Chapter 10

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Third Person POV
The four kids soon begin to fight Darth Vader. Myra came to as Leia and Han came to where she and her padawans are laying at.

"What's going on?" Myra asked.

"Luke and Angela are fighting Vader along with Jinn and Rosie. They're gonna get themselves killed, mother." Leia told her mother.

Myra's eyes widened at her horror. Soon, Lex, Ashoka, and Galen woke up and watched the fight in shock.

Luke and Angela noticed their mother has just woken up. Perfect distraction as Vader slice their arms and thrown them to the ground. They screamed in pain as Myra and Leia rushed to their aid. Jinn and Rosie got extremely angry and fought Vader the hardest until Vader was strong enough to slice Jinn's left leg and Rosie's right arm and fell to the ground, crying out in pain.

"Pathetic! Just like your fathers!" Vader yelled.

"Diablo." A woman calls his name.

Vader's eyes widened as he saw the one woman he was truly in love with...Terri. He wanted so long to see her. To call his name again.

"Don't do this. If you love me like you say you wouldn't hurt my children." He didn't say anything as he backs away from Jinn and Rosie.

"I know would never hurt me so please don't hurt my children."

Terri walks over to him and held his hand. He gasped as he held hers tightly. "I would never hurt you...I love you so much."

Then, Jinn and Luke looked at each other and nodded as they use the force to grab their lightsabers and stabbed Vader in the back and chest.

Terri's distraction has worked as Diablo fell to his knees as Terri smirked and pull out hers and with Myra standing next to her, they used their lightsabers and formed an 'X' and slice his head over. The Sith Lord is now dead.

"Mom! Dad's not waking up!" Rosie yelled as she was cradling Obi-Wan. Myra and Leia carry Anakin and Ashoka and Lex carry Obi-Wan. Terri picks up her son, which she surprisingly did. Han supported both Luke and Angela as they all hurry back to the ship and head back to Coruscant with Rex, Cody, and their clones.

Time skip....

"Having a robot leg isn't so bad. I bet I can move faster." Jinn said as he checks out his new leg.

"Yeah, get use to it." Rosie said as she checks out her new arm.

"Hey, Rosie! We match!" Angela giggled as she and Luke show off their robot arms.

"Be glad you walked away with minor injuries." Han said.

" care about us!" Angela teased him.

"Shut up!" Han blushed as Leia giggled.

"I still can't believe you guys are getting married." Katie said to Han and Leia.

Leia plays with her engagement ring as she was blushing dark red.

"The war is over. Time for new beginnings." Han said.

"That I agree on." Rosie said as she plays with her engagement ring. Her and Luke are also engaged.

"What would your dads think of this?" Manson asked as he wrapped his arm around Abby's waist.

"They will have a heart attack!" Angela smirked.

"And maybe kill y'all." Sophia added.

"No, he can't kill me but they will kill Han." Luke smirked at Han who only hits him. Chewie laughs at that remark.

Then, their parents enter the room. "So, how are you four feeling?" Myra asks Luke, Angela, Rosie, and Jinn.

"We're okay. Gonna have to get use to these new limbs." Angela said.

"Anyway, Luke, Leia, Han, and Rosie have something to tell you guys." Ian smirked as they glared at him.

"Tell is what?" Anakin asked.

"Well....the four of us are engaged and planning on having a wedding as soon as possible." Leia explained.

Their eyes widened at shock and happiness. Well, for Anakin and Obi-Wan, the shock came when their little girls are now engaged.

"You two better take care of our little girls or there will be hell to pay." Obi-Wan threatens the boys who gulped in fear and nodded.

"Ah, stop it! They'll be fine. But I'm so happy we're in-laws now." Myra smirked.

"That I can agree on." Anakin smirked as he wrapped his arm on Obi-Wan's shoulder who rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Anyway, you guys need to come to the Jedi Council, they have something to tell you all." Terri told the kids.

They all looked at each other before getting up and following their parents.

At the Jedi Council, Han, Ian, Abby, Xion, Sophia, Leia, Boba(now a bounty hunter, but a good one), Katie, and Chewie were awarded with medals for their bravery and sacrifice during the war. Then, they ask Luke, Angela, Rosie, Jinn, Manson, and Galen to stepped forward and officially ranking them as Jedi Masters. The youngest masters in history. Something their parents are extremely proud of. C3PO and R2 both cheered.

"Yes! We're Jedi Masters! Something I never saw coming!" Angela cheered as she hugged her friends.

"And they are starting the celebration! Let's hurry!" Sophia cried as they left the room with 3PO and R2, leaving their parents behind.

"So, our jobs are done. They're ready to face the galaxy." Terri sighed.

"I know. Does it make y'all feel old?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No." Myra and Anakin immediately spoke up.

"Me neither." Obi-Wan smirked.

"But sooner or later, we'll be dead." Ashlee said.

"No we won't." Omar exclaimed.

"Okay then, be ready to expect some grandkids." Ashoka smirked.

"Hey! I'm not even in my forties yet!" Myra yells out.

"We know. But next year, you will." Anakin teases his wife who only hits him on the shoulder.

"Don't remind me, Ani." Myra groaned.

"Let's go meet up with our kids." Padmé laughed as she left the room.

Soon, they caught up with their children and stand on a balcony, watching the fireworks and people all over Coruscant celebrating. Soon, the Force ghosts of Qui-Gon and Summer appeared and stood by their grandchildren. Master Yoda saw them and smile at them, knowing how proud they are of their children and grandchildren.

The galaxy is in peace once again and will be for now on.

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