Chapter 5

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“It’s so fucking wonderful to meet you, Ms.Luna, Ed said.

Ed looked at Luna with a wicked gleam in his eye. Luna was nervous as she was speechless and didn’t like whoever this person was. She knew it was still Ed, but she couldn’t figure out why he kept talking like he was someone different. She wanted her Ed back and wanted him now.  “Where the fuck is Ed?,” she asked, getting turned on by the hand slightly squeezing her throat.

“Why I’m right here. What do you mean, my luna?,” he answered, smirking at her hesitation.

“You’re not Ed. At least, you’re not my Ed. He’s nerdy, funny, and awkward. You’re none of that as I can see,” she snapped. She looked up to him, feeling hotter as he held her there. He obviously noticed her reaction and moved his other hand of her hip, gripping it hard. 

Edward leaned into her face, strawberry scent caressing her face, as he purred in her ear, “You seem like you like that version of him. Hmph, weird. People would usually like me better, but you are different from others, aren’t you?”

Ed squeezed her throat and hip once more before letting her go, stepping away from her and strolling to one of the tables in the lab. With his back to her, he hummed a tone similar to the old Batman theme song. 

Luna took a deep breath, relieved to be away from the man, she looked around the lab and then back to him. She glared and demanded him to tell him who her Ed was.

“Well, I am Ed, but is the other side to him, his darker side. Here’s a riddle. There was this group of guys and they robbed a bank. When questioned, they denied having any involvement in the crime. There was visual evidence, but the feed was blurred and inaccurate. It often made people see things that weren’t there. So,police still couldn’t figure out who robbed the bank. The only thing they found was, the men looked alike but every person had different hair color and acted different from each other. Who robbed the bank?,” he asked looking at instruments in the lab. He was trying to test her on intelligence and riddles. He knew she was smart but he needed someone to be on his level.

Luna, confused, thought about the scenario and its different possibilities. ‘Of course he would be a riddle man too,’ she thought, ‘Men that looked alike but are different people? Relatives? Twins? I got it!’

“Split personalities, the guy had split personalities and robbed a bank. That’s why they couldn’t find the suspect,” she guessed, watching him freeze and look at her.

    He smirked and slowly walked to her, “Yes, that’s the answer. Technically, I am a split personality of Edward’s mind, but I can stand on my own. I am as you can say a separate entity from his mind. I don’t need that nerdy little bitch to function in this world,” he growled out to her, getting back into her personal space. 

    While Edward was ranting to himself with his back towards her, Luna grabbed a syringe filled with a knock-out drug. She hid the drug behind her back while appearing frightened and troubled. Luna looked up to Ed when he stomped towards her, readying herself with the syringe. When he was close enough, she batted her eyelashes to him. “I don’t think you need him either. I think you can get rid of that child forever if you wanted to,” she purred in his ear,one hand touching his chest and the other tightly gripping the syringe.

    Edward smirked, obvious to her true intentions, and grabbed her waist. “I knew we would make a team, you and me. When we get rid of the nerd, why don’t we celebrate with fucking each others brains all night long and robbing banks, deceiving the people of Gotham city,” he said, prepared to start celebrating now.

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