The Switch

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Virgil glared at the clock on the wall, his eyes fixated on the ever-turning handle that indicated each second passing towards his doom. No way in hell did he want to meet his so-called 'soulmate' that was universally assigned to his being. Why on earth would anyone want that? Can't we have the choice to meet them whenever?

"Whoever started this inescapable tradition must have loved the number 21," grumbled Virgil.

"Now, now, kiddo," his roommate sung as he passed by, "Don't you feel excited to finally see your soulmate?"

"No, actually." Virgil threw his head back and sighed, removing the headphones to better converse with Patton. "This is a stupid system and I wish to see the manager."

Patton only hummed in response, sliding the remainder of dirty dishes into the dishwasher, left from their small gathering earlier. Virgil had only invited the closest of friends to celebrate with him, as he did every year. The few cards scattered on the coffee table in front of Virgil had all included cheesy statements wishing Virgil and his soon-to-be-found soulmate a happy 'love at first sight'. Janus had slithered up to him unexpectedly at work today, giving Virgil a heart attack as he, and Remus, launched confetti bombs onto him (affectionately). The comforting advice he received from Patton's friend, Emile, helped Virgil calm down during the small party. As much as he disliked the fact of involuntary social activity, Virgil was somewhat excited to see what kind of person the universe had bonded him to.



"Roman calm down, you'll cause the neighbour's puppy to freak."

"Lo, not helping!"

'Lo' sighed for the 57th time so far; He was beginning to wonder whether Roman's soulmate could match Ro's restless energy; and whether the soulmate's roommate would be having an easier time handling the situation to occur. Logan read peacefully on the couch while Roman was positively bounding from room to room. He was in a frenzy of grooming himself in preparation for the Soulmate Switchover, as if it could help his soulmate disorientate afterwards. Logan's hair swept out of place once more, as Roman rushed past again in another outfit.

"Roman. Please take off the leather jacket and wear your pyjamas. Your soulmate will have to go to bed after the Switchover regardless of how well you present yourself for them."

"But Logan," Roman drawled as he flipped his hair back, "Wouldn't you want to present your best self for you One and Only?"

"You could find yourself in a polysexual and/or polyamorous relationship."

"I-," Roman paused. "Yes, you're right, but my point still stands without the singular reference!"

"And one would think that you'd have less energy after such a party."

"Are you kidding?" Roman dramatically gasped for Logan, only to receive an eye-roll, "Tonight's the most important night of my life so far, nothing could diminish this anticipation for midnight! Gosh, I feel like Cinderella, except the ball only starts to roll when the clock strikes 12!"

Logan returned his focus onto the scientific journal in his hands, his disinterest obvious towards what he finds as 'flimsy fantasy fairy tales'. Roman, however, began his chronological rendition of his beloved Disney songs, but centred specifically around finding love. Logan was seriously considering sleeping right then and there but was simply restrained by the obligation to assist with the Switchover. No matter, he can sleep after midnight.


His eye was starting to twitch with the heightening pulses of his heartbeat. He had already been doing his breathing exercises for his anxiety for the past 20 minutes. Patton was helping though, both breathing in sync as they both tried to relax while time ticked towards 12. Emotions rose in flurries, welling up in Virgil's chest as he struggled to laugh or to cry.

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