Chapter 12

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Ten years later.....

Third Person POV
"I'm gonna catch you!" Seven year old Ben Solo is racing with his cousin, Ariana Skywalker, who is only five years old. The two kids were running around the grass area on Naboo as their parents watched. Rosie is currently six months pregnant with their second child, a boy they planning on naming Ezra.

"Man, I didn't expect to have a vacation like this." Han said as he lays next to Leia.

"Yup. Let alone our children getting alone very well." Leia added who was five months pregnant with their triplets, two girls named Lexi and Jaina and a boy named Jacen.

"I'm here!" Angela appeared with her three children, one of them is adopted. Along with her husband, Elliot Gray. Their seven year old son, Nathan, his six year old brother, Anakin(named after his grandfather), and her adopted daughter, Rey approach the group. Angela met Elliot in a bar back on Coruscant, during another bar fight. But Elliot came to her rescue and he's a smuggler, just like the Solo brothers and Abby. And they fell head over heels in love. Angela's currently pregnant with their fourth child, a girl they're naming Myra(named after her grandmother).

"Hey, Angie! Hello, Nathan, Anakin. Hey, Elliot!" Luke smiled as he greets his sister, brother in law, and nephews. Then, they looked at the little four year old Rey.

"So, is this the little girl you adopted?" Leia asked.

"I found her on Jakku and decided to take her since her parents abandoned her. Her name is Rey." Angela explained.

"Hello, Rey." Rosie smiled at Rey, who waved shyly.

"A shy one, huh?" Han smirked and Leia hits him upside the head. "Be nice!" Leia scolded him.

"She's a shy one but she'll come around once she's out of her comfort zone." Elliot said.

Then, Ben and Ariana came running and hugging Angela. "Oh! Hello, you two!" Angela giggled as she hugs her niece and nephew.

The children giggled before they saw Nathan and Anakin and hugged them. Then, they looked at Rey.

"Who is she, Aunt Angie?" Ariana asked.

"This is my daughter Rey, now be nice to her. She's new to our family." Angela told the two children.

"Hi." Rey finally spoke but she said it quietly.

"Hey! Wanna play with us?" Ben asked.

Rey's eyes perk up as she looks at Angela who nods and she, Anakin, and Nathan ran with Ben and Ariana in the field. Angela sat with her siblings and watch the kids play with each other.

"Sorry, we're late!" Sophia yelled as she and Ian came over with their daughter, Princesses Taré and Cordé (both identical twins at age five) and their son, Prince Ania (the eldest at six). Sophia is now Queen of Naboo as Ian runs with her as a King. The first male King.

"No, you're not, see Angela's new daughter, Rey. Ain't she a cutie?" Leia asks Sophia as they looked at Rey chasing after Ben as Nathan and Anakin chases after Ariana.

"Oh! She's adorable!" Sophia gushed as her three children join the fun.

Soon, they were watching their kids having fun. As somewhere in the palace, the grandparents were watching the whole time.

Then, Manson and Abby appeared with their daughter, Liyah, who is five years old. Then, Jinn, Kay, Tahiti, Galen, Xion, and Gwen joins in.

Kay Bennett is a fellow Jedi who joins them ten years ago and she is already declared a Jedi Knight. And later, dated Jinn and the two have gotten married and have a son, Obi-Wan(named after his grandfather, keeping the namesake), who is only three years old and Cecilia, who is only two. Soon, Kay is pregnant with twins, a girl they're naming Terri(named after her grandmother) and a boy they're named Quin.

Tahiti and Galen met when they return to their Twi'leks home planet. Tahiti is force sensitive so Galen decided to take him and make him a Jedi which he gladly accepts. They later got together and recently got married and Galen is seven months pregnant with their first child, a daughter they are gonna named Alina.

Xion met Gwen Bastion when they went to Tatooine and Gwen was indeed a slave to the surviving Hutt Clan. Xion convince his family to save her and take her in since her entire has been killed. Xion has been getting close to Gwen and they later got together and had twins, a girl named Lyra and a boy named Omar(named after his grandfather), both kids are now two years old. And Gwen is pregnant with a third child, a girl they're making Padmé (named after her grandmother)

"Well, look at our grandchildren." Myra sighed as she sat next to her husband.

"They're gonna be something one day." Anakin told his wife.

"But they're so cute! Even cuter that some of our grandchildren are named after us!" Padmé gushes as she watched her grandchildren chasing after each other.

"They're honoring us. It feels so nice to be honor." Omar sighed.

"Wait until they're older. They're changed."
Obi-Wan exclaimed.

"We won't be here long to see that." Terri sighed.

"I agree!" Omar exclaims out.

"Are you trying to say we gonna die one day?" Myra asked as she cross her arms.

"One day we will. And become part of the Force. It's gonna happen one day." Obi-Wan told her.

"One day." Anakin said as he watched his grandchildren and had a smile on his face.

"How did we get here?" Terri asked.

"I don't know but I'm glad we made it here and last long enough to see our grandchildren." Padmé replied.

They all sighed and watch their children and grandchildren having fun as 3PO and R2 joined them. The younger children pile onto the two droids and everyone was laughing at them. Even Chewbecca is having fun with his family.

At last...there is peace in the galaxy.

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