Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

He sat down and grinned at Emerald. Emerald lazily looked up at the character. The boy grinned and leaned into her face, "Why so serious, doll?"

Day 24: Everything has been different, calmer even. I feel more relaxed, not as stressed. I guess the pills they shove down my throat seem to be working. They say I have DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder, I have other people in my mine, alters they call them. I think differently, though, it's not my fault that lady wanted to steal from me, then accuse me of stealing from her. What a total bitch, she got what she deserved though. I guess that's why I'm stuck in here. My "therapist" told me to write down my thoughts and experiences while I'm in here, seems pretty legit. Mrs. Paix says that some of the doctors here are crazier than the patients and I should be cautious about what I say and do.

Some of my alters give me their names. My "protector's" name is Rosa, and she's the one who keeps me calm and at peace. My negative side's name is Sasha, and she continues to tear me down as I write this now. I don't know who else is in there but I'm beginning to accept this part of my side.

Don Maroni surprisingly hasn't called or sent anyone for me, so I guess I'm not needed. I just hope my sons are okay and not in harm's way. My therapist said I have several issues that need to be worked out before I leave and thinks I'm making great progress already. She said I need to meet more people who have my disorder to understand what I'm going through. Apparently, she had met Rosa and thinks that she's good for my body and mind. I told her about Sasha and discussed ways to keep her from consuming my thoughts and actions. Mrs. Paix said I need to accept her and help her work through her anger. I have a lot of traumas, and she and Rosa were created to help me cope with the trauma. She's my danger and self-loathing thoughts to the world and myself. I just hope she doesn't hate me for experiencing the things I went through.

Anyway, I met a friend on my fourth day here, and he's okay. I mean he makes a lot of jokes that aren't funny and threatens people for ridiculous things, but he's nice to me at least. He confuses me, though like he's hard to read sometimes. He's also very bipolar at times and gets angry if things don't go his way. I think he will be helpful in discovering myself and maybe I can find out why he's in here too.

"Doll, can you hurry up with that, so we can eat. I know you like to write but I'm hungry. I don't even know how you got paper and pen to begin with. I need your doc if I get those things too," a deep, dramatic voice startled Emerald, making her turn to the voice. Jerome leaned against the entrance of her room, crossing his arms. He had a grin on his face as if something was fanny, picking at his nails. He looked up and strolled in the room, plopping on Emerald's bed with a sigh. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

Emerald stared at the young man, in curiosity. He was interesting and insisted on bringing everywhere he went. I guess he liked her because he never blew up on her. "I can feel your eyes on me so finish up your writing and let's go dolly," he muttered. Emerald looked away with a sigh and finished her last thought.

I guess I have to go. I'm going to have lunch with Jerome, that's his name. I want today to be different, so I can find out a little more about Jerrome and what his intentions are. Rosa thinks it's a good thing to do, but just be wary when finding out stuff about him. Sasha thinks it's a bad thing to do and says I'm desperate for attention and need to go kill myself with the pen I'm writing with now. Well, bye for now.

I sighed and put the pen down, closing the book. I got up and walked to my bed. I stood over Jerome and put my book under the mattress, lifting Jerome slightly as he was heavy. When I was done, I walked to the door and waited for Jerome, leaning on the wall with my head down. I heard his heavy footsteps and kept my head down. Since I've been in here, I became timider to others, especially to Jerome. He may be younger than me, but Rosa wanted me to be cautious. She said not to provoke the younger man, don't look him in the eye.

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