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chapter thirty-four

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as i entered his room i sat on the couch. the tears streaming down my face.

"paige? what do i do." i ask her.

"i don't know, maybe it's just a misunderstanding. you should talk to him." she says.

"no i can't. literally just a couple nights ago daniel told me he would never cheat on me. i really thought that he was different. and i should have seen this coming, he was acting a little weird all today." i say, still in tears.

"lex, don't blame yourself. maybe you should come home." paige suggests.

"yeah. i think i should. mom did say if anything happened she wanted me home as soon as possible. i'm gonna get my stuff from the bus and then go to hotel for my things there." i say.

"ok." paige replies.

"i'll look for the next ticket out." i tell her.

"ok." she says.

"and paige," i start.

"yeah?" she questions.

"please don't tell mom. just not yet." i say.

"i won't." she says.

"bye." i say.

"bye." paige responds.

i end the call and put my head in my hands and start crying harder. by now my mascara is probably so messed up. i sit there for a couple minutes not really knowing what to do.

i then get up and go over to the mirror in the room. i grab a tissue and my water bottle and wet the tissue a little. i then start cleaning myself up because i had mascara running down my face. i made it look like i wasn't just crying and i left the room.

i was hoping the bus would be unlocked but it wasn't. shit. i walked back in and went to jon.

"hey jon, i was wondering if you could open the bus, i just had to get a few things real quick." i said nonchalantly.

"yeah." he says.

after a few minutes i'm in the bus. i start packing my things. thankfully jon had left and i was on the bus alone. i tried to pack everything as quick as i could. i didn't know how i was gonna get out of the venue, but one step at a time. i heard someone coming on the bus. think fast.

"hey lexi, are you alright?" jon asks.

"yeah, i don't think what i'm looking for is here. it must be at the hotel." i tell him.

"oh." he replies.

"i think i'm gonna go back to the hotel, i'm super tired to and what i'm looking for is super important." i say to him.

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