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For what it was worth at least for a moment you had chosen me. For a moment I was the only one  you wanted.

J. Wangari

Jake for the first since he had gotten to know Miranda, saw Miranda sad.

She would keep quiet and brush it off when he asked if she was okay.

He knew she wasn't but he preferred to let her come to him.

He felt uneasy like something was about to happen.
They went shopping for the wedding.
They had chosen a date.
17th of March.

He seemed to be the only one excited about it though, but he assured himself by thinking that it would all pass.

Zayn was her first every thing.
It was natural for her to be sad after realizing it would all be over.

He took his cup to the sink and watched Miranda space out again.
"did you get a dress?"
He asked.

It took her about two minutes to answer.

"not yet. It seems to be so difficult to find one here.
I think I will borrow my mom's if all does not go well."
She said.

"you said that dress was hideous and you would not be caught dead in it."
He said.

" I know but if I don't find one by then, I will have to wear it."
She replied.

He looked at her lazily type on her computer and decided against starting a fight.

He would be calm about it.
It would all work out.

Congratulations showered him at work.
And he received them whole heartedly.

It was his day too. He had to enjoy it.

At four pm he picked up some lavenders in town and chocolate to go with them.

At 6 he was at home.
Miranda was still on her computer.
He tiptoed behind her and put his hands around her.
And kissed her.

" jeez Jake you would have given me a heart attack."
She said.

"did you not hear me come in?"
He asked.

"sorry my mind is so occupied with the wedding preparations and the deadline for the book."
She said.

He took the flowers and gave them to her.

"babe. That is so sweet of you."
She said.

And for a minute she was back.
For a minute she was the Miranda he knew.

He kissed her, her eyes, her cheeks and neck and all the way down.

When they lay in  bed, he was convinced he had her again.

"that was good."
He said.

"yes. But I would prefer we don't do this again. Untill the wedding at least."
She said.

"why? You like it."
He was puzzled.

"I know it makes no difference but I would feel cleaner by then. Deserving of wearing a white gown."
She got out of bed.

"are you saying I make you  dirty?"
He felt agitated.
Cheated, defeated.

"no. Jake that is not what I am saying."
She put on a dress.

"then what are you saying?"

He asked.

"please.... just.. let's not do this."
She said.

"you are different. You never said that before."
He continued.

"what do you mean I am different ?"
She looked at him now.

"you don't talk to me anymore.
You space out all the time
You hardly look at me anymore and you make me feel like this wedding is a burden to you?
Jeez Miranda, it is your wedding day too."
He said it all before he could stop himself.

"I don't. It is just so much work.
And I am actually feeling kind of sad because I am leaving my freedom, my youth, my family, all for you."
She said.

"all for me?
All for me?
You make it sound like I am punishing you.
You wanted this too.
You said yes
And mind you I am also leaving all of that behind for you. But unlike you I am excited because I am going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love. "
He said

" I'm sorry. I am exhausted. "
She sat on the bed. Her back facing him.

"no Miranda that is not it.
I have done my part as well but I know am not exhausted as you are.
You have changed since that day."

He got out of bed and went to face her.

"since what day Jake?"
Her voice was louder.

"since the day at the Ball.
I saw you that day, Miranda. You kissed him.
And I thought you had chosen me because you came back but I was clearly wrong.

You didn't. You haven't been yourself.
You are irritable and sad about I don't know what.
You are not like a woman that is getting married.

First it was the flowers , then the day, then the dress.
I know you hate that dress so why? "
He said.

" what are you talking about? "
She said.

" Miranda. Do you still love me? "
He asked.

He was standing half naked.

" yes I do. I do. "

But one look at her proved to him what he had been afraid of.
He had lost her and he had not realized it.

"no you don't. Not like you used to.
Miranda I want you to tell me the truth.
Do you still love him?"
He asked.
The floor was cold under his feet.

Miranda looked at him.
Tears in her eyes.
She was gone.

" yes. I do.
I'm sorry Jake."

He walked away.
Still half naked.
And heart broken.

Thank you for reading.

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