Seeing you

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Sasuke POV

I paced the floor in front of my desk. Debating to call Naruto and demand he come back here. But I knew I couldn't do that. I had to learn from my past mistakes and not order Naruto. He is a free bird, if i try to cage him...he will fly away.

Normal POV

" you have a plan?"

"Of course I do..... eliminate Garra!"

"And how do you purpose we do that?"

"Leave it to me!" And removes his phone from his pocket and dialed.

Naruto POV

I burst through the front door with Garaa on my tail.

" name is Naruto Uzamaki...I am here to see Tsunade Senju!"

The girl at the desk flintched at Naruto's tone but nodded meakly "Um...yes....of...of course"

"Um...Dr Neji?"

The girl with purple hair blushed crimson. "Yes that is my cousin. I...ill notify him that your here."

I could feel my face getting warm and quickly nodded my head.

The girl went behind the health curtain leaving us alone.

"So you swing both ways hm?"

I turned to Garaa stunned by the question "Um! Sorry what!?"

"Did you think she was attractive?"

"I....I dont know! And when did I ever tell anyone that I was gay?"

"I know your not gay Naruto your bisexual."

My face was a flame. 

The girl with the purple hair came out with a man with long brown hair behind her.

"Dr, Neji?"

He stuck his hand out. "Yes that is I, thank you for coming so soon Naruto. If you would like to come with me. We can discuss treatment plans and strtagy for your grandmother."

I simply nodded.

Neji turned to Garaa and they glared at each other. Naruto gazed from one to the other.

"Um...everything ok guys?"

They turned back to me with smiles on their faces "Everything is fine Naruto, I'll wait out here till your done."

"Follow me please."

Neji lead the way and I gast my gaze again at the purple haired girl behind the desk following me with her shyful eyes.

Garaa POV

I glanced down at the purple haired women and she glared back at me her purple eyes glowing.

She chuckled "So tell me, did you like my innocent girl act?"

"No Hinata, to be frank I did not like your little act. You only fooled him because he does not remember any of us yet.

Hinata leaned back into her chair a small smile on her face. "Perhaps dear Garaa, however...I am not one with blood on my hands....yet.

I glared at her in a more sinister matter. "Are you implying somthing?"

"Me? Now why ever would I do that? I can simply have my cousin Neji dirty his hands for me."

"Or perhaps he will kill you himself?"

Hinata smiled sadly "I wouldn't put it past him....thats why I will be the meek shy beauty before him and the devious killer in the dark."

"So thats your confession I take it? Your going to try to put us against one another till your the last standing?"

Hinata had a coy smile on her lips. Maybe....maybe not. It would not be so much fun if I told."

She glanced back to where Naruto walked through moments ago and signed.

A women then burst through the door with blond hair ans blue eyes. Tears rolling down her eyes. "Please! I need help!"

"Your a cop aren't you?!"

I nodded my head,both of our eyes back to normal.

"Please I need your help! Somone vandalize my car and I think ther still out there."

"Where is your car?"

"A 5 minute walk from here near the old overhead bridge."

"Lets go!" I turned back to Hinata "I"ll be back for Naruto."

And they both walked out of the door.

Hinata POV

I smirked as I watched the foolish red head leave the wing and outside.

I picked up my cellular phone and rediled the number that called a few moments ago.

"Hello Mr Uchiha! It is being done. Yes. Yes. Ill give you his head on a platter if you want? Yes! What do I want out of this?"

I paused for a moment and smiled "Naruto's sperm of course. I want Naruto inside of me."

To Be Continued

A/N Yeah....Hinata is not gonna be nice in this think Sakura was bad 😏 wait and see boys and girls


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