Chapter 5

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Angela's POV
I walked across the platform where Luke, Rosie, Jinn, Galen, and Xion were waiting in front of the ship.

"They're getting ready. I can't wait to see Kashyyyk." I said.

"Yeah. I promised Chewie to do this for him. He's with Sophia, Leia, and Manson." Rosie replied.

"Well, this is the first time for us. Our parents haven't been there in a while. It was around the time that Manson was born." Luke explained.

"And me!" Galen added.

"Right." We all said sarcastically.

"Brings back so many memories, doesn't it?" Mom asked Dad as they along with our other parents and R2.

"It does." Dad and Obi-Wan both replied.

"There they are. Ready to go?" Ashoka asked.

"Yes." We all said.

"Then, let's go." Terri ordered us and we board the ship and took off.

We landed on Kashyyyk, everything is so foreign. I can't wait to meet the Wookiees! We exited the ship and walked to Chewie's homeworld.

"I can't wait to see the baby Wookiee's." Rosie smiles.

"Yeah! I bet they will be so cute!" I agreed with her.

Then, I smell smoke and blood. Uh oh! I ran as fast as my legs take me and that's when I spotted the droids shooting at the Wookiee's. No! I pull out my lightsaber and start taking the droids down. Rosie joined me as she swing around the corner and took out six droids.

Our families' lightsabers and blasters came to life and they helped us. Wookiee soldiers fought back as well. The battle went on forever until it was over.

Some Wookiee's are severely wounded but still alive. I noticed the chief was struggling to stay alive. Rosie and I rushed to his aid. Rosie and the chief exchanged a conversation since Rosie can speak Wookiee. Then, the chief died.

"No! Who the fuck could have done this?!" I yelled at the top my lungs.

"Diablo. That's who." We all looked at Terri as she clung her fist in complete anger. "He's responsible for this mess."

"It's not your fault, Terri. Now, come on. There are survivors we need to help." Padmé assures her.

Terri's POV
After we tend to the injuries Wookiee's and burning those who have fallen, I sat down in the sand, looking at the water. I notice my family and friends sat by me.

"This can't keep happening." I spoke up.

"Diablo is basically killing those we are close with. He's gonna keep doing it until it's down between you, him, the kids, and Obi-Wan." Omar explains.

"I won't let him hurt my family!" Jinn yelled.

"I won't allow him to kill me and take my wife and kids. We stay together." Obi-Wan said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"We need to warn Leia, Sophia, and Manson. Them, along with Chewbacca, Han, Ian, and Abby need to come back from Alderaan." Anakin said.

"And someone needs to tell Chewbacca what has happened here." Xion added.

"Luke and I will send a hologram right now." Rosie volunteered.

Obi-Wan sat next to me as I lean into his shoulder. "Don't be afraid, Terri."

"I just don't want to lose you." I said softly.

"You won't. I love you."

"I love you too." We kissed before heading back to the ship, going back to Coruscant.

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