The Next Morning

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Virgil groaned as he stretched out his arm, coming to the reality of his soulmate enjoying sleeping positions on the side while Virgil much preferred lying on his back. Logan's brisk movement followed an alarm that had just woken Virgil up.

"I certainly hope my soulmate isn't so much of a morning person..." Virgil stood up and straightened the misshapen pyjamas, now clearly designed as some prince-like outfit. A little cringe-worthy, but cute nonetheless, was what Virgil had to admit.

"Alright...Princey," Virgil grinned at the innovative nickname, "let's see what your daily life has in store for me."

Exiting Roman's bedroom enlisted the sunlight to attack Virgil's eyes. Virgil groaned yet again; Is it clear that he isn't a morning person yet? Logan, however, was up and running as he spread out simplistic breakfast foods of toast, tea and jam. Sitting at the worn wooden table, Virgil stared warily at the few jars of jam that have occupied at least a quarter of the table surface. Logan caught him staring and muttered defensively about particularly enjoying this certain brand. Taking a seat in front of Virgil, Logan offered the perfectly toasted slices in front of him. Virgil took one with a smile, surprised at how easily the grin rose to Roman's face. Quietly buttering the toast (while Logan began to pile on some jam), Virgil placed the butter knife down and settled with deep breaths. Logan glanced up from the jam to notice how quiet "Roman" had gotten.

"... Roman's soulmate, my apologies for not asking of your name sooner."

"It's Virgil."

"Well, Virgil, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine... I just have some questions."

"Ah." Logan took a bite of his mountain of jam before continuing, "What is it that you wish to learn?"

"Tell me about Roman's life. And... him in general."

Logan chewed some more with a blissful look on his face. Swallowing, Logan began describing Roman's nature. From what Logan's analytical and emotionless insights had to offer, Virgil could imagine that Roman was the life of the party. A complete opposite to his personality, which is just fantastic. Note the sarcasm. Logan also happened to mention their shared degree course, which was chemical engineering. So the lad was a smart bean too; a perfect nerd. Logan finished describing Roman's more recent escapades, including the ruckus that was Roman's 21st birthday party, where Virgil became entirely convinced that he and his soulmate would never mix well. Virge had to wonder how Patton has taken to this sort of man, but then immediately dismissed any stress or worry over the matter. Patton surely wouldn't mind a person more alike to his bubbly personality. And he was right.


Roman awoke with a glorious stretch, listening to the bones of Virgil's body crack in complaint. He gritted his teeth, realising his soulmate was probably the most secluded and inactive person he could've ever met. Dark And Stormy Night certainly has a personality though... Roman could recognise, with fond familiarity, all of Virgil's hanging posters all over the bedroom. My Chemical Romance CDs were visible from where Roman lay, providing a chuckle towards the envisioned angsty bean of his soulmate. He could hear Patton rummaging around the kitchen area, seemingly preparing breakfast. Walking out of Virgil's bedroom rewarded Roman with the aromas of syrup and pancakes. Patton's delight with the new day was evident in his small skipping steps, the man quickly piling on the pancakes into a reasonable stack before serving them to Roman.

"Do you do this every day, pops? Cause this is wonderfully good." Roman felt the fluffy goodness melt in his mouth.

"Oh no, only once in a while. A while being every few days, or two, or one..." Patton slid into his own seat and began shovelling pancakes into his mouth as well. Roman struggled to pull away from his plate, finding his hunger for knowledge more insatiable than his current hunger for pancakes.

"Patton, could you tell me about Virgil?"

"Sure thing kiddo! Well, first off is that he enjoys alone time and he gets drained from social activities really quickly, secondly, he does this online course for an undergraduate degree in which he'll finish pretty soon, and thirdly, he loves cryptids and conspiracy theories which is most prominent to me since I can't keep up with him in that area."

Virgil's metaphysical body began to build up in Roman's mind, where Virgil looked pretty sad and quiet. The longer Roman pondered over Virgil's image, the more Virgil seemed to fade.

'This is my soulmate, my One and Lonely. Seems like the universe has granted me this opportunity to raise my chemically imbalanced romance to a perfectly romantic heaven. Prepare to be swooned!' With that decisive thought, Roman happily returned to his pancakes. Soon after, Patton jumped up in panic, having forgotten to head off to work at a café nearby. He waved goodbye to the light blue ball of energy as Patton rushed out the door, leaving Roman to finish their pancake mountain.


It was midday, and Virgil had yet to do anything drastically life changing. He had read news reports about soulmates catching impromptu flights and one-day road trips in order to reach their newly found loved ones, but he couldn't make that sort of journey.

'Sorry what seems to be my overly-romantic-gesture-prince type soulmate, but I can't afford that sort of thing.'

Logan had left Virgil with some map guides, seeing that Lo had important appointments made that day. Virgil could tell the maps were somewhat familiar, but distant enough to escape his memory. He racked his brains, struggling to picture America in all its' glory as a worldly map, when Virgil realised Roman and Logan could be living in another English-speaking continent altogether. Frantically searching for Roman's phone (which was somehow underneath the couch in the living room), Virgil managed to unlock it with face-recognition and with a sigh of relief, he had opened the Maps app to see the shape of America. But which exact state could he be inhabiting metaphysically right now?

'C A L I F O R N I A', specifically, the University of California in Berkeley. Well that's just perfect, the complete opposite again. Virgil groaned for the nth time as he fought the urge to bonk heads with the old couch. Perhaps Princey wouldn't mind taking an impromptu flight...

With nothing else better to do, Virgil re-entered Roman's room to explore the explosion of related Disney material further. Surprisingly, Virgil found that they have thespian mannerisms in common, as well as similar tastes in musicals. A ukulele accompanied the stacks of CDs piled neatly on the floor; jokes, it was rather a mess, but Virgil could see that Roman sang well - as if the honeyed voice wasn't evidence enough. It was getting really tiring to restrain Roman's voice box from bursting into song all the time; What sort of person has the energy to constantly sing?! And how on earth does Logan put up with him?

A thought occurred to him, and Virgil felt stupid for not having the thought occur sooner; Virgil went and wrote his number and address on a brightly coloured Post-It note, stuck to the centre of Roman's covered desk. After successfully completing 'Do Not Forget And/Or Lose My Soulmate' mission, Virgil calmed and ruffled through various leafy files laid on the desk, consisting of chemistry worksheets and... costume designs? These perked his interest; the subtle glitter was to blame. As was the brilliantly arranged prince-like design, complete with golden hues and an emboldened red sash, brightly coloured in effect of outshining the chemical formulas printed on the other side. Was Princey a natural fashion designer?

Virgil inwardly sighed, 'What a creative, outspoken person I am now bonded to.'

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