Chapter 3

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      Small, but confident hands ran up and down his chest. He opened his eyes to see hazel, yet striking eyes looking back. Dark, red lips curled into a smirk and teeth bit into it. Edward lifted his hands to lay them on her back. Though she was straddling him, she leaned on his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat. ‘He’s nervous,’ she thought to herself. Luna grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her ass. “You can touch me, you know,” she leaned to whisper in his ear, “You can do anything you want to me bebé.” She then licked the shell of his ear, knowing she would get a reaction. He shuddered and put his other hand on her ass and squeezed. She sucked in a breath, her body burning for him. He looked at her and smashed his lips onto hers, finally tasting her sweetness. She moaned and eagerly kissed back; she started to grind against him. He grinded back harder and started to lay kisses up and down her neck, laying bruises in its wake. She moaned at the feeling,”Ed,” trying to push herself closer to him. ‘Luna,” she moaned again, ripping off his shirt. “Hold,baby,” he growled lifting up to suck on her nipples. “Eddie,” she squeaked, “Edward Nygma, I love y- BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” “Luna,” he said confusedly.

    He opened his eyes and sat up in his bed, breathing hard. He was blushing bright red and his dick was weeping from the vivid dream. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! He slammed his hand on the alarm clock. He glared at the innocent clock for ruining his dream. He looked at the time and saw he had two hours before he had to go to work. He laid back down and sighed, rubbing his eyes. He looked down at his dick and got up to take a very cold shower. 

    After his shower, he went to stand in front of the fogged mirror. He wiped the fog away and saw the other Ed. He didn’t know when the other Ed appeared in his life but he was supposedly his darker side. He wasn’t naked like Ed was, he had a very expensive dark green tailored suit with his hair slightly disheveled, like he was running his hands through his hair to give it its effect. “Having naughty thoughts, are you?,” he smirked, “Luna is a sexy woman. I can’t wait to snatch her up and fuck her.”

 “You’re not doing anything ‘cause you’re not real,” Ed shook his head, trying to get rid of the bad version of himself.

 “I’m just glad you don’t want Mrs. Kringle anymore,” he sneered,  “She was a real bitch. Probably better to kill and cut up.”

 “Mrs. Kringle is a nice woman. And you’re not killing no one,” he stammered, his water hair dripping water droplets.

 “O but you want to fuck Luna, don’t you? Lick, suck, bite, her body. Making her scream our name!” his voice gradually getting louder until he started shouting. 

Edward slammed his hands over his ears, blocking out the shouting. “Stop, stop stop stop STOP it,” he muttered and shouted. When he opened his eyes Ed was gone, he sighed and turned around to go get dressed.

 He jumped back, shocked as the other Ed was standing in front of him, sneering. “You will always be weak and that’s why she will never want you .No one will ever want you,” and prompting disappeared.

He sighed, feeling drained and walked back to his bedroom.He put on a grey dress shirt and black slacks; over his shirt, he put on a dark gray vest on top of it .Walking to the kitchen, he grabbed an apple and started to the door. He stopped to get his coat and saw the scarf sitting on one of his couches. He gently grabbed to scarf, feeling its soft material. He lifted it to his nose and breathed in its scent. He sighed and put the scarf around his neck, keeping it near his nose to smell its scent.     

    He breathed in and signed out its scent, ‘Luna’. He smiled to himself, walked out his apartment, and locked the door.On his way to work, he heard his phone ringing and looked at his phone. ‘I’ll call whoever calling back when I get to work.’

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