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chapter five

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i sit down on the couch as paige comes over and sits next to me.

"okay lexi so tonight you get to pick out of the hat for partners." my mom says.

when ever we do this someone else gets to pick their partner out of the hat. this month it's my turn. yayyyyyyy. my mom hands me the hat with the three of their names in it.

i put my hand in and mix them up a little. i pick up a paper and set the hat down. i open up the paper and see mom written across the paper. yayyyyyy. even better. my mom seems all sweet and innocent, but when it comes to family game night. ohhh god, you better be scared. she gets crazy competitive. she hates losing to these things and when she does, she gets even more competitive.

we usually have a movie playing in the background as we play. whoever got to pick out of the hat last month picks movie this month. that's just how the rotation goes. my dad picked out of the hat last month, so he gets to pick the movie. one of my dads favorite movies is grown ups and to our surprise, that's what he picks. he picks that like every time.

we then order pizza for dinner but that's usually a little later. plus we started a little earlier than we usually do today.

before we start playing my parents always put all of our phones into a basket so we don't get distracted. we place our phones in the bin, which is in the kitchen and head back into the living room. my mom picks the first game which is the game of life.

since this is a solo game there is no need for our partners yet. but if whoever wins one point is added on to the teams score. you obviously start at zero. and then by the time we are done all the games whatever team has the most points wins.

we went through the game quickly and my paige had ended up winning. which angered my mom off. so she was very determined to win the next game. so we then move onto the next game, which is go for it. this was a game that my mom used to play all the time so we always play it. me and my mom are both very good at it so we are guaranteed a win.

after playing that game i had ended up winning. which tied our scores: 1 to 1. we play a few more games until it was time to order the pizza. we take a break during this time which gives us a little bit of time to go back on our phones for a little.


i ended the facetime call and plugged my phone in. i head downstairs, wanting to find out why the guys wanted to talk to me.

"there he is." jack says with a smirk.

"what do you guys even want." i ask.

"well, we just wanted to talk to you about your new girlfriend." jack says, and i roll my eyes.

"for the last time she isn't my girlfriend!" i snap back at him.

"you want her to be." zach says with a smirk.

i sit there silently, knowing it's true.

"ohhhhh! he's not denying." zach says in a teasing tone.

"look. yes i like lexi. a lot, and i just met her and i feel like it's too soon." i say to them.

"it's not too soon." jonah says.

"how do you know that." i ask.

"because she likes you too." he says to me, and i roll my eyes.

"seriously. the way you look at her. and you don't think we can hear you guys flirting." corbyn says. "you guys even have a countdown until you will see each other." he adds.

"and you talk to her when eve-" jack starts, but i cut him off.

"okay, okay. i think i get it. i just don't know how to tell her." i say.

"while you guys are on facetime just tell her you like her." zach says nonchalantly.

"it's not as easy as that." i say.

"yes it is." zach says back.

"not really." jonah says.

"how?" zach asks.

"well, i can clearly see that he is nervous about it. then he obviously won't be confident and he is scared to tell her." jonah says.

"wimp." jack say, and then jonah lights hits jack.

"jack come on. that's definitely not going to help with confidence. and i can tell that she is nervous too. has she ever had a boyfriend?" jonah ask.s

"i don't know. she never really talks about one." i answer.

"just ask her." zach says.

"again it's not as easy as that. i can't just randomly ask her if she has ever had a boyfriend." i say, letting out a sigh.

"when you see her for the concert just ask her on a date. we can all clearly see that you like each other." corbyn suggests.

"yeah, that's a good idea. do that." jonah says.

"fine." i say.

"you make it seem like we are forcing you to tell her." corbyn says with a little laugh.

"no i'm not. i'm just nervous because i really like her." i say.

"go back to your girlfriend." jack says.

i roll my eyes at him walking back up to my room.

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↳ holy_sweet_jesus


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