Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

He sat down and grinned at Emerald. Emerald lazily looked up at the character. The boy grinned and leaned into her face, "Why so serious, doll?"

Edward sighed, feeling hesitant about doing this. Though Edward didn't like Ms. Kringle, it was clear to see that she was getting abused by Flass and Officer Dougherty. He hated bullies and pleaded to Kristen to leave Officer Dougherty, after seeing the bruises on her arms a few days ago.


Edward was making his way to the archive room when he interrupted Kristen and Officer Dougherty. They were kissing and Kristen gasped, seeing Edward. Edward blushed and waited for them to finish, thinking about Luna. When Officer Dougherty leaves, Edward walks up to Kristen to give her files he needed for a case. Kristen nodded and began to pick up the files when Edward noticed the bruises. Edward gently grabbed her arm, pausing her in her task. Kristen smirked at him, thinking that he finally wants her after seeing her kiss Officer Dougherty. Edward examined her arm, frowning before looking at Kristen's face. "Kristen, did Officer Dougherty give these to you?" Edward asked the woman. Kristen snatched her arm back and held it to her chest, looking away.

"Edward, why do you want to worry about something like that when you should be worried about me," Kristen then began to finger-walk her hand down his chest, Edward grabbed her hand gently and brought it to his chest, bringing her closer to him. He had a serious expression on his face and it made Kristen stop her antics. Ed leaned down and examined the bruises in detail. Ed didn't like abusers as he and Luna were abused, so seeing this to his former crush was unsettling. Edward raised his hand, Kristen flinched and looked away in fear, and brought it down to soothe the pains in the arm. Kristen looked back in shock, but Edward was focused on her arm. This made Kristen reconsider Edward because she always knew he liked her, but when Luna came around, he began to brush her off and it frustrated her. Now she could see that he truly saw her as her friend and had always treated her with kindness, even if it annoyed her sometimes. Kristen was beginning to like Edward more for his character and charm and not his body.

"Ms. Kringle? Are you okay? Ms. Kringle?" Edward's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she gazed at his face. Edward nervously smiled and put her arm down, going to the door before looking back at Kristen. "Good evening, Ms. Kringle," and walked out thinking about asking Luna for dinner tonight, but in the back of his mind, Kristen's scared expression haunted his thoughts.

*Flashback ends*

Edward stared at Ms. Kringle's apartment in determination. Edward was a bit wary about his decision but thought it was right to do because he was a helpful person when he tried to be. He took a deep breath and started to Ms. Kringle's apartment, walking in the street. Before he could step on the sidewalk, he heard a loud, "Hey!!" and turned around to see Officer Doughtery storming his way. Just the person he needed to see anyway. Edward stood his ground as the fuming man stood slightly over him with anger. "You stalking my girlfriend, nerd?" Officer Doughtery questioned.

Edward replied, "No, I have no feelings for Ms. Kringle. I'm actually here to tell you to leave her alone and stop abusing her." He stared in Tom's eyes, he wasn't afraid, but a little wary because Tom was obviously bigger than Ed.

"Hmph maybe I will," Tom looked up to the sky, in thought, "Maybe I'll even fuck your little black friend Luna." Tom grinned cruelly, "She is a catch, isn't she? Saw her dancing at that club one night and got blown away. How could a girl like that be with someone like you? She must be a slut. She probably is, working at that club, sliding down the pole for anyone to see," Tom side-eyed Ed and grinned, "Snatch her up, fuck her."

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