mooney purred, letting go of the Don. Luna rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. Maroni looked surprised and got closer to the visibly uncomfortable woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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