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chapter eleven

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i smile as i hear what he says. i turn to him with a smile on my face.

"i would love to." i say with a big smile on my face.

he smiles back at me. i then give him a quick kiss on the lips. he again smiles at me. we turn around and he slips his hand into mine.

we then walk off the beach and back to my house. we get in and kick our shoes off by the front door.

"ughhh, i'm so tired." i whine.

"then go to bed." daniel says.

i slowly walk upstairs with daniel lagging behind. as i get upstairs i go right into my room. i grab shorts and a t-shirt.

"i'm gonna get a shower." i say to daniel.

"ok." he replies.

i walk into the bathroom and set my clothes down on the counter. i then wash my mascara off and get into the shower. once i'm done i put my pj's on and brush my hair and teeth, and do my skincare routine.

i walk out of the bathroom to see daniel buried in my covers sleeping. i smile and slowly get in bed next to him. i kiss his forehead.

"goodnight seavey." i whisper.

"goodnight." he whispers back, half awake half sleeping.

i smile and get under the covers. i close my eyes and try to fall asleep. i'm about to fall asleep, but then i hear a loud bang. i sit up to see daniel not next to me anymore. i look around my dark room and i make out the image of a person. i assume it's daniel. he notices that i heard and he looks over at me.

"sorry." he says, sounding guilty.

"it's fine. what happened?" i ask.

"i knocked something over." he tells me.

"it's okay." i say to him.

he comes back over to the bed and gets under the covers.

"i'm sorry for waking you." he says apologetically.

"i wasn't asleep, it's fine." i tell him.

"i still feel bad." he says.

i smile and shake my head. i lay back down and so does daniel. i fall asleep almost instantly.

the next morning

the next morning i wake up to a scream. i jump up to see daniel standing near my dresser and paige and her friend alyssa in my room.

"what the hell?" i yell.

"ahhhhhh! why is daniel seavey in your room." she screams.

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