Dream 2

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Hello everyone! Here is an actual chapter for you all to enjoy! I hope you all enjoy it! Now as some of you may know this work of fiction WILL be different then my other works of fiction. But I do hope you all enjoy it still.

The Dream Sequence is Naruto in his past lives.

Dream Sequence

Naruto had many clients in this kind of work. But he always had a condom in hand and made sure whoever he was with used it. He could not risk his boyfriend Gaara catching anything.

He got the results last week that he was clean, so he knew he was in the clear. He missed quite a bit of work because of it. When his boss told him that a client would pay big bucks to be with him for the night. Naruto jumped at the chance. Gaara was a little leery about the whole thing. He could not tag along to make sure everything went well. Gaara had a double shift at the diner that he worked at. So he let Naruto go.

Even though his boss did not give him an alias on his client, he was informed that someone by the name Kakashi would pick him up and bring him to the designated location.

Naruto looked down at his call card again to make sure his boss sent him to the right place and turned around to a man named Kakashi "Um...so this is where your client wants me to meet him? Naruto asked while gulping hard.

Kakashi nodded his head "My master is in the shower,but he shall be out soon. Have a good evening."

Kakashi closed the door behind him.

Naruto stepped into a fancy hotel room. It was one of those rooms that was made for those who had big bucks. a chandelier with lighting crystal overhead, floors so shiny that it showed your own reflection, a king sized bed that was dressed beautifully with silk and satin. And a mini bar stocked with drinks and every booze you could think of.

Naruto decided to just pace back and forth till his client came out.

The door to the bathroom opened.

A raven haired man stepped out of the bathroom wearing a black robe around his body. Steam encircling the room, making the temp in the room go up a decent 10 degrees.

Black cobalt eyes met Naruto's blue sapphire eyes.

The man in the robe walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink. He glanced at Naruto and smiled "Your going to put a hole in the floor if you keep pacing like that. Come over here, I won't bite you. Not unless you ask for it."

Naruto walked toward him cautiously and slowly sat at one of the bar stools that was attached to the bar island.

"Now I know your not much of a drinker Naruto, so what would you like to drink?"

Naruto stared at him "Um...just water please."

The black haired man rose a brow at him but pulled a green small bottle of water from the mini glass fridge.

He handed the bottle to Naruto with smile on his face.

"I assume you did not just pay a lot of money for me to drink water with you Mr..."

"Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha!"

Naruto felt his heart beat quicken and his face turn slightly red. "Um..ok what would you like me to call you?"

Sasuke smirked and leaned over the island to grab Naruto's chin lovingly "I want you to call me Sasuke my love."

Naruto felt his throat tighten and felt a warm feeling go through out his whole body.

He swallowed "Sasuke, my love."

Sasuke eyes were shining with happiness at that moment and kissed Naruto fully on the mouth.

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