Arthur/Joker Having a Crush on You/How Would He React?

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This is my first piece for Arthur/Joker in general and I'm a bit nervous but I hope you all like it!!



I think his crush would develop rather quickly

He'd bump into you while checking the mail for his mother and he wouldn't be able to get your kind smile out of his head

Arthur would go out of his way to start running into more whether it be near the mailboxes of in the hallway and you caught on quickly--it was hard to tell if he knew he was being painfully obvious in following you around or if he thought he was being discrete

After a while, Arthur spent his spare time following you where ever you went

The store, work, the library; you always caught a glimpse of him

At first, you were very cautious about him but you were the one to start a conversation after a few weeks of seeing him everywhere

You purposely left out the fact that you knew he was stalking you though

Arthur could tell that you knew from the look in your eyes and he was just happy he didn't scare you away

Arthur's jokes are...unique

Most of them are in the "I shouldn't laugh, that joker is super inappropriate" but you find yourself laughing anyway and laughing hard

i.e that one joke in his journal "why did the old man like having insomnia? Because he didn't have to sleep with his wife."

Arthur loves the sound of your laugh, and his crush on you is much bigger now

Especially when you start telling him some of your own jokes you come up with

There's nothing better he can think of than laughing the night away with you

He loves how understanding you are

You don't look at him weirdly when he has his laughing fits

He loves that you're willing to help him

Arthur would go out of his way to get you gifts and take you out

He wants to spend all of his time with you and if he could, he would

You're the happiness in his life right now and as things progress, he can't see a future without you in it


Now don't get me wrong, this is still Arthur, but due to a series of unfortunate events he is much different

And he has a long way to go mentally

When he first sees you, he watches you closely

At first, there's a sort of battle on whether he should even pursue this or not

The process doesn't change much, he would still end up watching you for a while, interested to see what you do every day and how you act

Only Joker would purposely let you see him

And you would only see him when he wants you to

This will unnerve you a bit and Joker will enjoy seeing you scared

He does show himself eventually and he nearly scares the hell out of you

Only because you don't expect to see a guy in full clown makeup; specifically a guy who killed 6 people, one of them being on live television

I think that condones a bit of panic, you know? Like an "oh SHIT" moment if you will

Only when you realize his goal is not to kill you is when you calm down a bit

Joker radiates a lot more confidence and that confidence keeps you around

He seems so sure of himself and his actions, you find yourself intrigued

The jokes don't change, if anything they get worse on the "I REALLY shouldn't laugh this joke is super inappropriate" scale

For some reason, his darkest jokes seem to be the funniest

Joker can't pinpoint one thing about you that drew him in

There's so much about you that he can't get enough of

After a while, you aren't scared of him and he really likes that

Plus the fact that you seem to be ready to follow him to the ends of the Earth

It gives him a sense of power that he's never had before

He doesn't plan on giving that or you up anytime soon

He treasures your smile, your laugh, everything about you

The fact that you're genuinely interested in the way he thinks is something he can't fully wrap his head around

But boy does he love you for it

He enjoys your company and you enjoy his too

You both are like a perfect match~

||Author's Note: As of today, requests are temporarily CLOSED

I will still be updating this because I have requests still, I'm just not taking new ones until

1. I finish with my finals (which will be by next Thursday)

2. I finish most of the requests I have already

Thank you for being understanding~


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