Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A/N: This chapter is one of the weirdest one I'll write, just fair warning. Kristen is a hoe in this fic. Enjoy!

6:00,’ he texted back, ‘Did you want to do something after I get off?’

‘I’m coming to pick you up. We’re going out to dinner. Nothing fancy,’ she replied.

‘Okay, see you then,’ he texted, walking in archive, smiling.

‘Bye ;),’ she replied.

Edward put his phone away to see Kristen standing in front of him with her arms crossed.

“Mr. Nygma, we have to talk,” she demanded, stepping towards him very closely.

Edward gulped. 

There was silence in the room, as Kristen and Edward looked at each other. Kristen’s arms were crossed and she was waiting for him to explain himself. 

Ed was so nervous that he couldn’t even remember the question. Kristen’s  intense stare struck him and he said,”Can you repeat the question,please?”.

Kristen rolled her eyes and slowly repeated the question, “Who was that earlier in your office?”

Edward smiled, “O, that was Luna,” he answered, smiling about the woman who had taken over his thoughts.

“Who is that though because I’ve never met her before?,” she asked, glaring even harder at Edward. She wasn’t jealous or anything but she was usually put first before everyone in Edward’s opinion.

“Well I met her at a club and she gave me her number. So we started talking and she came to my job to talk to me because she was worried, not having spoke to me in a while,” he explained, thinking about what him and Luna are going to eat for their date tonight.

While he was having these thoughts, Kristen started to frown. She didn’t like not having Edward’s attention for some reason. She hadn’t been wanting his attention until he started wanting this Luna person. Kristen thought that Luna was corrupting Edward because he didn’t act like his usual self: following her, telling her riddles, and getting her weird gifts. Now, he just gets what he needs for cases and goes about his business. And to be texting her on the job is so not him! This all started as soon as Luna came here with her tattooed and shapely figure. 

Kristen figured to give him what he’s been waiting for her to say for a while, no matter the consequences.

“Hey Ed, do you have anything planned this evening? Because we can go on a date tonight at 8 You know, watch a movie and go back to your place,” she purred, leaning close to him, touching his arm. At the moment, she didn’t care if Flass knew about this, because she could just start dating Edward. Ed would protect her from Flass.

Edward looked at her hand, touching his arm and suddenly felt that her touching, which was his dream, didn’t affect him. In fact, it disgusts him because he’s with Luna now. He was loyal and didn’t want to upset Luna with flirting with Kristen. Edward frowned at this thought and gently pushed Kristen’s hand off his arm.

Before Ed pushed her hand off her, Kristen felt his arm and squeezed, feeling his muscles. ‘Why didn’t I go for him before. He’s so strong and is a hunk! I can’t wait to see what he does to me in bed. I wonder how his chest feels like with me straddled underneath. His shoulders are broad now that I think about it. I bet he has a six-pack under all that nerdiness. He might even have a big dick too,’ she thought, not even noticing him taking her hand off him. She was imaging him fucking her, taking her over and over again. She wondered if he was a better lover than Flass because he was pretty lousy in bed. She needed someone to give it to her all night, maybe even blow out her back. Make her not walk straight for a week, she thought, licking her lips in a daze.

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