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Hello guys chapter before the end if the year for you. See ya in 2020 UNEDITED

Naruto (pov) before he left

"Hello? This is Naruto speaking."

"Mr Uzamaki? This is Dr Neji from Konoha Comfort Care."

I swallowed hard. Why was my grand ma hospital calling me?

"Yes this is there somthing wrong with my grandma? Are you the doctor that is taking over her case? Whatever it is please help her money is no longer an issue!"

There was a small pause on the other end with some small chatter.

"Dr Ming had to take a leave of absence, I have taking over your grand mothers charge."

There was another pause.

"Your grandmother is stable at the moment and I was calling to tell you that she is currently awake and has been asking for you."

I could feel tears falling down my eyes "Really! Thank you so much!"

"We also must speak to you about matters concerning her care....its very importent that you come now to avoid any future problems and trouble.

"Right! I...I am on my way."

I placed my personal cell phone back in ny pocket.

"Wait a min....what if they tell me no."

I ran out back into the room that the two uchiha brothers were in.

"I....I have to leave Sasuke....Itachi...there is somthing wrong with my grand ma..."

"Report back here early tomorrow morning. I shall text you the location."

I blinked "Text?"

Sasuke walked up to him and gave him the most top of the line cell phone (incert top line cell phone from where you live)

I nodded and head for the elevator since it was now fixed and left.

I jogged outside to my car and started the engine and flew down the road.

I proceeded to drive till I saw the flashing blue lights behind me.

"Dam it!" I pulled the car over and got out the registration and such that was already in the car.

Each car had full documentation and insurence regestered to every accounted vehicle. The fees and partal payments came out of our future cheaks. Of course if you quit or get terminated prior to full payment there are hefty fines.

I saw the officer approaching my car and I rolled down my window.

"Officer I am sorry I know I was speeding but I was rushing to see my grand mother."

The cop looked at me with his hat covering his hair and eyes.

"Twice in one day you get into a problem? Your just a magnet for trouble!"

The cop raised his hat off his head and i see a smirk on his face as well as his red hair.

"Garaa! Your a cop!"

"I am a cop of the Uchiha Corporation. Which is like FBI almost around here."

I just blinked and gave him my papers but he swatted them away and shook his head "You were going fast, but I pulled you over because I wanted to talk to you."

I could feel my face getting red and Garaa grinned "But I know you need to see your grandma....Konoha comfert care I take it?"

I nodded my head "How did you.."

"A guess, its the only care center near by."

"Ill escort you so you can see your grandma quicker without being beamed down. Then after you see her....You let me take you to a late dinner."

"There is this amazing ramen place called smack bun near there and they make amazing Ramen with a homemade Dashi stock or any other kind of flavor you can think of."

My mouth started to water "Ok!"

Garaa grinned "Follow me!"

Garaa got back into his car, blared his lights. With Naruto trailing behind him.

Normal POV

Both Sasuke and Itachi leered down from the building. Seeing the whole scene unfold in front of them.

Both if their eyes red and spining.

"It seems one of our pawns has gotten out of the gate....foolish dog." Itachi said his voice like venom.

"Why haven't we killed him yet?" Sasuke asked slightly irritated

"Because unfortunately little brother he has too much dirt on the both of us...doesn't mean we cant get rid of him quietly though."

Sasuke smiled slightly " The white and black kings are standing now the question long the gray pawn lives?"

Confused? Garaa is in alliance with both Sasuke and Itachi in the past so i know white and black make gray so I made him a gray pawn. I decided to use the game of chess as a metaphor to represent. See you all in 2020!

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